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# ChangeLog for dev-ruby/net-ssh
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-ruby/net-ssh/ChangeLog,v 1.110 2013/01/28 07:02:00 graaff Exp $
28 Jan 2013; Hans de Graaff <> -net-ssh-2.0.23.ebuild,
-net-ssh-2.1.3.ebuild, -net-ssh-2.6.1.ebuild:
*net-ssh-2.6.3 (28 Jan 2013)
28 Jan 2013; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.6.3.ebuild:
Version bump.
08 Dec 2012; Agostino Sarubbo <> net-ssh-2.2.2.ebuild:
Stable for ppc64, wrt bug #421345
*net-ssh-2.6.2 (25 Nov 2012)
25 Nov 2012; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.6.2.ebuild:
Version bump.
*net-ssh-2.6.1 (23 Nov 2012)
23 Nov 2012; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.6.1.ebuild:
Version bump. Ruby 1.8 is no longer supported upstream.
14 Aug 2012; Diego E. Pettenò <> metadata.xml:
Update metadata.xml so that it's the same as most other packages.
11 Aug 2012; Benedikt Böhm <> net-ssh-2.2.2.ebuild:
add ruby19 support
22 Jul 2012; <> net-ssh-2.2.2.ebuild:
ppc stable #421345
26 Jun 2012; Jeff Horelick <> net-ssh-2.2.2.ebuild:
marked x86 per bug 421345
18 Jun 2012; Agostino Sarubbo <> net-ssh-2.2.2.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #421345
17 Jun 2012; Hans de Graaff <> net-ssh-2.2.2.ebuild:
Drop ruby19 to create a new stable candidate, too many dependencies are not
stable yet.
17 Jun 2012; Hans de Graaff <> -net-ssh-2.2.1.ebuild:
Remove old version.
*net-ssh-2.4.0 (19 May 2012)
19 May 2012; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.4.0.ebuild:
Version bump.
01 May 2012; Raúl Porcel <> net-ssh-2.0.23.ebuild,
net-ssh-2.1.3.ebuild, net-ssh-2.2.1.ebuild, net-ssh-2.2.2.ebuild:
Drop ia64/sparc keywords
*net-ssh-2.2.2 (05 Jan 2012)
05 Jan 2012; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.2.2.ebuild:
Version bump.
28 Dec 2011; Hans de Graaff <> -net-ssh-2.1.4.ebuild,
Remove old versions.
28 Dec 2011; Hans de Graaff <> net-ssh-2.0.23.ebuild:
Drop ruby19 from stable version.
*net-ssh-2.2.1 (26 Aug 2011)
26 Aug 2011; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.2.1.ebuild:
Version bump.
*net-ssh-2.2.0 (18 Aug 2011)
18 Aug 2011; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.2.0.ebuild:
Version bump.
07 Aug 2011; Diego E. Pettenò <> net-ssh-2.1.4.ebuild:
Add missing dependency over virtual/ruby-ssl.
04 Jun 2011; Raúl Porcel <> net-ssh-2.1.3.ebuild:
ia64 stable wrt #321103
26 May 2011; Markus Meier <> net-ssh-2.1.3.ebuild:
x86 stable, bug #321103
07 May 2011; Hans de Graaff <> net-ssh-2.1.3.ebuild:
Relax test-unit dependency a bit to include the revision that is marked
04 May 2011; Christoph Mende <> net-ssh-2.1.3.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 wrt bug #321103
04 May 2011; Hans de Graaff <> -net-ssh-2.0.24.ebuild,
-net-ssh-2.1.0.ebuild, -net-ssh-2.1.2.ebuild:
Remove old versions.
04 May 2011; Hans de Graaff <> net-ssh-2.1.3.ebuild:
Drop ruby19 to create a new stable candidate.
*net-ssh-2.1.4 (10 Apr 2011)
10 Apr 2011; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.1.4.ebuild:
Version bump.
*net-ssh-2.1.3 (03 Mar 2011)
03 Mar 2011; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.1.3.ebuild:
Version bump.
