# ChangeLog for app-dicts/myspell-lv # Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-dicts/myspell-lv/ChangeLog,v 1.22 2012/08/24 17:23:44 scarabeus Exp $ 24 Aug 2012; Tomáš Chvátal -myspell-lv-0.9.4.ebuild, myspell-lv-0.9.4-r1.ebuild: Stabilise latest. Remove older. *myspell-lv-0.9.4-r1 (23 Jul 2012) 23 Jul 2012; Tomáš Chvátal +myspell-lv-0.9.4-r1.ebuild: Revision bump to use new eclass. 17 May 2012; Alexis Ballier myspell-lv-0.9.4.ebuild: keyword ~amd64-fbsd 19 Apr 2012; Tomáš Chvátal -myspell-lv-20060316.ebuild, myspell-lv-0.9.4.ebuild: Update latvian dictionaries to stable as requested by latvian guys. Remove pseudonewer version that is actualy totaly fubared. *myspell-lv-0.9.4 (19 Apr 2012) 19 Apr 2012; Tomáš Chvátal +myspell-lv-0.9.4.ebuild: Add newest version of lv dictionary (even if the version string is lower). 27 Sep 2010; Mart Raudsepp myspell-lv-20060316.ebuild: Add ~mips 22 May 2010; Raúl Porcel myspell-lv-20060316.ebuild: alpha/arm/ia64/sh/sparc stable 13 May 2010; Joseph Jezak myspell-lv-20060316.ebuild: Marked ppc64 stable. 22 Jun 2009; Jeroen Roovers myspell-lv-20060316.ebuild: Stable for HPPA too. 30 Mar 2009; Raúl Porcel myspell-lv-20060316.ebuild: Add ~arm/~sh wrt #261064 12 Mar 2008; Christian Heim metadata.xml: Removing Kevin Quinn (kevquinn, #93689) from metadata.xml. 06 Jan 2008; Brent Baude myspell-lv-20060316.ebuild: Marking myspell-lv-20060316 ~ppc64 for bug 204587 02 Jan 2008; Raúl Porcel myspell-lv-20060316.ebuild: Add ~alpha/~ia64 25 Dec 2007; Jeroen Roovers myspell-lv-20060316.ebuild: Marked ~hppa for armin76. 01 Aug 2006; Simon Stelling myspell-lv-20060316.ebuild: stable on amd64 16 Jul 2006; Joshua Jackson myspell-lv-20060316.ebuild: x86 stable; for openoffice-2.0.3 09 Jul 2006; Kevin F. Quinn myspell-lv-20060316.ebuild: rearrange to avoid clobber of DESCRIPTION by multilib.eclass - thanks Mr_Bones_ for the heads-up 08 Jul 2006; Lars Weiler myspell-lv-20060316.ebuild: Stable on ppc. 23 Jun 2006; Gustavo Zacarias myspell-lv-20060316.ebuild: Stable on sparc 22 May 2006; Gustavo Zacarias myspell-lv-20060316.ebuild: Stick a ~sparc in 19 May 2006; Diego Pettenò myspell-lv-20060316.ebuild: Add ~x86-fbsd and ~amd64 keywords. *myspell-lv-20060316 (01 May 2006) 01 May 2006; Kevin F. Quinn +metadata.xml, +myspell-lv-20060316.ebuild: New ebuild for Latvian myspell dictionary