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# ChangeLog for net-misc/tinc
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/tinc/ChangeLog,v 1.56 2015/07/06 14:07:14 blueness Exp $
06 Jul 2015; Anthony G. Basile <>
Missed 1.1_pre10.
*tinc-1.0.26 (06 Jul 2015)
06 Jul 2015; Anthony G. Basile <> +tinc-1.0.26.ebuild,
-tinc-1.0.24-r2.ebuild, tinc-1.0.25.ebuild, tinc-1.1_pre11.ebuild:
Version bump. Clean up older versions. Add subslot deps for openssl and
03 Mar 2015; Yixun Lan <> tinc-1.1_pre11.ebuild:
add arm64 support, tested on A53 board
27 Dec 2014; Anthony G. Basile <> ChangeLog:
Fix gpg signature
*tinc-1.1_pre11 (27 Dec 2014)
27 Dec 2014; Anthony G. Basile <> +tinc-1.1_pre11.ebuild:
Version bump 1.1 series
*tinc-1.0.25 (22 Dec 2014)
22 Dec 2014; Anthony G. Basile <> +tinc-1.0.25.ebuild:
Version bump
27 Sep 2014; Anthony G. Basile <> -files/tincd,
-files/tincd.lo, -tinc-1.0.23.ebuild, -tinc-1.0.24.ebuild:
Remove older versions with tincd/tincd.lo split openrc scripts
*tinc-1.1_pre10-r1 (27 Sep 2014)
*tinc-1.0.24-r2 (27 Sep 2014)
27 Sep 2014; Anthony G. Basile <> +tinc-1.0.24-r2.ebuild,
+tinc-1.1_pre10-r1.ebuild, -tinc-1.0.24-r1.ebuild, -tinc-1.1_pre10.ebuild,
Fix bashism, bug #523862
*tinc-1.1_pre10 (17 Jul 2014)
*tinc-1.0.24-r1 (17 Jul 2014)
17 Jul 2014; Yixun Lan <> -tinc-1.0.22-r2.ebuild,
+tinc-1.0.24-r1.ebuild, +tinc-1.1_pre10.ebuild, +files/tincd-r1,
files/tincd.conf, metadata.xml:
bump version 1.1, rework init.d script
*tinc-1.0.24 (11 May 2014)
11 May 2014; Anthony G. Basile <> +tinc-1.0.24.ebuild:
Version bump
*tinc-1.0.23 (19 Oct 2013)
19 Oct 2013; Anthony G. Basile <> +tinc-1.0.23.ebuild,
-tinc-1.0.21.ebuild, -tinc-1.0.22.ebuild:
Version bump
01 Sep 2013; Anthony G. Basile <> files/tincd,
Fix quotes in openrc script, bug #481640
*tinc-1.0.22-r2 (31 Aug 2013)
31 Aug 2013; Anthony G. Basile <> +tinc-1.0.22-r2.ebuild,
-tinc-1.0.22-r1.ebuild, files/tincd_at.service:
Fix systemd unit file, bug #479596
*tinc-1.0.22-r1 (30 Aug 2013)
30 Aug 2013; Anthony G. Basile <> +files/tincd_at.service,
Add systemd unit file, bug #479596
*tinc-1.0.22 (13 Aug 2013)
13 Aug 2013; Anthony G. Basile <> +tinc-1.0.22.ebuild:
Version bump
24 Apr 2013; Anthony G. Basile <> +files/tincd,
+files/tincd.conf, +files/tincd.lo, -files/tincd.1, -files/tincd.conf.1,
-files/tincd.lo.1, -tinc-1.0.19.ebuild, -tinc-1.0.20.ebuild,
Remove older exploitables and name cleanup, bug #466904
*tinc-1.0.21 (23 Apr 2013)
23 Apr 2013; Anthony G. Basile <> +tinc-1.0.21.ebuild:
Version bump
05 Mar 2013; Anthony G. Basile <>
-files/fix-ac-arg-enable.patch, -tinc-1.0.18.ebuild:
Remove older unstable version
*tinc-1.0.20 (05 Mar 2013)
05 Mar 2013; Anthony G. Basile <> +tinc-1.0.20.ebuild:
Version bump
26 Jun 2012; Anthony G. Basile <> -tinc-1.0.16-r4.ebuild,
-tinc-1.0.17.ebuild, -files/fix-compile-vde-uml.patch,
-files/fix-missing-vde.patch, metadata.xml:
Remove older versions
*tinc-1.0.19 (26 Jun 2012)
26 Jun 2012; Anthony G. Basile <> +tinc-1.0.19.ebuild:
Version bump
12 May 2012; Benda Xu <> tinc-1.0.18.ebuild:
keyword ~amd64-linux
26 Mar 2012; Anthony G. Basile <> -tinc-1.0.13.ebuild,
-tinc-1.0.16.ebuild, -files/tincd, -files/tincd.conf, -files/tincd.lo:
Remove older unstable versions
26 Mar 2012; Anthony G. Basile <> tinc-1.0.18.ebuild,
Force disable tunemu, fix bug #409749
*tinc-1.0.18 (26 Mar 2012)
26 Mar 2012; Anthony G. Basile <> +tinc-1.0.18.ebuild,
Version bump with patch to fix AC_ARG_ENABLE
*tinc-1.0.17 (11 Mar 2012)
11 Mar 2012; Anthony G. Basile <> tinc-1.0.16-r4.ebuild,
+tinc-1.0.17.ebuild, files/tincd.lo.1:
Version bump, some cosmetic cleanups
*tinc-1.0.16-r4 (02 Feb 2012)
02 Feb 2012; Anthony G. Basile <> -tinc-1.0.16-r3.ebuild,
+tinc-1.0.16-r4.ebuild, files/tincd.1, files/tincd.lo.1:
Fix bug #401873
*tinc-1.0.16-r3 (31 Jan 2012)
31 Jan 2012; Anthony G. Basile <> -tinc-1.0.16-r1.ebuild,
-tinc-1.0.16-r2.ebuild, +tinc-1.0.16-r3.ebuild, files/tincd.1,
Fix bug #401423 and removed older ~arch
15 Jan 2012; Torsten Veller <> tinc-1.0.16-r1.ebuild,
Fix cvs keyword in the header (#398773)
*tinc-1.0.16-r2 (21 Dec 2011)
21 Dec 2011; Anthony G. Basile <> +tinc-1.0.16-r2.ebuild,
+files/fix-compile-vde-uml.patch, +files/fix-missing-vde.patch, metadata.xml:
Added USE flags for raw, uml and vde sockets, bug #371131
04 Dec 2011; Sven Wegener <> files/tincd, files/tincd.1,
files/tincd.lo, files/tincd.lo.1:
reload is extra_started_commands
*tinc-1.0.16-r1 (26 Sep 2011)
26 Sep 2011; Anthony G. Basile <> +tinc-1.0.16-r1.ebuild,
+files/tincd.1, +files/tincd.conf.1, +files/tincd.lo.1:
Rewrite of initd system, added syslog/logfile support, bug #371357
*tinc-1.0.16 (23 Sep 2011)
23 Sep 2011; Anthony G. Basile <> +tinc-1.0.16.ebuild:
Version bump to latest upstream stable
23 Sep 2011; Anthony G. Basile <> metadata.xml:
Added myself as maintainer.
