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# ChangeLog for dev-libs/qoauth
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/qoauth/ChangeLog,v 1.21 2013/04/02 20:56:16 ago Exp $
02 Apr 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> qoauth-1.0.1.ebuild:
Stable for ppc64, wrt bug #462890
02 Mar 2013; Markos Chandras <> qoauth-1.0.1.ebuild:
Move Qt dependencies to the new category
06 Sep 2012; Tomáš Chvátal <> qoauth-1.0.1.ebuild:
Mark ppc and ~ppc64. Per johu's request.
21 May 2012; Davide Pesavento <> qoauth-1.0.1.ebuild:
21 May 2012; Davide Pesavento <> qoauth-1.0.1.ebuild:
Use more qt4-r2 eclass features.
18 Feb 2012; nixnut <> qoauth-1.0.1.ebuild:
~ppc, preparing for #396359
17 Feb 2012; Davide Pesavento <> -qoauth-1.0-r1.ebuild,
-qoauth-1.0.ebuild, metadata.xml:
Remove obsolete versions.
13 Sep 2011; Pacho Ramos <> metadata.xml:
Drop maintainer due retirement, bug #278944
08 Nov 2010; Dominik Kapusta <> qoauth-1.0.1.ebuild:
Fixing bug #337643 for real. Missed sedding out test subdirectory when
test useflag is undefined.
20 Oct 2010; Christian Faulhammer <> qoauth-1.0.1.ebuild:
stable x86, bug 341277
18 Oct 2010; Markos Chandras <> qoauth-1.0.1.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 wrt bug #341277
16 Oct 2010; Dominik Kapusta <> qoauth-1.0.1.ebuild,
Disable functional tests that require network connection and rely on
3rd party external server (bug #341267).
16 Oct 2010; Dominik Kapusta <> qoauth-1.0.1.ebuild:
Adding x11-libs/qt-test conditional dependency to compile and run tests
(bug #337643).
*qoauth-1.0.1 (01 Aug 2010)
01 Aug 2010; Dominik Kapusta <> +qoauth-1.0.1.ebuild:
Version bump
20 Dec 2009; Dominik Kapusta <> qoauth-1.0-r1.ebuild:
Porting to qt4-r2.eclass
*qoauth-1.0-r1 (27 Nov 2009)
27 Nov 2009; Dominik Kapusta <> +qoauth-1.0-r1.ebuild:
Adding static-libs to IUSE
02 Nov 2009; Dominik Kapusta <> -qoauth-0.1.0.ebuild:
Removing 0.1.0 ebuild
02 Nov 2009; Markus Meier <> qoauth-1.0.ebuild:
amd64/x86 stable, bug #291430
03 Oct 2009; Dominik Kapusta <> qoauth-1.0.ebuild,
Removing _debug suffix for debug builds - bug #287489
*qoauth-1.0 (08 Aug 2009)
08 Aug 2009; Markos Chandras <> +qoauth-1.0.ebuild:
Version bump
*qoauth-0.1.0 (14 Jul 2009)
14 Jul 2009; Markos Chandras <> +qoauth-0.1.0.ebuild,
Initial commit of qoauth library