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# ChangeLog for gnustep-apps/gworkspace
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/gnustep-apps/gworkspace/ChangeLog,v 1.41 2015/01/12 14:10:31 voyageur Exp $
*gworkspace-0.9.3 (12 Jan 2015)
12 Jan 2015; Bernard Cafarelli <>
-gworkspace-0.9.0.ebuild, +gworkspace-0.9.3.ebuild:
Version bump
*gworkspace-0.9.2 (04 Apr 2013)
04 Apr 2013; Bernard Cafarelli <>
-files/gworkspace-0.8.6-rpath.patch, +gworkspace-0.9.2.ebuild,
+files/gworkspace-0.9.2-rpath-link.patch, metadata.xml:
Version bump, reported and initial ebuild update by adr in bug #463457. EAPI
bump, remove unused files
23 Sep 2012; Pawel Hajdan jr <> gworkspace-0.9.1.ebuild:
x86 stable wrt bug #429076
15 Aug 2012; Anthony G. Basile <> gworkspace-0.9.1.ebuild:
Stable ppc, bug #429076
14 Aug 2012; Agostino Sarubbo <> gworkspace-0.9.1.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #429076
*gworkspace-0.9.1 (08 Jun 2012)
08 Jun 2012; Bernard Cafarelli <>
-gworkspace-0.8.6.ebuild, -gworkspace-0.8.7.ebuild, -gworkspace-0.8.8.ebuild,
Version bump, new modern style available and bugfixes. Remove 0.8.x ebuilds
07 Jun 2012; Michael Weber <> gworkspace-0.9.0.ebuild:
ppc stable (bug 410601)
25 Apr 2012; Justin Lecher <> gworkspace-0.8.6.ebuild:
Drop unnessecary die
07 Apr 2012; Markus Meier <> gworkspace-0.9.0.ebuild:
x86 stable, bug #410601
05 Apr 2012; Agostino Sarubbo <> gworkspace-0.9.0.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #410601
*gworkspace-0.9.0 (04 Nov 2011)
04 Nov 2011; Bernard Cafarelli <>
Version bump. Fixes bug #387245
*gworkspace-0.8.8 (01 Jul 2010)
01 Jul 2010; Bernard Cafarelli <>
Version bump, EAPI3, disable GWMetadata for now (does not build)
*gworkspace-0.8.7 (09 Oct 2008)
09 Oct 2008; Bernard Cafarelli <>
Version bump, update homepage. No poppler patch for now
24 Nov 2007; Samuli Suominen <> gworkspace-0.8.6.ebuild:
amd64 stable wrt #195990
16 Nov 2007; Bernard Cafarelli <>
Fix rpath patch, thanks beandog
08 Nov 2007; Bernard Cafarelli <>
-gworkspace-0.7.1.ebuild, gworkspace-0.8.6.ebuild:
Remove old version, fix some quoting
27 Oct 2007; nixnut <> gworkspace-0.8.6.ebuild:
Stable on ppc wrt bug 195990
17 Oct 2007; Christian Faulhammer <>
stable x86, bug 195990
11 Sep 2007; Bernard Cafarelli <>
Dropped conditional depend on masked package, updated SRC_URI
*gworkspace-0.8.6 (10 Sep 2007)
10 Sep 2007; Bernard Cafarelli <>
-files/seperate-desktop-recycler.patch, -gworkspace-0.8.2.ebuild,
-gworkspace-0.8.3.ebuild, +gworkspace-0.8.6.ebuild:
Version bump from the GNUstep overlay, remove old versions
Also switched pdf depend on popplerkit instead of pdfkit
05 Jan 2007; Diego Pettenò <>
Remove gnuconfig inherit.
