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# ChangeLog for dev-perl/Cache
# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-perl/Cache/ChangeLog,v 1.12 2014/08/23 21:31:53 axs Exp $
*Cache-2.40.0-r1 (23 Aug 2014)
23 Aug 2014; Ian Stakenvicius (_AxS_) <>
+Cache-2.40.0-r1.ebuild, -Cache-2.40.0.ebuild:
bumped EAPI to 5; committed directly to stable as no other changes present and
revbump helps stable systems to keep from dieing on perl-5.18 upgrade
24 Jun 2012; Torsten Veller <> metadata.xml:
Update CPAN upstream info
01 Mar 2012; Torsten Veller <> metadata.xml:
Add missing cpan remote-id tags in metadata.xml (#406287)
04 Sep 2011; Torsten Veller <> -Cache-2.04.ebuild:
03 Sep 2011; Torsten Veller <> Cache-2.40.0.ebuild:
Merge stable keywords from former version scheme ebuild
*Cache-2.40.0 (01 Sep 2011)
01 Sep 2011; Torsten Veller <> +Cache-2.40.0.ebuild:
Change version scheme
27 Dec 2007; Andrej Kacian <> Cache-2.04.ebuild:
Stable on x86.
14 Jul 2007; Christian Heim <> metadata.xml:
Assigning dev-perl/Cache to perl-herd, as chriswhite has been retired (#56211).
20 Oct 2006; Michael Cummings <> Cache-2.04.ebuild:
Marking amd64 stable
10 Sep 2006; Michael Cummings <> Cache-2.04.ebuild:
Keywording ~amd64
04 Aug 2006; Michael Cummings <> Cache-2.04.ebuild:
Adding perl dep; fixed DEPEND
*Cache-2.04 (17 Apr 2006)
17 Apr 2006; Chris White <> +metadata.xml,
Initial import into the tree. Depend of bug #118928. Thanks to distances and
Adam Penser for the ebuilds.