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# ChangeLog for dev-libs/rasqal
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/rasqal/ChangeLog,v 1.89 2013/04/13 08:09:33 ago Exp $
13 Apr 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> rasqal-0.9.29.ebuild:
Stable for sparc, wrt bug #464112
12 Apr 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> rasqal-0.9.29.ebuild:
Stable for ia64, wrt bug #464112
12 Apr 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> rasqal-0.9.29.ebuild:
Stable for alpha, wrt bug #464112
09 Apr 2013; Jeroen Roovers <> rasqal-0.9.29.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #464112).
05 Apr 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> rasqal-0.9.29.ebuild:
Stable for arm, wrt bug #464112
01 Apr 2013; Tomáš Chvátal <> rasqal-0.9.30.ebuild:
There is no actual reason not to use eapi5.
01 Apr 2013; Tomáš Chvátal <> rasqal-0.9.29.ebuild:
Stable on amd64, x86, ppc and ppc64 wrt bug#464112.
*rasqal-0.9.30 (01 Apr 2013)
01 Apr 2013; Tomáš Chvátal <> +rasqal-0.9.30.ebuild:
Version bump wrt bug#456406.
06 Jan 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> rasqal-0.9.29.ebuild:
Add ~sparc, wrt bug #449220
01 Jan 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> rasqal-0.9.29.ebuild:
Add ~alpha, wrt bug #449220
01 Jan 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> rasqal-0.9.29.ebuild:
Add ~ia64, wrt bug #449220
19 May 2012; Samuli Suominen <> rasqal-0.9.29.ebuild:
Fix bash syntax == to POSIX = wrt #416659 by Richard Yao
*rasqal-0.9.29 (19 May 2012)
19 May 2012; Samuli Suominen <> +rasqal-0.9.29.ebuild:
Version bump.
18 May 2012; Alexis Ballier <> rasqal-0.9.28.ebuild:
keyword ~amd64-fbsd
04 May 2012; Jeff Horelick <> rasqal-0.9.28.ebuild:
dev-util/pkgconfig -> virtual/pkgconfig
30 Mar 2012; Samuli Suominen <> -rasqal-0.9.27.ebuild:
05 Mar 2012; Markus Meier <> rasqal-0.9.28.ebuild:
arm stable, bug #404961
25 Feb 2012; Samuli Suominen <> rasqal-0.9.28.ebuild:
ppc/ppc64/x86 stable wrt #404961
21 Feb 2012; Agostino Sarubbo <> rasqal-0.9.28.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #404961
21 Feb 2012; Jeroen Roovers <> rasqal-0.9.28.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #404961).
20 Dec 2011; Samuli Suominen <> rasqal-0.9.27.ebuild,
Raise version requirement of raptor wrt #395229
*rasqal-0.9.28 (18 Nov 2011)
18 Nov 2011; Samuli Suominen <> +rasqal-0.9.28.ebuild:
Version bump.
18 Oct 2011; Samuli Suominen <> -rasqal-0.9.17.ebuild,
-rasqal-0.9.19.ebuild, -rasqal-0.9.26.ebuild:
18 Oct 2011; Samuli Suominen <> rasqal-0.9.27.ebuild:
ppc/ppc64 stable wrt #382641
17 Oct 2011; Markus Meier <> rasqal-0.9.27.ebuild:
arm stable, bug #382641
17 Oct 2011; Jeroen Roovers <> rasqal-0.9.27.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #382641).
05 Oct 2011; Andreas Schuerch <> rasqal-0.9.27.ebuild:
x86 stable, thanks David. Bug 382641
20 Sep 2011; Tony Vroon <> rasqal-0.9.27.ebuild:
Marked stable on AMD64 based on arch testing by Agostino "ago" Sarubbo & Ian
"idella4" Delaney in bug #382641.
*rasqal-0.9.27 (26 Aug 2011)
26 Aug 2011; Tim Harder <> +rasqal-0.9.27.ebuild:
Version bump. Add doc USE flag.