*gworkspace-0.8.3 (05 Dec 2006)
05 Dec 2006; Fabian Groffen <> +gworkspace-0.8.3.ebuild:
Version bump, closes bug #145583
*gworkspace-0.8.2 (25 Mar 2006)
25 Mar 2006; Fabian Groffen <> -gworkspace-0.7.0.ebuild,
Removal of old version and bump
22 Jan 2006; Marius Mauch <> gworkspace-0.7.0.ebuild,
Replacing pdfkit use flag with pdf use flag
06 Jun 2005; Armando Di Cianno <>
Stabilization for GNUstep GWorkspace related ebuilds
*gworkspace-0.7.1 (15 Apr 2005)
15 Apr 2005; Armando Di Cianno <>
-gworkspace-0.6.6_pre20050106.ebuild, +gworkspace-0.7.1.ebuild:
General bumps of all GWorkspace related ebuilds
*gworkspace-0.7.0 (17 Mar 2005)
17 Mar 2005; Armando Di Cianno <>
-gworkspace-0.6.6_pre20041203.ebuild, +gworkspace-0.7.0.ebuild:
ebuild updates for GNUstep base, libs, and apps across the board; proper
versions (to be stabilized, in due time) added where apropos, cvs-pull
versions updated where needed
*gworkspace-0.6.6_pre20050106 (10 Jan 2005)
10 Jan 2005; Armando Di Cianno <>
cvs snapshot version bumps; cleaned out old cvs versioned ebuilds; fixed
date spec on ebuild headers as repoman was complaining
09 Jan 2005; Sven Wegener <>
Added missing parentheses in SRC_URI/*DEPEND/LICENSE.
*gworkspace-0.6.6_pre20041203 (04 Dec 2004)
04 Dec 2004; Armando Di Cianno <>
General version bump
11 Nov 2004; Armando Di Cianno <> -gworkspace-0.5.3.ebuild,
Mass Update: gnustep.eclass revamped to allow configurable root install;
gnustep-base/libs/apps updated to utilize new gnustep.eclass (only versions
bumped where files would change); some KEYWORDS were accidentally dropped
between version bumps of packages -- this has been resolved; windowmaker
correctly supports gnustep now
*gworkspace-0.6.6_pre20040928-r3 (22 Oct 2004)
22 Oct 2004; Armando Di Cianno <>
Depend on imagekits has moved to seperate libraries - now depend on pdfkit
10 Oct 2004; David Holm <>
Added to ~ppc.
05 Oct 2004; Armando Di Cianno <>
Removed trailing whitespace
*gworkspace-0.6.6_pre20040928-r2 (05 Oct 2004)
05 Oct 2004; Armando Di Cianno <>
Removed old package revision; removed desktop and recycler support (moved to
seperate packages)
*gworkspace-0.6.6_pre20040928-r1 (04 Oct 2004)
04 Oct 2004; Armando Di Cianno <>
Added optional support for gnustep-libs/smbkit
*gworkspace-0.6.6_pre20040927 (28 Sep 2004)
28 Sep 2004; Armando Di Cianno <>
Version bump; pre release date specd live cvs pull.
*gworkspace-0.6.6_pre20040908 (10 Sep 2004)
10 Sep 2004; Armando Di Cianno <> metadata.xml,
Version bump; keyworded for ~x86.
23 Jul 2004; Armando Di Cianno <>
Changed referenced categories in ebuilds to reflect recent epkgmove changes.
*gworkspace-0.5.3 (23 Jul 2004)
23 Jul 2004; Armando Di Cianno <> +metadata.xml,
Moved from app-gnustep/gworkspace to gnustep-apps/gworkspace.
22 Jul 2004; Armando Di Cianno <>
Changing the eclass to gnustep-old
17 Apr 2004; Daniel Ahlberg <> gworkspace-0.5.3.ebuild:
Added IUSE=
18 Feb 2004; David Holm <> gworkspace-0.5.3.ebuild:
Added to ~ppc.
30 Jul 2003; Nick Hadaway <> gworkspace-0.5.3.ebuild:
Updated the description.
*gworkspace-0.5.3 (15 Jul 2003)
15 Jul 2003; Nick Hadaway <> gworkspace-0.5.3.ebuild:
New ebuild.