*net-ssh-2.1.2 (02 Mar 2011)
02 Mar 2011; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.1.2.ebuild:
Version bump.
27 Feb 2011; Kacper Kowalik <> net-ssh-2.1.0.ebuild:
Marked ~ppc64 wrt #351729
*net-ssh-2.1.0 (20 Jan 2011)
20 Jan 2011; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.1.0.ebuild:
Version bump.
*net-ssh-2.0.24 (15 Jan 2011)
15 Jan 2011; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.0.24.ebuild:
Version bump. Run tests now that dev-ruby/test-unit is available. Drop
ppc64 due to this new dependency, bug 351729.
01 Nov 2010; Hans de Graaff <> -net-ssh-2.0.15.ebuild:
Remove old version.
30 Sep 2010; Brent Baude <> net-ssh-2.0.23.ebuild:
Marking net-ssh-2.0.23 ppc64 for bug 333951
28 Sep 2010; Brent Baude <> net-ssh-2.0.23.ebuild:
Marking net-ssh-2.0.23 ppc for bug 333951
12 Sep 2010; Raúl Porcel <> net-ssh-2.0.23.ebuild:
ia64 stable wrt #333951
25 Aug 2010; Markos Chandras <> net-ssh-2.0.23.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 wrt bug #333951
22 Aug 2010; Pawel Hajdan jr <>
x86 stable wrt bug #333951
22 Aug 2010; Diego E. Pettenò <>
-files/net-ssh-2.0.17-readpartial.patch, -net-ssh-2.0.21.ebuild,
Remove unused file. Cleanup old versions.
*net-ssh-2.0.23 (05 Jun 2010)
05 Jun 2010; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.0.23.ebuild:
Version bump.
*net-ssh-2.0.22 (21 Apr 2010)
21 Apr 2010; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.0.22.ebuild:
Version bump: bug fix for config parsing.
21 Apr 2010; Hans de Graaff <> -net-ssh-2.0.17-r1.ebuild,
-net-ssh-2.0.19.ebuild, -net-ssh-2.0.20.ebuild:
Remove old versions.
*net-ssh-2.0.21 (21 Mar 2010)
21 Mar 2010; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.0.21.ebuild:
Version bump with bug fixes. Documentation can now be generated.
28 Feb 2010; Hans de Graaff <> -net-ssh-1.1.3.ebuild:
Remove masked version.
14 Feb 2010; Diego E. Pettenò <>
Add Ruby 1.9 support.
*net-ssh-2.0.20 (11 Feb 2010)
11 Feb 2010; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.0.20.ebuild:
Version bump: Support 'ProxyCommand none' directive
18 Jan 2010; Hans de Graaff <> -net-ssh-2.0.16.ebuild,
-net-ssh-2.0.16-r1.ebuild, -net-ssh-2.0.17.ebuild:
Remove old versions.
*net-ssh-2.0.19 (18 Jan 2010)
18 Jan 2010; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.0.19.ebuild:
Version bump with minor bug fixes.
*net-ssh-2.0.17-r1 (14 Jan 2010)
14 Jan 2010; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.0.17-r1.ebuild,
Apply upstream patch to fix tests in dependant packages.
*net-ssh-2.0.17 (09 Jan 2010)
09 Jan 2010; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.0.17.ebuild:
Version bump with minor fix for Windows.
*net-ssh-2.0.16-r1 (06 Jan 2010)
06 Jan 2010; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.0.16-r1.ebuild:
Convert to ruby-fakegem. Both docs and tests depend on packages that are
not available right now, so leave them out for now.
04 Jan 2010; Christian Faulhammer <> net-ssh-1.1.3.ebuild,
Transfer Prefix keywords
*net-ssh-2.0.16 (30 Nov 2009)
30 Nov 2009; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.0.16.ebuild:
Version bump with bug fixes.
30 Nov 2009; Hans de Graaff <> -net-ssh-2.0.11.ebuild,
-net-ssh-2.0.13.ebuild, -net-ssh-2.0.14.ebuild:
Remove old versions.