13 Aug 2011; Markus Meier <> rasqal-0.9.19.ebuild:
arm stable, bug #376893
09 Aug 2011; Kacper Kowalik <> rasqal-0.9.19.ebuild:
ppc/ppc64 stable wrt #376893
07 Aug 2011; Markus Meier <> rasqal-0.9.19.ebuild:
x86 stable, bug #376893
05 Aug 2011; Jeroen Roovers <> rasqal-0.9.19.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #376893).
02 Aug 2011; Markos Chandras <> rasqal-0.9.19.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 wrt bug #376893
29 Jul 2011; Samuli Suominen <> -rasqal-0.9.24.ebuild:
[This is a placeholder. Please ignore.]
*rasqal-0.9.26 (09 Jul 2011)
09 Jul 2011; Samuli Suominen <> +rasqal-0.9.26.ebuild:
Version bump.
03 Feb 2011; Kacper Kowalik <> rasqal-0.9.24.ebuild:
Add ~ppc/~ppc64 wrt #341149
*rasqal-0.9.24 (02 Feb 2011)
02 Feb 2011; Samuli Suominen <> +rasqal-0.9.24.ebuild:
Version bump.
*rasqal-0.9.22 (25 Jan 2011)
25 Jan 2011; Dror Levin <> -rasqal-0.9.20.ebuild,
Version bump, drop old.
27 Oct 2010; Markus Meier <> rasqal-0.9.20.ebuild:
add ~arm, bug #341149
25 Oct 2010; Raúl Porcel <> rasqal-0.9.17.ebuild,
rasqal-0.9.19.ebuild, rasqal-0.9.20.ebuild:
Drop ia64/sparc keywords
20 Oct 2010; Jeroen Roovers <> rasqal-0.9.20.ebuild:
Marked ~hppa (bug #341149).
*rasqal-0.9.20 (16 Oct 2010)
16 Oct 2010; Samuli Suominen <> +rasqal-0.9.20.ebuild:
Version bump.
11 Aug 2010; Tomáš Chvátal <> rasqal-0.9.19.ebuild:
Disable static libs.
03 Jul 2010; Samuli Suominen <> rasqal-0.9.17.ebuild:
ppc64 stable wrt #301306
*rasqal-0.9.19 (25 Apr 2010)
25 Apr 2010; Alexis Ballier <> +rasqal-0.9.19.ebuild:
version bump
18 Apr 2010; Samuli Suominen <> rasqal-0.9.17.ebuild:
amd64 stable wrt #301306
18 Apr 2010; <> rasqal-0.9.17.ebuild:
ppc stable #301306
06 Mar 2010; Raúl Porcel <> rasqal-0.9.17.ebuild:
arm/ia64/sparc stable wrt #301306
23 Feb 2010; Christian Faulhammer <> rasqal-0.9.17.ebuild:
stable x86, bug 301306
10 Feb 2010; Fabian Groffen <> rasqal-0.9.17.ebuild:
Marked ~ppc-macos
19 Jan 2010; Jeroen Roovers <> rasqal-0.9.17.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #301306).
10 Jan 2010; Raúl Porcel <> rasqal-0.9.16.ebuild,
Add ~arm
01 Jan 2010; Jonathan Callen <> rasqal-0.9.17.ebuild:
Add prefix keywords
*rasqal-0.9.17 (17 Dec 2009)
17 Dec 2009; Samuli Suominen <> +rasqal-0.9.17.ebuild:
Version bump.
22 Jun 2009; Alexis Ballier <> rasqal-0.9.16.ebuild:
keyword ~x86-fbsd
22 May 2009; Raúl Porcel <> rasqal-0.9.16.ebuild:
ia64 stable wrt #269523
21 May 2009; Brent Baude <> rasqal-0.9.16.ebuild:
stable ppc, bug 269523
19 May 2009; Brent Baude <> rasqal-0.9.16.ebuild:
stable ppc64, bug 269523
14 May 2009; Markus Meier <> rasqal-0.9.16.ebuild:
amd64/x86 stable, bug #269523
13 May 2009; Jeroen Roovers <> rasqal-0.9.16.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #269523).
12 May 2009; Ferris McCormick <> rasqal-0.9.16.ebuild:
Sparc stable, bug #269523.
