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# ChangeLog for games-arcade/netris
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/games-arcade/netris/ChangeLog,v 1.14 2015/01/05 15:27:58 tupone Exp $
05 Jan 2015; Tupone Alfredo <> netris-0.52.ebuild:
15 Oct 2009; Michael Sterrett <> netris-0.52.ebuild:
build even if the user has a deficient system (bug #276439)
29 Jan 2009; Michael Sterrett <> netris-0.52.ebuild:
EAPI=2; try to fix bug #185332; bump Debian patch; fix warnings; honor CC
24 Apr 2007; Timothy Redaelli <> netris-0.52.ebuild:
Add ~x86-fbsd keyword.
Thanks to Nathan Smith for reporting wrt bug #175779
10 Mar 2007; Alexander H. Færøy <> netris-0.52.ebuild:
Stable on MIPS.
17 Nov 2006; Michael Sterrett <>
-files/netris-time.patch, netris-0.52.ebuild:
update to latest debian patch; remove patch from files since debian has it.
19 Oct 2005; Jason Wever <> netris-0.52.ebuild:
Added ~sparc keyword wrt bug #109734.
07 Jun 2005; Stuart Longland <> netris-0.52.ebuild:
Adding ~mips keyword as per bug #67602.
31 May 2005; Marcus D. Hanwell <> netris-0.52.ebuild:
Stable on amd64.
06 Jan 2005; Karol Wojtaszek <>
+files/netris-time.patch, netris-0.52.ebuild:
Added to ~amd64
*netris-0.52 (23 Sep 2003)
23 Sep 2003; Mike Frysinger <> :
Version bump to fix security issue #26779.
*netris-0.5 (08 Jul 2003)
08 Jul 2003; Michael Sterrett <> netris-0.5.ebuild:
Initial commit. ebuild based on one provided by Erik Waling (bug 21087).