20 Jul 2011; Pacho Ramos <> -tinc-1.0.8.ebuild,
-tinc-1.0.9.ebuild, -tinc-1.0.11.ebuild, metadata.xml:
Drop maintainer due retirement, bug #34534; remove old.
17 Sep 2010; Robin H. Johnson <> tinc-1.0.8.ebuild,
tinc-1.0.9.ebuild, tinc-1.0.11.ebuild, tinc-1.0.13.ebuild:
Builds fine with no sources installed.
*tinc-1.0.13 (18 Jul 2010)
18 Jul 2010; Daniel Black <> +tinc-1.0.13.ebuild,
+files/tincd.conf, +files/tincd.lo:
version bump thanks to Jan in bugs #314739 and #307477
16 Jan 2010; Jonathan Callen <> tinc-1.0.11.ebuild:
Add prefix keywords, only depend on linux-sources on linux
*tinc-1.0.11 (31 Dec 2009)
31 Dec 2009; Robert Buchholz <> +tinc-1.0.11.ebuild:
Version bump by non-maintainer, bug 295813.
09 Jun 2009; Jeroen Roovers <> metadata.xml:
Reassign to no-herd because secure-tunneling does not exist.
*tinc-1.0.9 (04 Jan 2009)
04 Jan 2009; Daniel Black <> -tinc-1.0.7.ebuild,
version bump as per bug #253655 thanks to craig
*tinc-1.0.8 (01 Apr 2008)
01 Apr 2008; Daniel Black <> +files/tinc.networks,
files/tincd, -tinc-1.0.5.ebuild, tinc-1.0.7.ebuild, +tinc-1.0.8.ebuild:
fix init script and add an example as per bug #211807 thanks to Sebastian
Droppelmann. added /etc/tinc directory as per bug #207113 thanks to Jens.
version bump as per bug #204016
*tinc-1.0.7 (19 Apr 2007)
19 Apr 2007; Daniel Black <> files/tincd,
-tinc-1.0.3.ebuild, -tinc-1.0.4.ebuild, -files/tinc-1.0.4-lzo2.patch,
tinc-1.0.5.ebuild, +tinc-1.0.7.ebuild:
version bump. Improved initscript thanks to inspiration by Natanael Copa in
bug #175024
07 Apr 2007; Christian Faulhammer <> tinc-1.0.5.ebuild:
keyworded ~amd64, bug 171550
22 Feb 2007; Piotr Jaroszyński <> ChangeLog:
Transition to Manifest2.
*tinc-1.0.5 (16 Dec 2006)
16 Dec 2006; Daniel Black <> +tinc-1.0.5.ebuild:
version bump.
24 May 2006; Bryan Østergaard <> metadata.xml:
Remove warpzero from metadata.xml, bug 133117.
*tinc-1.0.4 (25 Apr 2006)
25 Apr 2006; Daniel Black <>
+files/tinc-1.0.4-lzo2.patch, metadata.xml, -tinc-1.0.2.ebuild,
version bump bug #112375. added me to maintainer too. removed old version
03 Jan 2006; Daniel Black <> tinc-1.0.2.ebuild,
dependency changed to =dev-libs/lzo-1* so that unmasking lzo-2 wont break this
package as per bug #112375
*tinc-1.0.3 (29 Apr 2005)
29 Apr 2005: Joshua Charles Campbell <> tinc-1.0.3.ebuild:
Bumpity bump bump.
26 Mar 2005; Michael Hanselmann <> tinc-1.0.2.ebuild:
Added to ~ppc.
24 Dec 2003; Sven Blumenstein <> tinc-1.0.2.ebuild,
Fixed init script and added ~sparc keyword.
*tinc-1.0.2 (03 Aug 2003)
24 Dec 2003; <> metadata.xml, tinc-1.0.2.ebuild:
Added initial ChangeLog which should be updated whenever the package is
updated in any way. This changelog is targetted to users. This means that the
comments should well explained and written in clean English. The details about
writing correct changelogs are explained in the skel.ChangeLog file which you
can find in the root directory of the portage repository.