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# ChangeLog for dev-php/smarty
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-php/smarty/ChangeLog,v 1.143 2015/07/16 16:59:27 grknight Exp $
*smarty-3.1.27 (16 Jul 2015)
16 Jul 2015; Brian Evans <> +smarty-3.1.27.ebuild:
Version bump
16 Jul 2015; Brian Evans <> -smarty-2.6.28.ebuild:
Drop possible vulnerable version wrt security bug 526542 as the status of
smarty-2 is unknown
30 Apr 2015; Brian Evans <> -smarty-3.1.12.ebuild:
Drop vulnerable version wrt security bug 526542
30 Apr 2015; Agostino Sarubbo <> smarty-3.1.21-r1.ebuild:
Stable for alpha/hppa/ia64/ppc/ppc64/sparc/x86, wrt bug #526542
30 Apr 2015; Agostino Sarubbo <> smarty-3.1.21-r1.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #526542
*smarty-3.1.21-r1 (13 Jan 2015)
13 Jan 2015; Michael Orlitzky <> +smarty-3.1.21-r1.ebuild,
Revbump fixing LICENSE and missing RDEPEND, bug #532618.
*smarty-3.1.21 (29 Oct 2014)
29 Oct 2014; Brian Evans <> +smarty-3.1.21.ebuild,
-smarty-3.1.16.ebuild, -smarty-3.1.20.ebuild:
Version bump for security bug 526542; Drop old
*smarty-3.1.20 (15 Oct 2014)
15 Oct 2014; Brian Evans <> +smarty-3.1.20.ebuild:
Version bump
10 Aug 2014; Sergei Trofimovich <> smarty-2.6.28.ebuild,
smarty-3.1.12.ebuild, smarty-3.1.16.ebuild:
QA: drop trailing '.' from DESCRIPTION
08 Jan 2014; Matti Bickel <> smarty-3.1.12.ebuild:
we only need unzip when we need to unpack the documentation, thanks Michael
Orlitzky for noticing (bug #481778)
08 Jan 2014; Matti Bickel <> -smarty-3.1.8.ebuild:
*smarty-3.1.16 (08 Jan 2014)
08 Jan 2014; Matti Bickel <> +smarty-3.1.16.ebuild:
version bump
26 Dec 2013; Mikle Kolyada <> smarty-3.1.12.ebuild:
x86 stable wrt bug #435618
09 Dec 2013; Chris Reffett <> -smarty-2.6.24.ebuild,
cleanup wrt bug 356615.
03 Nov 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> smarty-2.6.28.ebuild:
Stable for sparc, wrt bug #356615
25 Oct 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> smarty-2.6.28.ebuild:
Stable for ia64, wrt bug #356615
25 Oct 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> smarty-2.6.28.ebuild:
Stable for alpha, wrt bug #356615
25 Oct 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> smarty-2.6.28.ebuild:
Stable for x86, wrt bug #356615
25 Oct 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> smarty-2.6.28.ebuild:
Stable for ppc64, wrt bug #356615
25 Oct 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> smarty-2.6.28.ebuild:
Stable for ppc, wrt bug #356615
25 Oct 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> smarty-2.6.28.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #356615
24 Oct 2013; Jeroen Roovers <> smarty-2.6.28.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #356615).
*smarty-2.6.28 (21 Oct 2013)
21 Oct 2013; Ole Markus With <> +smarty-2.6.28.ebuild,
Version bump. Bunch of security fixes
09 Oct 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> smarty-3.1.12.ebuild:
Stable for sparc, wrt bug #435618
09 Oct 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> smarty-3.1.12.ebuild:
Stable for ppc64, wrt bug #435618
07 Oct 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> smarty-3.1.12.ebuild:
Stable for ppc, wrt bug #435618
06 Oct 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> smarty-3.1.12.ebuild:
Stable for alpha, wrt bug #435618
06 Oct 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> smarty-3.1.12.ebuild:
Stable for ia64, wrt bug #435618
02 Oct 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> smarty-3.1.12.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #435618
