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lxde-base/lxdm gtk3
mail-client/claws-mail imap ldap
media-sound/audacious chardet
net-misc/networkmanager-pptp gnome
net-misc/networkmanager-openvpn gnome
net-misc/networkmanager-vpnc gnome
net-misc/remmina ssh freerdp
net-p2p/deluge webinterface
net-print/gutenprint gimp
sys-apps/calculate-client xfce
sys-apps/calculate-desktop xfce
sys-block/gparted dmraid fat jfs ntfs reiserfs xfs xfce
x11-drivers/ati-drivers qt4
x11-themes/tango-icon-theme -png
dev-qt/qtgui gtkstyle
xfce-base/thunar xfce_plugins_trash
xfce-base/xfdesktop thunar xfce_plugins_menu
xfce-base/xfce4-session -xscreensaver
x11-misc/light-locker upower
#need for xfce-base/thunar-1.2.0
gnome-base/gvfs gdu
#required by net-p2p/deluge-1.3.3
net-libs/rb_libtorrent python
#required by xfce-base/thunar-1.2.3[udev], required by xfce-extra/thunar-archive-plugin-0.3.0, required by app-misc/cl-xfce-meta-4.8-r2, required by app-misc/cldx-meta-11.12[-calculate_noxfce], required by app-misc/calculate-meta-11.12, required by @selected, required by @world (argument)
sys-fs/udev gudev
# disable introspection for install webkit-gtk,lightdm without update gobject-intraspction
media-libs/harfbuzz icu
net-libs/webkit-gtk -geoloc -gstreamer -introspection
x11-misc/lightdm -introspection