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# ChangeLog for sys-apps/yum
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/yum/ChangeLog,v 1.20 2013/09/17 22:00:54 creffett Exp $
*yum-3.4.3_p20130218 (17 Sep 2013)
17 Sep 2013; Chris Reffett <> +yum-3.4.3_p20130218.ebuild,
-yum-3.4.3-r1.ebuild, -yum-3.4.3.ebuild:
Security bump wrt bug 463512. Clean affected.
*yum-3.4.3-r1 (04 May 2013)
04 May 2013; Mike Gilbert <> +yum-3.4.3-r1.ebuild:
Migrate to python-single-r1.
04 May 2013; Mike Gilbert <> yum-3.4.3.ebuild:
Drop dependency on dev-python/celementtree; it is included in the standard
02 Apr 2012; Pacho Ramos <> -yum-3.2.27-r1.ebuild,
-yum-3.2.29.ebuild, yum-3.4.3.ebuild:
Respect get_libdir variable, bug #255698 by Nathan Phillip Brink (binki).
Remove old
15 Mar 2012; Mike Gilbert <> yum-3.4.3.ebuild:
Convert python shebangs.
*yum-3.4.3 (31 Aug 2011)
31 Aug 2011; Mike Frysinger <> +yum-3.4.3.ebuild:
Version bump.
*yum-3.2.29 (06 Apr 2011)
06 Apr 2011; Michael Weber <> +yum-3.2.29.ebuild:
Version bump (thanks to on bug 352181)
08 Aug 2010; Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto <>
Removed deathwing00 from metadata as he took an extended away.
16 Jun 2010; Patrick Lauer <> yum-3.2.27-r1.ebuild:
Fixing deps so it builds
*yum-3.2.27-r1 (17 Apr 2010)
17 Apr 2010; Ioannis Aslanidis <>
Fixes bug #315757. Thanks go to arfrever at gentoo dot org for the patch.
*yum-3.2.27 (19 Mar 2010)
19 Mar 2010; Ioannis Aslanidis <> +yum-3.2.27.ebuild,
Version bump. Supports sslverify=no and other cool things that can be used
together with mock.
13 Mar 2009; Thilo Bangert <> yum-2.6.1.ebuild,
yum-3.2.8.ebuild, yum-3.2.8-r1.ebuild:
update HOMEPAGE and SRC_URI - bug #261442
*yum-3.2.8-r1 (01 Feb 2009)
01 Feb 2009; Patrick Lauer <> +yum-3.2.8-r1.ebuild:
Fixing deps for tests, closes #255696
27 Sep 2008; Petteri Räty <> yum-3.2.8.ebuild:
Use EAPI 2 use dependencies instead of built_with_use.
29 May 2008; Ali Polatel <> yum-2.6.1.ebuild,
python_mod_{cleanup,optimize} is ROOT aware. Remove redundant
python_version in pkg_*. Quoting.
06 Jan 2008; Mike Frysinger <> yum-3.2.8.ebuild:
Force python-2.5 as we need the sqlite stuff #204634.
*yum-3.2.8 (30 Dec 2007)
30 Dec 2007; Mike Frysinger <> +yum-3.2.8.ebuild:
Version bump.
15 May 2007; Thilo Bangert <> metadata.xml:
add <herd>no-herd</herd>
28 Aug 2006; Chris Bainbridge <> yum-2.6.1.ebuild:
Add depend on >=dev-python/urlgrabber-2.9.6 to fix #145276
*yum-2.6.1 (10 Jun 2006)
10 Jun 2006; Chris Bainbridge <> +metadata.xml,
New package, submitted by Andrew Ross in bug #133848