01 Oct 2013; Jeroen Roovers <> smarty-3.1.12.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #435618).
*smarty-3.1.12 (30 Mar 2013)
*smarty-2.6.27 (30 Mar 2013)
30 Mar 2013; Matti Bickel <> +smarty-2.6.27.ebuild,
+smarty-3.1.12.ebuild, -smarty-3.1.7.ebuild:
version bump (smarty3 doesnt use smarty-docs anymore), cleanup
21 Jan 2013; Pacho Ramos <> metadata.xml:
Cleanup as talked with him
*smarty-3.1.8 (22 Feb 2012)
22 Feb 2012; Matti Bickel <> +smarty-3.1.8.ebuild:
version bump
*smarty-3.1.7 (28 Jan 2012)
28 Jan 2012; Matti Bickel <> +smarty-3.1.7.ebuild,
-smarty-2.6.24-r1.ebuild, -smarty-2.6.26-r1.ebuild, -smarty-3.0.7.ebuild:
version bump, remove old, obsoletes the need for dev-php/smarty-docs
12 Feb 2011; Samuli Suominen <> smarty-2.6.24.ebuild:
ia64 stable
*smarty-3.0.7 (12 Feb 2011)
12 Feb 2011; <> -smarty-3.0.6-r1.ebuild,
Version bump to 3.0.7, removed 3.0.6
*smarty-3.0.6-r1 (11 Feb 2011)
*smarty-2.6.26-r1 (11 Feb 2011)
*smarty-2.6.24-r1 (11 Feb 2011)
11 Feb 2011; <> +smarty-2.6.24-r1.ebuild,
-smarty-2.6.26.ebuild, +smarty-2.6.26-r1.ebuild, -smarty-3.0.6.ebuild,
+smarty-3.0.6-r1.ebuild, metadata.xml:
New revisions to support new file locations and changes to documentation
versioning scheme
*smarty-3.0.6 (04 Feb 2011)
04 Feb 2011; Ole Markus With <> +smarty-3.0.6.ebuild:
Version bump. First 3.x release
06 Jan 2011; Raúl Porcel <> smarty-2.6.24.ebuild,
Add ~ia64 wrt #349127
*smarty-2.6.26 (13 Jul 2009)
13 Jul 2009; Tobias Scherbaum <>
-smarty-2.6.21.ebuild, +smarty-2.6.26.ebuild:
Version bump && Cleanup
02 Jun 2009; Raúl Porcel <> smarty-2.6.24.ebuild:
alpha/sparc stable wrt #270494
25 May 2009; Brent Baude <> smarty-2.6.24.ebuild:
Marking smarty-2.6.24 ppc64 and ppc for bug 270494
24 May 2009; Tobias Klausmann <> ChangeLog:
Keyworded on alpha, bug #270494
22 May 2009; Markus Meier <> smarty-2.6.24.ebuild:
amd64 stable, bug #270494
22 May 2009; Christian Faulhammer <> smarty-2.6.24.ebuild:
stable x86, security bug 270494
21 May 2009; Jeroen Roovers <> smarty-2.6.24.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #270494).
*smarty-2.6.24 (20 May 2009)
20 May 2009; Tobias Scherbaum <>
-smarty-2.6.22.ebuild, +smarty-2.6.24.ebuild:
Version bump, security bug #270494
27 Feb 2009; Brent Baude <> smarty-2.6.21.ebuild:
stable ppc64, bug 254415
*smarty-2.6.22 (18 Feb 2009)
18 Feb 2009; Tobias Scherbaum <>
Version bump
16 Feb 2009; Tobias Scherbaum <>
-files/smarty-2.6.20-CVE-2008-4810.patch, -smarty-2.6.20-r1.ebuild:
06 Feb 2009; Jeroen Roovers <> smarty-2.6.21.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #254415).
01 Feb 2009; Tobias Klausmann <> smarty-2.6.21.ebuild:
Stable on alpha, bug #254415
17 Jan 2009; Friedrich Oslage <> smarty-2.6.21.ebuild:
Stable on sparc, bug #254415
11 Jan 2009; Markus Meier <> smarty-2.6.21.ebuild:
amd64/x86 stable, bug #254415
10 Jan 2009; Tobias Scherbaum <>
Remove old version
10 Jan 2009; Tobias Scherbaum <>
ppc stable, bug #254415
*smarty-2.6.21 (09 Dec 2008)
