.TH wacom\-tools 1 "5 Nov 2004" "Debian GNU/Linux" "Debian" .SH NAME check_driver \- Linux 2.6(.16+) userspace device rebinding helper. .SH SYNOPSIS .B check_driver driver devpath bustype .SH DESCRIPTION This is a \fBRUN\fP script that may be invoked from a udev rule to ensure the correct driver is bound to a particular device, in situations where a basic driver may bind to it first but a more specialised one is available. .SH EXAMPLE For the wacom device, a rule like this is used: KERNEL=="event[0-9]*", SYSFS{idVendor}=="056a", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/lib/udev/check_driver wacom $devpath $env{ID_BUS}" .SH COPYRIGHT 2006, Ron Lee . Created for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution. It may be freely distributed elsewhere.