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# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/python-single-r1.eclass,v 1.13 2013/01/08 20:18:38 mgorny Exp $
# @ECLASS: python-single-r1
# Python team <>
# Author: Michał Górny <>
# Based on work of: Krzysztof Pawlik <>
# @BLURB: An eclass for Python packages not installed for multiple implementations.
# An extension of the python-r1 eclass suite for packages which
# don't support being installed for multiple Python implementations.
# This mostly includes tools embedding Python.
# This eclass extends the IUSE and REQUIRED_USE set by python-r1
# to request correct PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET. It also replaces
# PYTHON_USEDEP and PYTHON_DEPS with a more suitable form.
# Please note that packages support multiple Python implementations
# (using python-r1 eclass) can not depend on packages not supporting
# them (using this eclass).
# Please note that python-single-r1 will always inherit python-utils-r1
# as well. Thus, all the functions defined there can be used
# in the packages using python-single-r1, and there is no need ever
# to inherit both.
# For more information, please see the python-r1 Developer's Guide:
case "${EAPI:-0}" in
die "Unsupported EAPI=${EAPI:-0} (too old) for ${ECLASS}"
# EAPI=5 is required for meaningful USE default deps
# on USE_EXPAND flags
die "Unsupported EAPI=${EAPI} (unknown) for ${ECLASS}"
if [[ ! ${_PYTHON_SINGLE_R1} ]]; then
if [[ ${_PYTHON_R1} ]]; then
die 'python-single-r1.eclass can not be used with python-r1.eclass.'
elif [[ ${_PYTHON_ANY_R1} ]]; then
die 'python-single-r1.eclass can not be used with python-any-r1.eclass.'
inherit python-utils-r1
if [[ ! ${_PYTHON_SINGLE_R1} ]]; then
# This variable contains a list of Python implementations the package
# supports. It must be set before the `inherit' call. It has to be
# an array.
# Example:
# PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_5,2_6,2_7} )
if ! declare -p PYTHON_COMPAT &>/dev/null; then
die 'PYTHON_COMPAT not declared.'
# The list of USEflags required to be enabled on the chosen Python
# implementations, formed as a USE-dependency string. It should be valid
# for all implementations in PYTHON_COMPAT, so it may be necessary to
# use USE defaults.
# Example:
# PYTHON_REQ_USE="gdbm,ncurses(-)?"
# It will cause the Python dependencies to look like:
# python_single_target_pythonX_Y? ( dev-lang/python:X.Y[gdbm,ncurses(-)?] )
# This is an eclass-generated Python dependency string for all
# implementations listed in PYTHON_COMPAT.
# The dependency string is conditional on PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET.
# Example use:
# dev-foo/mydep"
# Example value:
# dev-python/python-exec
# python_single_target_python2_6? ( dev-lang/python:2.6[gdbm] )
# python_single_target_python2_7? ( dev-lang/python:2.7[gdbm] )
# This is an eclass-generated USE-dependency string which can be used to
# depend on another Python package being built for the same Python
# implementations.
# The generate USE-flag list is compatible with packages using python-r1,
# python-single-r1 and python-distutils-ng eclasses. It must not be used
# on packages using python.eclass.
# Example use:
# RDEPEND="dev-python/foo[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]"
# Example value:
# python_targets_python2_7?,python_single_target_python2_7(+)?
_python_single_set_globals() {
local flags_mt=( "${PYTHON_COMPAT[@]/#/python_targets_}" )
local flags=( "${PYTHON_COMPAT[@]/#/python_single_target_}" )
local optflags=${flags_mt[@]/%/?}
IUSE="${flags_mt[*]} ${flags[*]}"
#REQUIRED_USE="|| ( ${flags_mt[*]} ) ^^ ( ${flags[*]} )"
PYTHON_USEDEP=${optflags// /,}
# 1) well, python-exec would suffice as an RDEP
# but no point in making this overcomplex, BDEP doesn't hurt anyone
# 2) python-exec should be built with all targets forced anyway
# but if new targets were added, we may need to force a rebuild
for i in "${PYTHON_COMPAT[@]}"; do
# The chosen targets need to be in PYTHON_TARGETS as well.
# This is in order to enforce correct dependencies on packages
# supporting multiple implementations.
#REQUIRED_USE+=" python_single_target_${i}? ( python_targets_${i} )"
python_export "${i}" PYTHON_PKG_DEP
PYTHON_DEPS+=" python_single_target_${i}? ( ${PYTHON_PKG_DEP} )"
# @FUNCTION: python-single-r1_pkg_setup
# Determine what the selected Python implementation is and set EPYTHON
# and PYTHON accordingly.
python-single-r1_pkg_setup() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
local impl
for impl in "${_PYTHON_ALL_IMPLS[@]}"; do
if has "${impl}" "${PYTHON_COMPAT[@]}" \
&& use "python_single_target_${impl}"
if [[ ${EPYTHON} ]]; then
eerror "Your PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET setting lists more than a single Python"
eerror "implementation. Please set it to just one value. If you need"
eerror "to override the value for a single package, please use package.env"
eerror "or an equivalent solution (man 5 portage)."
die "More than one implementation in PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET."
if ! use "python_targets_${impl}"; then
eerror "The implementation chosen as PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET must be added"
eerror "to PYTHON_TARGETS as well. This is in order to ensure that"
eerror "dependencies are satisfied correctly. We're sorry"
eerror "for the inconvenience."
die "Build target (${impl}) not in PYTHON_TARGETS."
python_export "${impl}" EPYTHON PYTHON
if [[ ! ${EPYTHON} ]]; then
eerror "No Python implementation selected for the build. Please set"
eerror "the PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET variable in your make.conf to one"
eerror "of the following values:"
eerror "${PYTHON_COMPAT[@]}"
die "No supported Python implementation in PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET."
# @FUNCTION: python_fix_shebang
# @USAGE: <path>...
# Replace the shebang in Python scripts with the current Python
# implementation (EPYTHON). If a directory is passed, works recursively
# on all Python scripts.
# Only files having a 'python' shebang will be modified; other files
# will be skipped. If a script has a complete shebang matching
# the chosen interpreter version, it is left unmodified. If a script has
# a complete shebang matching other version, the command dies.
python_fix_shebang() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
[[ ${1} ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: no paths given"
[[ ${EPYTHON} ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: EPYTHON unset (pkg_setup not called?)"
local path f
for path; do
while IFS= read -r -d '' f; do
local shebang=$(head -n 1 "${f}")
case "${shebang}" in
debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: in file ${f#${D}}"
debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: shebang matches EPYTHON: ${shebang}"
debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: in file ${f#${D}}"
debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: incorrect specific shebang: ${shebang}"
die "${f#${D}} has a specific Python shebang not matching EPYTHON"
debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: in file ${f#${D}}"
debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: rewriting shebang: ${shebang}"
einfo "Fixing shebang in ${f#${D}}"
_python_rewrite_shebang "${f}"
done < <(find "${path}" -type f -print0)