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# ChangeLog for sys-fs/lde
# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-fs/lde/ChangeLog,v 1.6 2006/12/21 16:56:13 vapier Exp $
21 Dec 2006; Mike Frysinger <> lde-2.6.1.ebuild:
Add amd64 love for Makis Marmaridis.
*lde-2.6.1 (30 Jul 2006)
30 Jul 2006; Mike Frysinger <>
+files/lde-2.6.1-no-shadowing.patch, +lde-2.6.1.ebuild:
Version bump and fix building with gcc-4 #141881 by Martin Mokrejs.
27 Apr 2004; Aron Griffis <> lde-2.6.0.ebuild:
Add inherit eutils
*lde-2.6.0 (26 Sep 2003)
11 Nov 2003; Mike Frysinger <> :
Small gcc3 patch ... some one had the bright idea to name a variable the same
thing as a struct ... gcc2 doesnt care but gcc3 does ;) #33150.
26 Sep 2003; Mike Frysinger <> :
Initial import. Ebuild submitted by me.