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# ChangeLog for dev-python/chardet
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-python/chardet/ChangeLog,v 1.30 2013/09/05 18:47:09 mgorny Exp $
05 Sep 2013; Michał Górny <> chardet-2.0.1-r1.ebuild:
Clean up PYTHON_COMPAT from old implementations.
27 Aug 2013; Mike Gilbert <> -chardet-2.1.1.ebuild:
26 Feb 2013; Mike Gilbert <> chardet-2.0.1-r1.ebuild:
Create S as a subdirectory of WORKDIR to work around bug 459096.
18 Jan 2013; Mike Gilbert <> chardet-2.0.1-r1.ebuild:
Use HTML_DOCS variable.
18 Jan 2013; Mike Gilbert <> chardet-2.0.1-r1.ebuild:
Further simplify.
18 Jan 2013; Mike Gilbert <> chardet-2.0.1-r1.ebuild:
Simplify code a bit.
*chardet-2.0.1-r1 (18 Jan 2013)
18 Jan 2013; Mike Gilbert <> +chardet-2.0.1-r1.ebuild:
Convert to distutils-r1.
18 Jan 2013; Mike Gilbert <> chardet-2.1.1.ebuild:
Add warning about mask.
16 Jan 2013; Zac Medico <> chardet-2.1.1.ebuild:
*chardet-2.1.1 (16 Jan 2013)
16 Jan 2013; Ian Delaney <> +chardet-2.1.1.ebuild:
bump, this version supports only py2, closes Bug 449528
11 May 2010; Brent Baude <> chardet-2.0.1.ebuild:
stable ppc64, bug 305183
16 Apr 2010; Brent Baude <> chardet-2.0.1.ebuild:
Marking chardet-2.0.1 ~ppc64 for bug 300741
05 Apr 2010; Raúl Porcel <> chardet-2.0.1.ebuild:
sparc stable wrt #305183
15 Mar 2010; nixnut <> chardet-2.0.1.ebuild:
ppc stable #305183
08 Mar 2010; Markos Chandras <> chardet-2.0.1.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 wrt bug #305183
02 Mar 2010; Jeroen Roovers <> chardet-2.0.1.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #305183).
23 Feb 2010; Christian Faulhammer <> chardet-2.0.1.ebuild:
stable x86, bug 305183
13 Jan 2010; Jeroen Roovers <> chardet-2.0.1.ebuild:
Marked ~hppa (bug #300741).
*chardet-2.0.1 (12 Jan 2010)
12 Jan 2010; Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <>
Version bump (bug #300743).
09 Jan 2010; Raúl Porcel <> chardet-1.0.ebuild,
Add ~arm
05 Nov 2009; Mounir Lamouri <> chardet-1.0.1.ebuild:
Keywording for ppc, bug 291423
10 Oct 2009; Fabian Groffen <> chardet-1.0.1.ebuild:
Merge from Prefix
18 Sep 2009; Markus Meier <> chardet-1.0.1.ebuild:
amd64 stable, bug #284999
16 Sep 2009; Christian Faulhammer <> chardet-1.0.1.ebuild:
stable x86, bug 284999
13 Sep 2009; Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <>
17 Jul 2008; Alexis Ballier <> chardet-1.0.1.ebuild:
keyword ~x86-fbsd
*chardet-1.0.1 (05 Jun 2008)
05 Jun 2008; Tiziano Müller <> +chardet-1.0.1.ebuild:
Version bump
06 Feb 2007; Simon Stelling <> chardet-1.0.ebuild:
stable on amd64; bug 163608
25 Jan 2007; Christian Faulhammer <> chardet-1.0.ebuild:
stable x86; bug #163608
*chardet-1.0 (01 Dec 2006)
01 Dec 2006; Steve Dibb <> +metadata.xml,
Initial import, bug 138324, thanks to Zhang Le