31 Oct 2009; Brent Baude <> net-ssh-2.0.15.ebuild:
Marking net-ssh-2.0.15 ppc64 for bug 288262
27 Oct 2009; Raúl Porcel <> net-ssh-2.0.15.ebuild:
ia64 stable wrt #288262
15 Oct 2009; Markus Meier <> net-ssh-2.0.15.ebuild:
amd64/x86 stable, bug #288262
11 Oct 2009; nixnut <> net-ssh-2.0.15.ebuild:
ppc stable #288262
*net-ssh-2.0.15 (09 Sep 2009)
09 Sep 2009; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.0.15.ebuild:
Version bump: Scale back IO#select patch so it mutexes only zero-timeout
*net-ssh-2.0.14 (29 Aug 2009)
29 Aug 2009; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.0.14.ebuild:
Version bump.
* Fix for IO#select threading bug in Ruby 1.8 (LH-1) [Daniel Azuma]
* Fix for "uninitialized constant OpenSSL::Digest::MD5" exception in
Net::SFTP [DL Redden]
*net-ssh-2.0.13 (20 Aug 2009)
20 Aug 2009; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.0.13.ebuild:
Version bump: support more encryption methods, minor bug fixes.
25 May 2009; Hans de Graaff <> -net-ssh-2.0.4.ebuild:
Remove old version.
10 Apr 2009; Raúl Porcel <> net-ssh-2.0.11.ebuild:
ia64 stable wrt #264325
05 Apr 2009; Markus Meier <> net-ssh-2.0.11.ebuild:
amd64/x86 stable, bug #264325
03 Apr 2009; Joseph Jezak <> net-ssh-2.0.11.ebuild:
Marked ppc/ppc64 stable for bug #264325.
30 Mar 2009; Hans de Graaff <> -net-ssh-2.0.6.ebuild,
-net-ssh-2.0.8.ebuild, -net-ssh-2.0.10.ebuild:
Remove version that won't become stable.
*net-ssh-2.0.11 (25 Feb 2009)
25 Feb 2009; Robin H. Johnson <> +net-ssh-2.0.11.ebuild:
Missed a rev, bump again.
*net-ssh-2.0.10 (25 Feb 2009)
25 Feb 2009; Robin H. Johnson <> +net-ssh-2.0.10.ebuild:
Version bump for Capistrano.
*net-ssh-2.0.8 (01 Jan 2009)
01 Jan 2009; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.0.8.ebuild:
Version bump
*net-ssh-2.0.6 (20 Dec 2008)
20 Dec 2008; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.0.6.ebuild:
Version bump with minor bugfixes.
20 Dec 2008; Hans de Graaff <> -net-ssh-1.0.10.ebuild,
Remove old versions
21 Sep 2008; Brent Baude <> net-ssh-2.0.4.ebuild:
stable ppc, bug 238171
21 Sep 2008; Brent Baude <> net-ssh-2.0.4.ebuild:
stable ppc64, bug 238171
*net-ssh-2.0.4 (16 Sep 2008)
16 Sep 2008; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-2.0.4.ebuild:
Version bump in a new SLOT. The 2.x series is not fully compatible with the
1.x series, so we'll keep both around for some time.
23 Jun 2008; Christian Faulhammer <> net-ssh-1.1.3.ebuild:
stable x86, bug 228453
23 Jun 2008; Raúl Porcel <> net-ssh-1.1.3.ebuild:
ia64 stable wrt #228453
21 Jun 2008; Markus Rothe <> net-ssh-1.1.3.ebuild:
Stable on ppc64; bug #228453
21 Jun 2008; nixnut <> net-ssh-1.1.3.ebuild:
Stable on ppc wrt bug 228453
20 Jun 2008; Hans de Graaff <> net-ssh-1.1.3.ebuild:
Mark stable for amd64 #228453
*net-ssh-1.1.3 (11 May 2008)
11 May 2008; Hans de Graaff <> -net-ssh-1.0.9.ebuild,
Version bump: fix hangs with long-running requests
17 Sep 2007; Christian Heim <> metadata.xml:
Removing citizen428 from metadata.xml (see #56803 for reference).
