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# Do not edit this file, it will be replaced on update
# If you need to make modifications to this unit file first make a copy in # /etc/systemd/system
# This file is part of the packaging of MythTV #
# MythTV is free software; view for more information.
# It is sometimes necessary to wait for a capture device to finish (hot)plug
# initialization before the backend starts. If this is necessary,
# create a Wants and After entry for all the capture devices that
# one wishes to wait to be created before the backend starts using the systemd
# device name mangling names (/dev/some/thing turns
# into dev-some-thing.device). These normally should be udev persistent
# filename rules to avoid confusion.
# See the MythTV wiki for udev persistent filename # discussions found at:
# In order to insure that systemd will create a device unit for the
# capture device, one must insure that udev will have the tag "systemd"
# (i.e. add TAG+="systemd" to the udev rule).
# The MythTV package ships with a default udev rule file located in:
# /lib/udev/rules.d/99-mythbackend.rules
Description=MythTV backend service mysqld.service
# Uncomment the following line if you will be using the mythweb plugin on the
# same system as mythbackend.
# Default setting assumes a system wide install. Otherwise it should be set to
# the folder containing the .mythtv subfolder containing the config.xml file
# Such as
# or
# systemd changes execution from the calling user (possibly root) to this user
# if you have permissions problems or obscure errors try logging in as mythtv
# See notes below
# Uncomment one of the following...
# Use sysloging rather than separate logging:
#ExecStart=/usr/bin/mythbackend --syslog local7
# If Type=forking you must specify the --daemon and --pidfile options:
#ExecStart=/usr/bin/mythbackend --daemon --logpath /var/log/mythtv --loglevel crit --pidfile /run/mythtv/
# Systemd sends stdout to syslog, and mythbackend has console logging enabled without --daemon.
# Send stdout to /dev/null so console logging doesn't go to syslog
# Default setting for Type=simple.
#ExecStart=/usr/bin/mythbackend --logpath /var/log/mythtv --loglevel crit
ExecStart=/usr/bin/mythbackend --loglevel notice
# Whether systemd will continue over-watch and restart on any halt