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# ChangeLog for app-arch/pure-sfv
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-arch/pure-sfv/ChangeLog,v 1.20 2015/06/09 08:56:42 jlec Exp $
09 Jun 2015; Justin Lecher <> metadata.xml:
Updating remote-id in metadata.xml
17 Aug 2012; Michael Palimaka <> -pure-sfv-0.3.ebuild:
Remove old.
29 Jul 2012; Raúl Porcel <> pure-sfv-0.3.ebuild,
Drop sparc keywords
29 May 2012; Brent Baude <> pure-sfv-0.3-r1.ebuild:
Marking pure-sfv-0.3-r1 ppc for bug 393755
18 Dec 2011; Agostino Sarubbo <> pure-sfv-0.3-r1.ebuild:
Stable for AMD64, wrt bug #393755
18 Dec 2011; Pawel Hajdan jr <> pure-sfv-0.3-r1.ebuild:
x86 stable wrt bug #393755
*pure-sfv-0.3-r1 (27 Aug 2010)
27 Aug 2010; Jeroen Roovers <> +pure-sfv-0.3-r1.ebuild,
Respect LDFLAGS by Ross Smith (bug #334599).
03 Jan 2009; Christoph Mende <>
+files/pure-sfv-0.3-asneeded.patch, pure-sfv-0.3.ebuild:
QA: Fixed compilation with --as-needed (bug 246858)
27 Oct 2008; Diego Pettenò <> pure-sfv-0.3.ebuild:
Fix typo.
23 Oct 2008; Diego Pettenò <> pure-sfv-0.3.ebuild:
Respect CC.
21 Feb 2007; Piotr Jaroszyński <> ChangeLog:
Transition to Manifest2.
13 Nov 2005; Jason Wever <> pure-sfv-0.3.ebuild:
Stable on SPARC.
27 Sep 2005; Joseph Jezak <> pure-sfv-0.3.ebuild:
Marked ppc stable for bug #107378.
04 May 2005; David Holm <> pure-sfv-0.3.ebuild:
Added to ~ppc.
07 Jun 2004; Daniel Black <> +metadata.xml,
QA - IUSE fix
13 Apr 2004; Jason Wever <> pure-sfv-0.3.ebuild:
Added ~sparc keyword.
13 Dec 2003; Brad House <> pure-sfv-0.3.ebuild:
mark stable on amd64
*pure-sfv-0.3 (16 Nov 2003)
16 Nov 2003; Mike Frysinger <> :
Initial import. Ebuild submitted by #33462.