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# ChangeLog for dev-libs/serd
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/serd/ChangeLog,v 1.10 2013/01/13 21:08:17 aballier Exp $
*serd-0.18.2 (13 Jan 2013)
13 Jan 2013; Alexis Ballier <> +serd-0.18.2.ebuild:
version bump
11 Dec 2012; Agostino Sarubbo <> serd-0.18.0.ebuild:
Add ~ppc, wrt bug #421061
*serd-0.18.0 (30 Aug 2012)
30 Aug 2012; Alexis Ballier <> +serd-0.18.0.ebuild:
version bump
*serd-0.14.0 (22 Apr 2012)
22 Apr 2012; Alexis Ballier <> +serd-0.14.0.ebuild:
version bump
01 Mar 2012; Thomas Kahle <> serd-0.5.0.ebuild:
marked ~x86 per bug 397887
07 Dec 2011; Alexis Ballier <> -serd-0.4.2.ebuild:
remove old
*serd-0.5.0 (11 Oct 2011)
11 Oct 2011; Alexis Ballier <> +serd-0.5.0.ebuild:
version bump
27 May 2011; Alexis Ballier <> serd-0.4.2.ebuild:
export CC variables...
27 May 2011; Alexis Ballier <> serd-0.4.2.ebuild:
remove debug useflag as it only replaces our cflags by debug ones...
*serd-0.4.2 (27 May 2011)
27 May 2011; Alexis Ballier <> +serd-0.4.2.ebuild,
+files/ldconfig.patch, +metadata.xml:
initial import, ebuild by me