fence: Multiple symlink vulnerabilites fence contains multiple programs containing vulnerabilites that may allow local users to overwrite arbitrary files via a symlink attack. fence September 29, 2010 September 29, 2010: 01 240576 local 2.03.09

fence is an I/O group fencing system.

The fence_apc, fence_apc_snmp (CVE-2008-4579) and fence_manual (CVE-2008-4580) programs contain symlink vulnerabilites.

These vulnerabilities may allow arbitrary files to be overwritten with root privileges.

There is no known workaround at this time.

Gentoo discontinued support for fence. All fence users should uninstall and choose another software that provides the same functionality.

# emerge --unmerge sys-cluster/fence
CVE-2008-4579 CVE-2008-4580 rbu craig a3li