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# ChangeLog for net-firewall/ipt_netflow
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-firewall/ipt_netflow/ChangeLog,v 1.26 2015/07/08 10:35:54 pinkbyte Exp $
08 Jul 2015; Sergey Popov <> ipt_netflow-2.1.ebuild,
Fix building with kernel 3.19, wrt bug #552476. Thanks to Tomasz Chilinski
<tomasz.chilinski AT> for discovering this issue
18 May 2015; Sergey Popov <> -ipt_netflow-2.0.1.ebuild,
-ipt_netflow-2.0.1_p20150109.ebuild, -files/ipt_netflow-2.0-pax-const.patch:
Drop old
13 May 2015; Agostino Sarubbo <> ipt_netflow-2.1.ebuild:
Stable for x86, wrt bug #546160
28 Apr 2015; Agostino Sarubbo <> ipt_netflow-2.1.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #546160
*ipt_netflow-2.1 (18 Feb 2015)
18 Feb 2015; Sergey Popov <> +ipt_netflow-2.1.ebuild:
Version bump
*ipt_netflow-2.0.1_p20150109 (09 Jan 2015)
09 Jan 2015; Sergey Popov <>
Version bump: add git snapshot that runs correctly on recent kernels, wrt bug
09 Jan 2015; Sergey Popov <> -ipt_netflow-1.8-r4.ebuild,
Drop old
09 Jan 2015; Sergey Popov <> ipt_netflow-2.0.1.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 and x86, wrt bug #535558
09 Jan 2015; Sergey Popov <> -ipt_netflow-2.0-r1.ebuild,
Add version check for kernel sources to prevent building on unsupported
kernels, drop old
*ipt_netflow-2.0.1 (16 Sep 2014)
16 Sep 2014; Jeroen Roovers <> +ipt_netflow-2.0.1.ebuild,
Version bump.
*ipt_netflow-2.0-r1 (19 Aug 2014)
19 Aug 2014; Sergey Popov <> -ipt_netflow-2.0.ebuild,
+ipt_netflow-2.0-r1.ebuild, +files/ipt_netflow-2.0-pax-const.patch:
Revision bump: restore compatibility with hardened setups, wrt bug #519480,
add optional debugfs support. Drop old revision
*ipt_netflow-2.0 (09 Aug 2014)
09 Aug 2014; Jeroen Roovers <> +ipt_netflow-2.0.ebuild,
Version bump.
18 Jul 2014; Jeroen Roovers <> -ipt_netflow-1.8-r3.ebuild,
ipt_netflow-1.8-r4.ebuild, files/ipt_netflow-1.8-pax-const.patch,
make -> $(MAKE). Clean up patches.
28 Feb 2014; Sergey Popov <> ipt_netflow-1.8-r4.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 and x86, wrt bug #502872
*ipt_netflow-1.8-r4 (19 Dec 2013)
19 Dec 2013; Sergey Popov <> -ipt_netflow-1.8-r1.ebuild,
-ipt_netflow-1.8-r2.ebuild, +ipt_netflow-1.8-r4.ebuild,
Revision bump: add compatibility patch for kernel 3.11. Drop old
04 Sep 2013; Sergey Popov <>
Modified version of procfs-fix patch, previous one can cause compile failures
on kernels < 3.10
25 Aug 2013; Sergey Popov <> ipt_netflow-1.8-r3.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 and x86, wrt bug #481278
*ipt_netflow-1.8-r3 (21 Aug 2013)
21 Aug 2013; Sergey Popov <> -ipt_netflow-1.8.ebuild,
+ipt_netflow-1.8-r3.ebuild, +files/ipt_netflow-1.8-procfs-fix.patch:
Revision bump: add compatibility with kernel 3.10. Drop old revision
*ipt_netflow-1.8-r2 (27 Jun 2013)
27 Jun 2013; Sergey Popov <> +ipt_netflow-1.8-r2.ebuild,
+files/ipt_netflow-1.8-pax-const.patch, metadata.xml:
Revision bump: add support for user patches, add compatibility with hardened
kernels, wrt bug #466430. Thanks to Jeremy Drake <gentoo-bugzilla AT> for suggested patch
16 Apr 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> ipt_netflow-1.8-r1.ebuild:
Stable for x86, wrt bug #466068
16 Apr 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> ipt_netflow-1.8-r1.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #466068
07 Feb 2013; Jeroen Roovers <>
Simplify patch.
07 Feb 2013; Sergey Popov <> ipt_netflow-1.8-r1.ebuild:
Fix for last commit - forgot to make CONFIG_CHECK non-fatal in last revision.
Thanks to Jeroen Roovers for pointing on this
07 Feb 2013; Sergey Popov <> ipt_netflow-1.8.ebuild,
Make KEYWORDS alphabetically ordered, make CONFIG_CHECK non-fatal
*ipt_netflow-1.8-r1 (07 Feb 2013)
07 Feb 2013; Sergey Popov <> +ipt_netflow-1.8-r1.ebuild,
Revision bump: EAPI 5, fix for pkgconfig 0.28 support via patch for configure
script. Thanks to Jeroen Roovers for patch
*ipt_netflow-1.8 (14 Oct 2012)
14 Oct 2012; Sergey Popov <> +ipt_netflow-1.8.ebuild,
Initial commit wrt bug #283578