#!/bin/sh # gentoo-setup.sh # # Version 1.2 # # A modified original Webmin setup.sh script to comply with Gentoo specifics # # Modification done by: PhobosK # # This script runs after the webmin archive is installed, and in the pkg_config() phase. # It does setup the various config files of Webmin depending on if it is # a new install, an upgrade or a reset. LANG= export LANG if [ -z ${wadir} ]; then echo "You can't run this script outside of the 'emerge --config app-admin/webmin' command." exit 1 fi # All things we do is from the Webmin install dir - $wadir cd $wadir # Are we hard resetting everything? # If yes, we do: # 1. Run the specific Webmin $wadir/run-uninstalls.pl # It runs all uninstall.pl files in every module's folder. # They delete all the set specific Webmin cron jobs. # If bumping you should go through these files using the command: # find . -name uninstall.pl -exec cat {} \; -print # 2. Delete the whole /etc/webmin content, keeping only the gentoo .keep_* files if [ "$reset" = "hard" ]; then echo "Running Webmin's specific uninstall procedures.. (Please ignore any possible errors)" (WEBMIN_CONFIG=$config_dir WEBMIN_VAR=$var_dir LANG= "$wadir/run-uninstalls.pl") echo "..done" echo "" echo "Deleting the content of user's config folder: $config_dir .." find $config_dir ! -name '.keep_*' -delete 2>/dev/null echo "..done" echo "" fi # Are we soft resetting? # If yes we do: # - Delete the $config_dir/config file so we get new config values if [ "$reset" = "soft" ]; then echo "Deleting the user's $config_dir/config file.." if [ -f "$config_dir/config" ]; then rm -f "$config_dir/config" fi echo "..done" echo "" fi # Get all available modules of this version allmods=`echo */module.info | sed -e 's/\/module.info//g'` # Get current Webmin version ver=`cat "$wadir/version"` if [ -r "$config_dir/config" ]; then upgrading=1 fi # Check if upgrading from an old version if [ "$upgrading" = 1 ]; then echo "Updating existant Webmin's config files.." # Get current var path if [ -r "$config_dir/var-path" ]; then _var_dir=`cat $config_dir/var-path` if [ -n ${_var_dir} ]; then var_dir=${_var_dir} fi fi # Get current perl path if [ -r "$config_dir/perl-path" ]; then _perl=`cat $config_dir/perl-path` if [ -n ${_perl} ]; then perl=${_perl} fi fi # Get old os name and version os_type=`grep "^os_type=" $config_dir/config | sed -e 's/os_type=//g'` os_version=`grep "^os_version=" $config_dir/config | sed -e 's/os_version=//g'` real_os_type=`grep "^real_os_type=" $config_dir/config | sed -e 's/real_os_type=//g'` real_os_version=`grep "^real_os_version=" $config_dir/config | sed -e 's/real_os_version=//g'` # Get port, ssl, ssl_redirect, no_sslcompression and keyfile port=`grep "^port=" $config_dir/miniserv.conf | sed -e 's/port=//g'` ssl=`grep "^ssl=" $config_dir/miniserv.conf | sed -e 's/ssl=//g'` ssl_redirect=`grep "^ssl_redirect=" $config_dir/miniserv.conf | sed -e 's/ssl_redirect=//g'` no_sslcompression=`grep "^no_sslcompression=" $config_dir/miniserv.conf | sed -e 's/no_sslcompression=//g'` keyfile=`grep "^keyfile=" $config_dir/miniserv.conf | sed -e 's/keyfile=//g'` # Update ACLs $perl "$wadir/newmods.pl" $config_dir $allmods # Update miniserv.conf with new root directory, mime types file and server info grep -v "^root=" $config_dir/miniserv.conf | grep -v "^mimetypes=" | grep -v "^server=" >$tempdir/$$.miniserv.conf mv $tempdir/$$.miniserv.conf $config_dir/miniserv.conf echo "root=$wadir" >> $config_dir/miniserv.conf echo "mimetypes=$wadir/mime.types" >> $config_dir/miniserv.conf echo "server=MiniServ/$ver" >> $config_dir/miniserv.conf grep logout= $config_dir/miniserv.conf >/dev/null if [ $? != "0" ]; then echo "logout=$config_dir/logout-flag" >> $config_dir/miniserv.conf fi # Remove old cache of module infos rm -f $config_dir/module.infos.cache echo "..done" echo "" else # Create webserver's new config files echo "Creating Webmin's new config