# ChangeLog for app-backup/burp # Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-backup/burp/ChangeLog,v 1.2 2014/12/01 16:31:34 aidecoe Exp $ *burp-1.4.26 (01 Dec 2014) *burp-1.3.48 (01 Dec 2014) *burp-1.3.8 (01 Dec 2014) 01 Dec 2014; Amadeusz Żołnowski +burp-1.3.8.ebuild, +burp-1.3.48.ebuild, +burp-1.4.26.ebuild, +files/1.3.8-bedup-conf-path.patch, +files/1.3.48-bedup-conf-path.patch, +files/1.3.48-tinfo.patch, +files/1.4.26-bedup-conf-path.patch, +files/1.4.26-tinfo.patch, +files/burp.initd, +metadata.xml: Add initial version of the burp package. Import ebuilds from the aidecoe's overlay [1]. Add various versions at once: 1.3.48 is the latest stable version, 1.4.26 is the latest stable candidate and 1.3.8 is an old version for people who use burp on Debian and want to have the same version. Thanks for contribution to (in order by first name): - Aurelien Reynaud - Jared B. - Jeroen Roovers - Marcin Mirosław Thanks to perfinion for review. [1] https://github.com/aidecoe/aidecoe-overlay