13 Aug 2007; Tobias Scherbaum <>
ppc. stable
*net-ssh-1.1.2 (22 Jun 2007)
22 Jun 2007; Hans de Graaff <> +net-ssh-1.1.2.ebuild:
Version bump. Moved needle dependency to DEPEND because it is needed at
installation time.
New functionality: SSH agent forwarding, server key verification, rb-keygen
utility, and a number of bug fixes.
22 Jun 2007; Hans de Graaff <> -net-ssh-1.0.8.ebuild:
Remove old version
10 May 2007; Doug Goldstein <> metadata.xml:
Fix metadata
16 Apr 2007; Christian Faulhammer <>
stable amd64, bug 173040
08 Apr 2007; Markus Rothe <> net-ssh-1.0.10.ebuild:
Stable on ppc64; bug #173040
06 Apr 2007; Christian Faulhammer <>
stable x86, bug 173040
02 Apr 2007; Raúl Porcel <> net-ssh-1.0.10.ebuild:
ia64 stable wrt bug 173040
04 Mar 2007; Tom Gall <> net-ssh-1.0.10.ebuild:
added ~ppc64
*net-ssh-1.0.10 (09 Jan 2007)
09 Jan 2007; Hans de Graaff <> -net-ssh-1.0.5.ebuild,
Version bump for new capistrano version; remove old version.
11 Nov 2006; Piotr Jaroszyński <> net-ssh-1.0.9.ebuild:
Add ~amd64.
21 Oct 2006; Tobias Scherbaum <>
ppc stable
20 Oct 2006; Aron Griffis <> net-ssh-1.0.9.ebuild:
Mark 1.0.9 stable on ia64
30 Apr 2006; Tobias Scherbaum <>
ppc stable
17 Apr 2006; Caleb Tennis <> net-ssh-1.0.8.ebuild:
x86 stable
30 Mar 2006; Aron Griffis <> net-ssh-1.0.8.ebuild:
Mark 1.0.8 ~ia64
09 Mar 2006; Caleb Tennis <> -net-ssh-1.0.2.ebuild,
-net-ssh-1.0.2-r1.ebuild, -net-ssh-1.0.3.ebuild, -net-ssh-1.0.7.ebuild:
remove old versions
*net-ssh-1.0.8 (25 Feb 2006)
25 Feb 2006; Michael Kohl <> +net-ssh-1.0.8.ebuild:
Version bump.
*net-ssh-1.0.7 (18 Feb 2006)
18 Feb 2006; Michael Kohl <> +net-ssh-1.0.7.ebuild:
Version bump.
27 Jan 2006; Michael Hanselmann <> net-ssh-1.0.5.ebuild:
Stable on ppc.
25 Jan 2006; Caleb Tennis <> net-ssh-1.0.5.ebuild:
x86 stable
*net-ssh-1.0.5 (09 Jan 2006)
09 Jan 2006; Caleb Tennis <> +net-ssh-1.0.5.ebuild:
Version bump
19 Nov 2005; Joseph Jezak <> net-ssh-1.0.2-r1.ebuild:
Marked ppc stable for bug #108486.
*net-ssh-1.0.3 (09 Nov 2005)
09 Nov 2005; Michael Kohl <> +net-ssh-1.0.3.ebuild:
Version bump.
*net-ssh-1.0.2-r1 (20 Oct 2005)
20 Oct 2005; Caleb Tennis <> +net-ssh-1.0.2-r1.ebuild:
Bump to use gem
11 Oct 2005; Andrej Kacian <> net-ssh-1.0.2.ebuild:
Stable on x86, bug #108486.
11 Aug 2005; David Holm <> net-ssh-1.0.2.ebuild:
Added to ~ppc.
*net-ssh-1.0.2 (10 Aug 2005)
10 Aug 2005; Michael Kohl <> +metadata.xml,
Initial import as requested in bug #101243.