09 Dec 2008; Tobias Scherbaum <>
Version bump, #250376
29 Nov 2008; Jeroen Roovers <> smarty-2.6.20-r1.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #243856).
29 Nov 2008; Raúl Porcel <> smarty-2.6.20-r1.ebuild:
alpha/sparc stable wrt #243856
28 Nov 2008; Tobias Scherbaum <>
ppc stable, bug #243856
28 Nov 2008; Markus Meier <> smarty-2.6.20-r1.ebuild:
amd64/x86 stable, bug #243856
*smarty-2.6.20-r1 (28 Nov 2008)
28 Nov 2008; Tobias Scherbaum <>
+files/smarty-2.6.20-CVE-2008-4810.patch, -smarty-2.6.14.ebuild,
-smarty-2.6.18.ebuild, -smarty-2.6.20.ebuild, +smarty-2.6.20-r1.ebuild:
Revision bump for security bug #243856
*smarty-2.6.20 (04 Sep 2008)
04 Sep 2008; Tobias Scherbaum <>
Version bump, #236187
08 Mar 2008; <> smarty-2.6.19.ebuild:
amd64 stable, bug #212147.
04 Mar 2008; Tobias Scherbaum <>
ppc stable, bug #212147
04 Mar 2008; Raúl Porcel <> smarty-2.6.19.ebuild:
alpha/sparc stable wrt security #212147
03 Mar 2008; Jeroen Roovers <> smarty-2.6.19.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #212147).
03 Mar 2008; Markus Meier <> smarty-2.6.19.ebuild:
x86 stable, security bug #212147
*smarty-2.6.19 (26 Feb 2008)
26 Feb 2008; Raúl Porcel <> +smarty-2.6.19.ebuild:
Version bump, import from the php overlay
19 Feb 2008; Jakub Moc <>
Version bump - bugfix release
02 Nov 2007; Steve Dibb <> smarty-2.6.18.ebuild:
amd64 stable, bug 197314
01 Nov 2007; Raúl Porcel <> smarty-2.6.18.ebuild:
alpha/sparc stable wrt #197314
31 Oct 2007; Jeroen Roovers <> smarty-2.6.18.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #197314).
30 Oct 2007; nixnut <> smarty-2.6.18.ebuild:
Stable on ppc wrt bug 197314
28 Oct 2007; Jurek Bartuszek <> smarty-2.6.18.ebuild:
x86 stable (bug #197314)
18 Mar 2007; Luca Longinotti <> smarty-2.6.14.ebuild,
-smarty-2.6.16.ebuild, smarty-2.6.18.ebuild:
*smarty-2.6.18 (11 Mar 2007)
11 Mar 2007; Tom Knight <> +smarty-2.6.18.ebuild:
Version bump to 2.6.18, thanks to toto for reporting it, fixes bug #170113.
28 Jan 2007; Marius Mauch <> smarty-2.6.14.ebuild,
Replacing einfo with elog
*smarty-2.6.16 (04 Dec 2006)
04 Dec 2006; Tom Knight <> -smarty-2.6.13.ebuild,
Added 2.6.16 and removed 2.6.13, thanks to toto. Fixes bug #156781
20 Oct 2006; Bryan Østergaard <> smarty-2.6.14.ebuild:
Stable on Alpha.
11 Oct 2006; Markus Rothe <> smarty-2.6.13.ebuild,
Added ~ppc64; bug #150873
01 Oct 2006; Tobias Scherbaum <>
hppa stable, bug #148175
28 Sep 2006; Joshua Jackson <> smarty-2.6.14.ebuild:
Stable x86; bug #148175
23 Sep 2006; <> smarty-2.6.14.ebuild:
Stable on ppc wrt bug 148175
21 Sep 2006; <> smarty-2.6.14.ebuild:
stable on amd64
21 Sep 2006; Jason Wever <> smarty-2.6.14.ebuild:
Stable on SPARC wrt bug #148175.
*smarty-2.6.14 (17 Jun 2006)
17 Jun 2006; Tom Knight <> +smarty-2.6.14.ebuild:
Version bump to 2.6.14, thanks to Dave Liefbroer, fixes bug #135879
31 May 2006; Guy Martin <> smarty-2.6.13.ebuild:
Stable on hppa.
25 May 2006; Michael Hanselmann <> smarty-2.6.13.ebuild:
Added to ~hppa.
