2012-09-07 22:06:07 +04:00
DEFINED_PHASES=compile configure install postinst preinst prepare setup unpack
DEPEND=opengl? ( virtual/jpeg virtual/opengl media-libs/libsdl[audio,video,joystick,X,opengl] openal? ( media-libs/openal ) vorbis? ( media-libs/libogg media-libs/libvorbis ) voice? ( media-libs/speex ) curl? ( net-misc/curl ) ) !dedicated? ( virtual/jpeg virtual/opengl media-libs/libsdl[audio,video,joystick,X,opengl] openal? ( media-libs/openal ) vorbis? ( media-libs/libogg media-libs/libvorbis ) voice? ( media-libs/speex ) curl? ( net-misc/curl ) )
DESCRIPTION=Quake III Arena - 3rd installment of the classic id 3D first-person shooter
IUSE=dedicated opengl teamarena +openal curl vorbis voice mumble
KEYWORDS=~amd64 ~ppc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd
RDEPEND=opengl? ( virtual/jpeg virtual/opengl media-libs/libsdl[audio,video,joystick,X,opengl] openal? ( media-libs/openal ) vorbis? ( media-libs/libogg media-libs/libvorbis ) voice? ( media-libs/speex ) curl? ( net-misc/curl ) ) !dedicated? ( virtual/jpeg virtual/opengl media-libs/libsdl[audio,video,joystick,X,opengl] openal? ( media-libs/openal ) vorbis? ( media-libs/libogg media-libs/libvorbis ) voice? ( media-libs/speex ) curl? ( net-misc/curl ) ) opengl? ( voice? ( mumble? ( media-sound/mumble ) ) ) !dedicated? ( voice? ( mumble? ( media-sound/mumble ) ) ) games-fps/quake3-data teamarena? ( games-fps/quake3-teamarena )
2012-09-17 00:09:30 +04:00
_eclasses_=base d40e074a6349af3ea5e937210630bdc1 eutils 6e25eb368f2a449bd6f5f8b55eadba30 flag-o-matic 2c938a1fe61ea9899a2b97ea1e065f5f games 52ccdf027c2f376f3b9241202fb426f8 multilib c2b85b5c63a44798c1e442147ac14c5c toolchain-funcs 53a27e9e8acf42332c82a7838d84773f user d0a4d0735a6c0183d707ca919bd72f28
2012-09-07 22:06:07 +04:00