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# ChangeLog for dev-python/python-ptrace
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-python/python-ptrace/ChangeLog,v 1.10 2012/03/09 09:24:15 patrick Exp $
*python-ptrace-0.6.4 (09 Mar 2012)
09 Mar 2012; Patrick Lauer <> +python-ptrace-0.6.4.ebuild:
22 Nov 2011; Jesus Rivero <>
python-ptrace-0.6.3.ebuild, -python-ptrace-0.6.3-r1.ebuild:
Reverted the revbump and applied changes to 0.6.3
*python-ptrace-0.6.3-r1 (22 Nov 2011)
22 Nov 2011; Jesus Rivero <>
Revbump to take care of examples. Closes bug #291838
*python-ptrace-0.6.3 (28 Jul 2011)
28 Jul 2011; Patrick Lauer <> +python-ptrace-0.6.3.ebuild:
Bump for #375895
08 Feb 2010; Peter Volkov <> python-ptrace-0.6.ebuild,
Add inherit eutils for epatch.
*python-ptrace-0.6.2 (15 Nov 2009)
15 Nov 2009; Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <>
Version bump.
18 Sep 2009; Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <>
04 Sep 2009; Patrick Lauer <> -python-ptrace-0.5.ebuild:
Remove old
*python-ptrace-0.6 (28 Feb 2009)
28 Feb 2009; Patrick Lauer <> +python-ptrace-0.6.ebuild:
Bump to 0.6. Really closes #247892 now.
*python-ptrace-0.5 (03 Feb 2009)
03 Feb 2009; Patrick Lauer <> +metadata.xml,
Initial import. Ebuild from Tuna <>. Closes #247892