#!/bin/bash # Create a virtualbox modules tarball from a VirtualBox binary package. # We cannot download the package by this script because of the unpredictable # build number being in the filename. # # usage: create_vbox_modules_tarball.sh VirtualBox-4.1.18-78361-Linux_amd64.run [ -f "$1" ] || exit 1 VBOX_PACKAGE="$1" VBOX_VER="$(echo ${VBOX_PACKAGE} | sed 's@.*VirtualBox-\([[:digit:]\.]\+\).*@\1@')" sh ${VBOX_PACKAGE} --noexec --keep --nox11 || exit 2 cd install || exit 3 tar -xaf VirtualBox.tar.bz2 || exit 4 cd src/vboxhost || exit 5 tar -cvJf ../../../vbox-kernel-module-src-${VBOX_VER}.tar.xz . || exit 6 cd ../../.. && rm install -rf exit 0