23 May 2006; Luca Longinotti <> -smarty-2.6.11.ebuild:
Spring cleanup.
21 May 2006; Luca Longinotti <> -smarty-2.6.0-r2.ebuild,
-smarty-2.6.2.ebuild, -smarty-2.6.5.ebuild, -smarty-2.6.7.ebuild,
-smarty-2.6.8.ebuild, -smarty-2.6.9.ebuild, -smarty-2.6.10.ebuild:
Remove old-style PHP packages.
05 May 2006; <> smarty-2.6.13.ebuild:
Stable on alpha wrt Bug #130301.
30 Apr 2006; Simon Stelling <> smarty-2.6.13.ebuild:
stable on amd64
21 Apr 2006; Tobias Scherbaum <>
ppc stable, bug #130301
19 Apr 2006; Jason Wever <> smarty-2.6.13.ebuild:
Stable on SPARC wrt bug #130301.
17 Apr 2006; Mark Loeser <> smarty-2.6.13.ebuild:
Stable on x86; bug #130301
*smarty-2.6.13 (12 Mar 2006)
12 Mar 2006; Tom Knight <> -smarty-2.6.12.ebuild,
Version bump to 2.6.13, removed 2.6.12
*smarty-2.6.12 (28 Feb 2006)
28 Feb 2006; Tom Knight <> +smarty-2.6.12.ebuild:
Version bump to 2.6.12, fixes bug #120300. Also install to
/usr/share/php/smarty fixes bug #121952. Thanks to Roderick van Domburg and
Jonas Jonsson.
06 Feb 2006; Aron Griffis <> smarty-2.6.10.ebuild:
Mark 2.6.10 stable on alpha
24 Dec 2005; Rene Nussbaumer <> smarty-2.6.10.ebuild:
Stable on hppa.
24 Dec 2005; Michael Hanselmann <> smarty-2.6.10.ebuild:
Stable on ppc.
*smarty-2.6.11 (21 Dec 2005)
21 Dec 2005; Sebastian Bergmann <>
-smarty-2.6.10-r1.ebuild, +smarty-2.6.11.ebuild:
Version bump.
*smarty-2.6.10-r1 (24 Nov 2005)
24 Nov 2005; Luca Longinotti <> +smarty-2.6.10-r1.ebuild:
Add smarty for new-style PHP from the PHP overlay.
22 Nov 2005; Simon Stelling <> smarty-2.6.10.ebuild:
stable on amd64
22 Nov 2005; Gustavo Zacarias <> smarty-2.6.10.ebuild:
Stable on sparc
22 Nov 2005; Mark Loeser <> smarty-2.6.10.ebuild:
Stable on x86; bug #112977
*smarty-2.6.10 (17 Aug 2005)
17 Aug 2005; Tom Knight <> +smarty-2.6.10.ebuild:
Version bumped to 2.6.10
09 Apr 2005; Gustavo Zacarias <> smarty-2.6.9.ebuild:
Stable on sparc wrt #86488
08 Apr 2005; Guy Martin <> smarty-2.6.9.ebuild:
Stable on hppa.
08 Apr 2005; Bryan Østergaard <> smarty-2.6.9.ebuild:
Stable on alpha, bug 86488.
08 Apr 2005; Michael Hanselmann <> smarty-2.6.9.ebuild:
Stable on ppc.
*smarty-2.6.9 (08 Apr 2005)
08 Apr 2005; Tom Knight <> +smarty-2.6.9.ebuild:
Version bump for security release
26 Mar 2005; Bryan Østergaard <> smarty-2.6.8.ebuild:
Stable on alpha, bug 86488.
25 Mar 2005; Michael Hanselmann <> smarty-2.6.8.ebuild:
Stable on hppa.
25 Mar 2005; Michael Hanselmann <> smarty-2.6.8.ebuild:
Stable on ppc.
25 Mar 2005; Sebastian Bergmann <>
Stable on x86 and amd64.
25 Mar 2005; Jason Wever <> smarty-2.6.8.ebuild:
Stable on SPARC wrt security bug #86148.
*smarty-2.6.8 (24 Mar 2005)
24 Mar 2005; Sebastian Bergmann <>
Version bump WRT bug 86488.
