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# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# @ECLASS: multiprocessing.eclass
# Brian Harring <>
# Mike Frysinger <>
# @BLURB: parallelization with bash (wtf?)
# The multiprocessing eclass contains a suite of functions that allow ebuilds
# to quickly run things in parallel using shell code.
# It has two modes: pre-fork and post-fork. If you don't want to dive into any
# more nuts & bolts, just use the pre-fork mode. For main threads that mostly
# spawn children and then wait for them to finish, use the pre-fork mode. For
# main threads that do a bit of processing themselves, use the post-fork mode.
# You may mix & match them for longer computation loops.
# # First initialize things:
# multijob_init
# # Then hash a bunch of files in parallel:
# for n in {0..20} ; do
# multijob_child_init md5sum data.${n} > data.${n}
# done
# # Then wait for all the children to finish:
# multijob_finish
if [[ -z ${_MULTIPROCESSING_ECLASS} ]]; then
# @FUNCTION: bashpid
# Return the process id of the current sub shell. This is to support bash
# versions older than 4.0 that lack $BASHPID support natively. Simply do:
# echo ${BASHPID:-$(bashpid)}
# Note: Using this func in any other way than the one above is not supported.
bashpid() {
# Running bashpid plainly will return incorrect results. This func must
# be run in a subshell of the current subshell to get the right pid.
# i.e. This will show the wrong value:
# bashpid
# But this will show the right value:
# (bashpid)
sh -c 'echo ${PPID}'
# @FUNCTION: get_nproc
# @USAGE: [${fallback:-1}]
# Attempt to figure out the number of processing units available.
# If the value can not be determined, prints the provided fallback
# instead. If no fallback is provided, defaults to 1.
get_nproc() {
local nproc
if type -P nproc &>/dev/null; then
if [[ -z ${nproc} ]] && type -P sysctl &>/dev/null; then
nproc=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu 2>/dev/null)
# fallback to python2.6+
# note: this may fail (raise NotImplementedError)
if [[ -z ${nproc} ]] && type -P python &>/dev/null; then
nproc=$(python -c 'import multiprocessing; print(multiprocessing.cpu_count());' 2>/dev/null)
if [[ -n ${nproc} ]]; then
echo "${nproc}"
echo "${1:-1}"
# @FUNCTION: makeopts_jobs
# @USAGE: [${MAKEOPTS}] [${inf:-999}]
# Searches the arguments (defaults to ${MAKEOPTS}) and extracts the jobs number
# specified therein. Useful for running non-make tools in parallel too.
# i.e. if the user has MAKEOPTS=-j9, this will echo "9" -- we can't return the
# number as bash normalizes it to [0, 255]. If the flags haven't specified a
# -j flag, then "1" is shown as that is the default `make` uses. Since there's
# no way to represent infinity, we return ${inf} (defaults to 999) if the user
# has -j without a number.
makeopts_jobs() {
[[ $# -eq 0 ]] && set -- "${MAKEOPTS}"
# This assumes the first .* will be more greedy than the second .*
# since POSIX doesn't specify a non-greedy match (i.e. ".*?").
local jobs=$(echo " $* " | sed -r -n \
-e 's:.*[[:space:]](-[a-z]*j|--jobs[=[:space:]])[[:space:]]*([0-9]+).*:\2:p' \
-e "s:.*[[:space:]](-[a-z]*j|--jobs)[[:space:]].*:${2:-999}:p")
echo ${jobs:-1}
# @FUNCTION: makeopts_loadavg
# @USAGE: [${MAKEOPTS}] [${inf:-999}]
# Searches the arguments (defaults to ${MAKEOPTS}) and extracts the value set
# for load-average. For make and ninja based builds this will mean new jobs are
# not only limited by the jobs-value, but also by the current load - which might
# get excessive due to I/O and not just due to CPU load.
# Be aware that the returned number might be a floating-point number. Test
# whether your software supports that.
# If no limit is specified or --load-average is used without a number, ${inf}
# (defaults to 999) is returned.
makeopts_loadavg() {
[[ $# -eq 0 ]] && set -- "${MAKEOPTS}"
# This assumes the first .* will be more greedy than the second .*
# since POSIX doesn't specify a non-greedy match (i.e. ".*?").
local lavg=$(echo " $* " | sed -r -n \
-e 's:.*[[:space:]](-[a-z]*l|--(load-average|max-load)[=[:space:]])[[:space:]]*([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)[[:space:]].*:\3:p' \
-e "s:.*[[:space:]](-[a-z]*l|--(load-average|max-load))[[:space:]].*:${2:-999}:p")
