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# ChangeLog for dev-python/pyflakes
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-python/pyflakes/ChangeLog,v 1.23 2012/11/09 16:22:17 idella4 Exp $
10 Nov 2012; Ian Delaney <> pyflakes-0.5.0.ebuild:
tests re-tested, pypy set to tests restricted, fixes Bug #No. #432560
23 Oct 2011; Raúl Porcel <> pyflakes-0.4.0.ebuild,
Drop ia64 keywords
13 Oct 2011; Pawel Hajdan jr <> pyflakes-0.5.0.ebuild:
x86 stable wrt bug #386067
12 Oct 2011; Tony Vroon <> pyflakes-0.5.0.ebuild:
Marked stable on AMD64 based on arch testing by Agostino "ago" Sarubbo & Ian
"idella4" Delaney in bug #386067.
20 Sep 2011; Mike Gilbert <> pyflakes-0.5.0.ebuild:
Restrict tests with Jython. Simplify dependencies. Patch by Arfrever.
04 Sep 2011; Dirkjan Ochtman <> pyflakes-0.5.0.ebuild:
Take some fixes suggested by Arfrever via the python overlay.
*pyflakes-0.5.0 (03 Sep 2011)
03 Sep 2011; Dirkjan Ochtman <> +pyflakes-0.5.0.ebuild:
Version bump to 0.5.0.
08 Jul 2010; Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <>
Set PYTHON_DEPEND. Simplify src_test().
07 Mar 2010; Samuli Suominen <> pyflakes-0.4.0.ebuild:
amd64 stable wrt #298977
04 Jan 2010; Christian Faulhammer <>
stable x86, bug 298977
*pyflakes-0.4.0 (30 Nov 2009)
30 Nov 2009; Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <>
Version bump. Set SUPPORT_PYTHON_ABIS.
11 Oct 2009; Fabian Groffen <> pyflakes-0.3.0.ebuild:
Merge from Prefix
04 Sep 2009; Patrick Lauer <> -pyflakes-0.2.1.ebuild:
Remove old
02 Mar 2009; Raúl Porcel <> pyflakes-0.3.0.ebuild:
x86 stable wrt #203596
02 Mar 2009; Tiago Cunha <> pyflakes-0.3.0.ebuild:
stable amd64, bug 203596
*pyflakes-0.3.0 (31 Jan 2009)
31 Jan 2009; Patrick Lauer <> +pyflakes-0.3.0.ebuild:
Bump to 0.3.0, fixes #257026
21 Oct 2008; Christian Hoffmann <> pyflakes-0.2.1.ebuild:
fixing HOMEPAGE (upstream apparently moved to trac)
31 May 2007; Lukasz Strzygowski <> pyflakes-0.2.1.ebuild:
Marked ~amd64.
22 Feb 2007; Piotr Jaroszyński <> ChangeLog:
Transition to Manifest2.
06 Jun 2006; Carsten Lohrke <> pyflakes-0.2.1.ebuild:
Fix use of nonexistent versioned virtual/python.
01 Apr 2006; Aron Griffis <> pyflakes-0.2.1.ebuild:
Mark 0.2.1 ~ia64
*pyflakes-0.2.1 (20 Feb 2006)
20 Feb 2006; Marien Zwart <> +metadata.xml,
New ebuild contributed by Qiangning Hong <>, closes bug