*smarty-2.6.7 (10 Feb 2005)
10 Feb 2005; Tom Knight <> -smarty-2.6.6.ebuild,
Version bumped to 2.6.7 and removed 2.6.6 for a security fix
16 Jan 2005; Guy Martin <> smarty-2.6.5.ebuild:
Stable on hppa.
*smarty-2.6.6 (08 Jan 2005)
08 Jan 2005; Tom Knight <> metadata.xml,
smarty-2.6.0-r2.ebuild, smarty-2.6.2.ebuild, smarty-2.6.5.ebuild,
Version bumped, bug #75178. Set correct einfo output, bug #67229
30 Dec 2004; Ciaran McCreesh <> :
Change encoding to UTF-8 for GLEP 31 compliance
27 Dec 2004; Gustavo Zacarias <> smarty-2.6.5.ebuild:
Stable on sparc
18 Dec 2004; Simon Stelling <> smarty-2.6.5.ebuild:
added ~amd64
18 Dec 2004; Simon Stelling <> smarty-2.6.5.ebuild:
added ~amd64
12 Dec 2004; Bryan Østergaard <> smarty-2.6.5.ebuild:
Stable on alpha.
06 Dec 2004; Tom Payne <> smarty-2.6.5.ebuild:
SStable on x86.
*smarty-2.6.5 (26 Sep 2004)
26 Sep 2004; Tom Payne <> -smarty-2.6.3.ebuild,
Version bump. Bug # 65332. Removed old version.
*smarty-2.6.3 (01 Aug 2004)
01 Aug 2004; <> +smarty-2.6.3.ebuild:
Version bump. Bug # 55590.
04 Jul 2004; Bryan Østergaard <> smarty-2.6.2.ebuild:
Stable on alpha.
18 Apr 2004; Jason Wever <> smarty-2.6.2.ebuild:
Stable on sparc.
17 Apr 2004; Daniel Ahlberg <> smarty-2.6.0-r2.ebuild:
Fixed IUSE flags.
16 Apr 2004; Guy Martin <> smarty-2.6.2.ebuild:
Marked stable on hppa.
12 Apr 2004; <> smarty-2.5.0.ebuild, smarty-2.6.0-r1.ebuild,
smarty-2.6.0.ebuild, smarty-2.6.2.ebuild:
Removed old versions. Marked 2.6.2 stable on x86.
*smarty-2.6.2 (21 Mar 2004)
21 Mar 2004; Tom Payne <> smarty-2.6.2.ebuild :
Version bump. Add docs if USE=doc. Bug #43905.
08 Jan 2004; Robin H. Johnson <> smarty-2.5.0.ebuild,
smarty-2.6.0-r1.ebuild, smarty-2.6.0-r2.ebuild, smarty-2.6.0.ebuild:
remove mips and arm KEYWORDS due to lack of support, ready for new repoman.
*smarty-2.6.0-r2 (04 Jan 2004)
*smarty-2.6.0-r1 (04 Jan 2004)
04 Jan 2004; Robin H. Johnson <> smarty-2.5.0.ebuild,
smarty-2.6.0-r1.ebuild, smarty-2.6.0-r2.ebuild, smarty-2.6.0.ebuild:
fix bug #35534
24 Dec 2003; Tom Payne <> smarty-2.6.0.ebuild :
Install libs/core/*. Bug # 36412.
Don't install docs (use smarty-docs package instead).
*smarty-2.6.0 (22 Dec 2003)
22 Dec 2003; Tom Payne <> smarty-2.5.0.ebuild smarty-2.6.0.ebuild :
Version bump. Changed DEPEND to dev-php/mod_php to satisfy repoman.
Removed _rc1 versions.
16 Dec 2003; Martin Holzer <> smarty-2.6.0_rc1-r1.ebuild:
fixing type. Closes #35534.
*smarty-2.6.0_rc1-r1 (29 Sep 2003)
29 Sep 2003; Martin Holzer <> smarty-2.6.0_rc1-r1.ebuild:
Added core-dir. Closes #29880.
*smarty-2.6.0_rc1 (28 Sep 2003)
28 Sep 2003; Tom Payne <> smarty-2.6.0_rc1.ebuild :
Version bump. Added metadata.xml.
*smarty-2.5.0 (11 May 2003)
11 May 2003; Tom Payne <> smarty-2.5.0.ebuild :
Initial version.