files.." echo $perl > $config_dir/perl-path echo $var_dir > $config_dir/var-path # Create a totally new conf file cfile=$config_dir/miniserv.conf echo "port=$port" > $cfile echo "root=$wadir" >> $cfile echo "mimetypes=$wadir/mime.types" >> $cfile echo "addtype_cgi=internal/cgi" >> $cfile echo "realm=Webmin Server" >> $cfile echo "logfile=$var_dir/miniserv.log" >> $cfile echo "errorlog=$var_dir/miniserv.error" >> $cfile echo "pidfile=$pidfile" >> $cfile echo "logtime=168" >> $cfile echo "ppath=$ppath" >> $cfile echo "ssl=$ssl" >> $cfile echo "ssl_redirect=$ssl_redirect" >> $cfile echo "no_sslcompression=$no_sslcompression" >> $cfile echo "keyfile=$keyfile" >> $cfile echo "env_WEBMIN_CONFIG=$config_dir" >> $cfile echo "env_WEBMIN_VAR=$var_dir" >> $cfile echo "atboot=$atboot" >> $cfile echo "logout=$config_dir/logout-flag" >> $cfile echo "listen=10000" >> $cfile echo "denyfile=\\.pl\$" >> $cfile echo "log=1" >> $cfile echo "blockhost_failures=5" >> $cfile echo "blockhost_time=60" >> $cfile echo "syslog=1" >> $cfile echo "session=1" >> $cfile echo "premodules=WebminCore" >> $cfile echo "server=MiniServ/$ver" >> $cfile # Append package-specific info to config file. # miniserv-conf can be created by upstream or by us in src_install phase (see there). if [ -f "$wadir/miniserv-conf" ]; then cat "$wadir/miniserv-conf" >>$cfile fi # Create the default user allowed to login - root only login="root" if [ -r /etc/shadow ]; then #crypt=`grep "^root:" /etc/shadow | cut -f 2 -d :` crypt=x else crypt=`grep "^root:" /etc/passwd | cut -f 2 -d :` fi ufile=$config_dir/miniserv.users echo "$login:$crypt:0" > $ufile chmod 600 $ufile echo "userfile=$ufile" >> $cfile chmod 600 $cfile echo "..done" echo "" echo "Creating access control file.." afile=$config_dir/webmin.acl echo "$login: $allmods" > $afile chmod 600 $afile echo "..done" echo "" fi # Create start, stop, restart and reload Gentoo compliant Webmin scripts # We use sys-apps/openrc functions which is already pulled by sys-apps/baselayout # or systemctl if we run under systemd echo "Creating start and stop scripts.." rm -f $config_dir/{start,stop,restart,reload} # The start script in /etc/webmin (Gentoo compliant) cat <>"$config_dir/start" #!/bin/sh if [ ! -f "${pidfile}" ]; then if [[ -d /run/systemd/system ]] ; then systemctl start webmin.service else rc-service --ifexists -- webmin start fi fi END # The stop script in /etc/webmin (Gentoo compliant) cat <>"$config_dir/stop" #!/bin/sh if [[ -d /run/systemd/system ]] ; then systemctl stop webmin.service else rc-service --ifexists -- webmin --ifstarted stop fi END # The restart script in /etc/webmin (Gentoo compliant) cat <>"$config_dir/restart" #!/bin/sh if [[ -d /run/systemd/system ]] ; then systemctl try-restart webmin.service else rc-service --ifexists -- webmin --ifstarted restart fi END # The reload script in /etc/webmin (Gentoo compliant) cat <>"$config_dir/reload" #!/bin/sh if [[ -d /run/systemd/system ]] ; then systemctl reload-or-try-restart webmin.service else rc-service --ifexists -- webmin --ifstarted reload fi END chmod 755 $config_dir/{start,stop,restart,reload} echo "..done" echo "" if [ "$upgrading" = 1 ]; then echo "Updating other config files.." else echo "Copying other config files.." fi # This just copies and merges the Webmin's release config files, with user's in the /etc/webmin folder newmods=`$perl "$wadir/copyconfig.pl" "$os_type/$real_os_type" "$os_version/$real_os_version" "$wadir" $config_dir "" $allmods` if [ "$upgrading" != 1 ]; then # Store the OS and version echo "os_type=$os_type" >> $config_dir/config echo "os_version=$os_version" >> $config_dir/config echo "real_os_type=$real_os_type" >> $config_dir/config echo "real_os_version=$real_os_version" >> $config_dir/config # Turn on logging by default echo "log=1" >> $config_dir/config # Disallow unknown referers by default echo "referers_none=1" >>$config_dir/config else # one-off hack to set log variable in config from miniserv.conf grep log= $config_dir/config >/dev/null if [ "$?" = "1" ]; then grep log= $config_dir/miniserv.conf >> $config_dir/config grep logtime= $config_dir/miniserv.conf >> $config_dir/config grep logclear= $config_dir/miniserv.conf >> $config_dir/config fi # Disallow unknown referers if not set grep referers_none= $config_dir/config >/dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "referers_none=1" >>$config_dir/config fi fi echo $ver > $config_dir/version echo "..done" echo "" # Set passwd_ fields in miniserv.conf from global config for field in passwd_file passwd_uindex passwd_pindex passwd_cindex passwd_mindex; do grep $field= $config_dir/miniserv.conf >/dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then grep $field= $config_dir/config >> $config_dir/miniserv.conf fi done grep passwd_mode= $config_dir/miniserv.conf >/dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo passwd_mode=0 >> $config_dir/miniserv.conf fi # Disable SSL compression to defeat BEAST attack grep no_sslcompression= $config_dir/miniserv.conf >/dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo no_sslcompression=1 >> $config_dir/miniserv.conf fi # Make Perl crypt MD5 the default echo md5pass=1 >> $config_dir/config # Set a special theme if none was set before if [ "$theme" = "" ]; then theme=`cat "$wadir/defaulttheme" 2>/dev/null` fi oldthemeline=`grep "^theme=" $config_dir/config` oldtheme=`echo $oldthemeline | sed -e 's/theme=//g'` if [ "$theme" != "" ] && [ "$oldthemeline" = "" ] && [ -d "$wadir/$theme" ]; then themelist=$theme fi # Set a special overlay if none was set before if [ "$overlay" = "" ]; then overlay=`cat "$wadir/defaultoverlay" 2>/dev/null` fi if [ "$overlay" != "" ] && [ "$theme" != "" ] && [ -d "$wadir/$overlay" ]; then themelist="$themelist $overlay" fi # Apply the theme and maybe overlay if [ "$themelist" != "" ]; then echo "theme=$themelist" >> $config_dir/config echo "preroot=$themelist" >> $config_dir/miniserv.conf fi # Set the product field in the global config grep product= $config_dir/config >/dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo product=webmin >> $config_dir/config fi # If password delays are not specifically disabled, enable them grep passdelay= $config_dir/miniserv.conf >/dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo passdelay=1 >> $config_dir/miniserv.conf fi echo "Changing ownership and permissions.." # Make all config dirs non-world-readable for m in $newmods; do chown -R root:root $config_dir/$m chmod -R og-rw $config_dir/$m done # Make miniserv config files non-world-readable for f in miniserv.conf miniserv.users; do chown -R root:root $config_dir/$f chmod -R og-rw $config_dir/$f done chmod +r $config_dir/version # Fix up bad permissions from some older installs for m in ldap-client ldap-server ldap-useradmin mailboxes mysql postgresql servers virtual-server; do if [ -d "$config_dir/$m" ]; then chown root:root $config_dir/$m chmod og-rw $config_dir/$m chmod og-rw $config_dir/$m/config 2>/dev/null fi done echo "..done" echo "" # This executes all postinstall.pl for every module # If you do bump, you should look at the specific changes they do with this command in root folder: # find . -name postinstall.pl -exec cat {} \; -print # Generally they are safe to run 'cause they change only user's config in /etc/webmin # or setup some cron jobs if [ "$nopostinstall" = "" ]; then echo "Running postinstall scripts.. (Please ignore any possible errors)" (cd "$wadir" ; WEBMIN_CONFIG=$config_dir WEBMIN_VAR=$var_dir "$wadir/run-postinstalls.pl") echo "..done" echo "" fi # Enable background collection if [ "$upgrading" != 1 -a -r $config_dir/system-status/enable-collection.pl ]; then echo "Enabling background status collection.. (Please ignore any possible errors)" $config_dir/system-status/enable-collection.pl 5 echo "..done" echo "" fi