# Default to ${inf} since the default is to not use a load limit.
echo ${lavg:-${2:-999}}
# @FUNCTION: multijob_init
# Setup the environment for executing code in parallel.
# You must call this before any other multijob function.
multijob_init() {
# When something goes wrong, try to wait for all the children so we
# don't leave any zombies around.
# Setup a pipe for children to write their pids to when they finish.
# We have to allocate two fd's because POSIX has undefined behavior
# when using one single fd for both read and write. #487056
# However, opening an fd for read or write only will block until the
# opposite end is opened as well. Thus we open the first fd for both
# read and write to not block ourselve, but use it for reading only.
# The second fd really is opened for write only, as Cygwin supports
# just one single read fd per FIFO. #583962
local pipe="${T}/multijob.pipe"
mkfifo -m 600 "${pipe}"
redirect_alloc_fd mj_read_fd "${pipe}"
redirect_alloc_fd mj_write_fd "${pipe}" '>'
rm -f "${pipe}"
# See how many children we can fork based on the user's settings.
mj_max_jobs=$(makeopts_jobs "$@")
# @FUNCTION: multijob_child_init
# @USAGE: [--pre|--post] [command to run in background]
# This function has two forms. You can use it to execute a simple command
# in the background (and it takes care of everything else), or you must
# call this first thing in your forked child process.
# The --pre/--post options allow you to select the child generation mode.
# # 1st form: pass the command line as arguments:
# multijob_child_init ls /dev
# # Or if you want to use pre/post fork modes:
# multijob_child_init --pre ls /dev
# multijob_child_init --post ls /dev
# # 2nd form: execute multiple stuff in the background (post fork):
# (
# multijob_child_init
# out=`ls`
# if echo "${out}" | grep foo ; then
# echo "YEAH"
# fi
# ) &
# multijob_post_fork
# # 2nd form: execute multiple stuff in the background (pre fork):
# multijob_pre_fork
# (
# multijob_child_init
# out=`ls`
# if echo "${out}" | grep foo ; then
# echo "YEAH"
# fi
# ) &
multijob_child_init() {
local mode="pre"
case $1 in
--pre) mode="pre" ; shift ;;
--post) mode="post"; shift ;;
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then
trap 'echo ${BASHPID:-$(bashpid)} $? >&'${mj_write_fd} EXIT
trap 'exit 1' INT TERM
local ret
[[ ${mode} == "pre" ]] && { multijob_pre_fork; ret=$?; }
( multijob_child_init ; "$@" ) &
[[ ${mode} == "post" ]] && { multijob_post_fork; ret=$?; }
return ${ret}
# @FUNCTION: _multijob_fork
# Do the actual book keeping.
_multijob_fork() {
[[ $# -eq 1 ]] || die "incorrect number of arguments"
local ret=0
[[ $1 == "post" ]] && : $(( ++mj_num_jobs ))
if [[ ${mj_num_jobs} -ge ${mj_max_jobs} ]] ; then
[[ $1 == "pre" ]] && : $(( ++mj_num_jobs ))
return ${ret}
# @FUNCTION: multijob_pre_fork
# You must call this in the parent process before forking a child process.
# If the parallel limit has been hit, it will wait for one child to finish
# and return its exit status.
multijob_pre_fork() { _multijob_fork pre "$@" ; }
# @FUNCTION: multijob_post_fork
# You must call this in the parent process after forking a child process.
# If the parallel limit has been hit, it will wait for one child to finish
# and return its exit status.
multijob_post_fork() { _multijob_fork post "$@" ; }
# @FUNCTION: multijob_finish_one
# Wait for a single process to exit and return its exit code.
multijob_finish_one() {
[[ $# -eq 0 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME} takes no arguments"
local pid ret
read -r -u ${mj_read_fd} pid ret || die
: $(( --mj_num_jobs ))
return ${ret}
# @FUNCTION: multijob_finish
# Wait for all pending processes to exit and return the bitwise or
# of all their exit codes.
multijob_finish() {
local ret=0
while [[ ${mj_num_jobs} -gt 0 ]] ; do
: $(( ret |= $? ))
# Let bash clean up its internal child tracking state.
# Do this after reaping all the children.
[[ $# -eq 0 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME} takes no arguments"
# No need to hook anymore.
return ${ret}
# @FUNCTION: redirect_alloc_fd
# @USAGE: <var> <file> [redirection]
# Find a free fd and redirect the specified file via it. Store the new
# fd in the specified variable. Useful for the cases where we don't care
# about the exact fd #.
redirect_alloc_fd() {
local var=$1 file=$2 redir=${3:-"<>"}
# Make sure /dev/fd is sane on Linux hosts. #479656
if [[ ! -L /dev/fd && ${CBUILD} == *linux* ]] ; then
eerror "You're missing a /dev/fd symlink to /proc/self/fd."
eerror "Please fix the symlink and check your boot scripts (udev/etc...)."
die "/dev/fd is broken"
if [[ $(( (BASH_VERSINFO[0] << 8) + BASH_VERSINFO[1] )) -ge $(( (4 << 8) + 1 )) ]] ; then
# Newer bash provides this functionality.
eval "exec {${var}}${redir}'${file}'"
# Need to provide the functionality ourselves.
local fd=10
while :; do
# Make sure the fd isn't open. It could be a char device,
# or a symlink (possibly broken) to something else.
if [[ ! -e /dev/fd/${fd} ]] && [[ ! -L /dev/fd/${fd} ]] ; then
eval "exec ${fd}${redir}'${file}'" && break
[[ ${fd} -gt 1024 ]] && die 'could not locate a free temp fd !?'
: $(( ++fd ))
: $(( ${var} = fd ))