12 May 2009; Samuli Suominen <> -rasqal-0.9.15.ebuild,
Remove USE debug which was bad idea to begin with wrt #263508, it needs
12 Mar 2009; Jeroen Roovers <> rasqal-0.9.16.ebuild:
Marked ~hppa (bug #260777).
21 Aug 2008; Friedrich Oslage <> rasqal-0.9.16.ebuild:
Add ~sparc keyword at user request, bug #234871
06 Aug 2008; Alexis Ballier <> rasqal-0.9.16.ebuild:
bump raptor version requirement, bug #234047
*rasqal-0.9.16 (05 Aug 2008)
05 Aug 2008; Alexis Ballier <> +rasqal-0.9.16.ebuild:
version bump
12 May 2008; Alexis Ballier <> rasqal-0.9.10.ebuild,
flex is only a build dep, and re add missing dep on latest ebuild, thanks
Diego, bug #221327
12 May 2008; Alexis Ballier <>
-files/rasqal-0.9.12-typos.patch, -rasqal-0.9.12.ebuild,
remove unused versions
21 Jan 2008; Alexis Ballier <> rasqal-0.9.15.ebuild:
We need dev-perl/XML-DOM for tests, adding the dep
19 Jan 2008; Samuli Suominen <> metadata.xml:
sound herd will take this ebuild.
19 Jan 2008; Samuli Suominen <> rasqal-0.9.15.ebuild:
Add support for dev-libs/dmalloc by using USE debug.
*rasqal-0.9.15 (18 Jan 2008)
18 Jan 2008; Samuli Suominen <> +rasqal-0.9.15.ebuild:
Version bump.
18 Jan 2008; Diego Pettenò <> rasqal-0.9.14.ebuild:
Add elibtoolize call.
28 Nov 2007; Markus Rothe <> rasqal-0.9.14.ebuild:
Added ~ppc64
04 Nov 2007; Christian Heim <> metadata.xml:
Assigning to maintainer-needed.
14 Jun 2007; Christian Heim <> rasqal-0.9.10.ebuild,
rasqal-0.9.12.ebuild, rasqal-0.9.14.ebuild:
LICENSE update (#181981 thanks to Carsten for noticing).
14 May 2007; Thilo Bangert <> metadata.xml:
add <herd>no-herd</herd>
*rasqal-0.9.14 (11 May 2007)
11 May 2007; Christian Heim <> metadata.xml,
Version bump, assigning dev-libs/rasqal to myself. Fixing the remaining
06 Jan 2007; Danny van Dyk <> -rasqal-0.9.6.ebuild,
QA: Removed unused versions.
15 Oct 2006; Aron Griffis <> rasqal-0.9.12.ebuild:
Mark 0.9.12 ~ia64
*rasqal-0.9.12 (02 Jul 2006)
02 Jul 2006; Mike Frysinger <>
+files/rasqal-0.9.12-typos.patch, +rasqal-0.9.12.ebuild:
Version bump and fix some typos #137532 by Joe Button.
02 Apr 2006; Mike Frysinger <> rasqal-0.9.10.ebuild,
Change USE=xml2 to USE=xml #116346.
*rasqal-0.9.11 (26 Feb 2006)
26 Feb 2006; Mike Frysinger <> +rasqal-0.9.11.ebuild:
Version bump.
*rasqal-0.9.10 (18 Oct 2005)
18 Oct 2005; Mike Frysinger <> +rasqal-0.9.10.ebuild:
Version bump.
*rasqal-0.9.6 (06 Feb 2005)
06 Feb 2005; Mike Frysinger <> +rasqal-0.9.6.ebuild:
Version bump and amd64 lovin.
*rasqal-0.9.4 (10 Nov 2004)
10 Nov 2004; Mike Frysinger <> :
Initial import. Ebuild submitted by me.