118 lines
3.7 KiB
118 lines
3.7 KiB
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/colo/colo-1.22.ebuild,v 1.5 2012/05/18 14:17:11 mattst88 Exp $
inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
DESCRIPTION="CObalt LOader - Modern bootloader for Cobalt MIPS machines"
KEYWORDS="-* ~mips"
src_unpack() {
unpack ${A}
src_compile() {
echo -e ""
einfo ">>> Building the CoLo Bootloader ..."
# Remove -Werror from CFLAGS
# gcc-4.3.x is more strict; We'll go back and fix later
cd "${S}"
for x in $(grep -rl "Werror" "${S}"/*); do
sed -i -e 's/\-Werror//g' "${x}"
# Keep elf2rfx from automatically building via the Makefile
sed -i -e 's/tools\/elf2rfx //' "${S}"/Makefile
# Build it first with BUILD_CC in case of cross-compiles
cd "${S}"/tools/elf2rfx
make CC="$(tc-getBUILD_CC)" || die
# Build the rest
cd "${S}"
make clean || die # emake breaks the build
make CC="$(tc-getCC)" OBJCOPY="$(tc-getOBJCOPY)" \
STRIP="$(tc-getSTRIP)" || die
# Now rebuild elf2rfx again with CC so it can be installed
cd "${S}"/tools/elf2rfx
make clean || die
make CC="$(tc-getCC)" || die
src_install() {
# bins
dodir /usr/lib/colo
cp binaries/colo-chain.elf "${D}"/usr/lib/colo
cp binaries/colo-rom-image.bin "${D}"/usr/lib/colo
# docs
dodoc CHANGES INSTALL README README.{restore,shell,netcon} tools/README.tools TODO
# all tools except lcdtools (see below)
local tool
for tool in flash-tool colo-perm copy-rom elf2rfx; do
einfo "Installing ${tool} binary to ${D}/usr/sbin"
dosbin tools/${tool}/${tool}
if [ -f tools/${tool}/${tool}.8 ]; then
einfo "Installing ${tool} manpage to ${D}/usr/share/man"
doman tools/flash-tool/flash-tool.8
# lcdtools
for tool in paneld putlcd e2fsck-lcd; do
einfo "Installing ${tool} binary and manpage to ${D}/usr/sbin"
dosbin tools/lcdtools/${tool}/${tool}
doman tools/lcdtools/${tool}/${tool}.8
dolib.a tools/lcdtools/liblcd/liblcd.a
# bootscripts
dodir /usr/lib/colo/scripts
cp "${FILESDIR}"/*.colo "${D}"/usr/lib/colo/scripts
pkg_postinst() {
echo -e ""
einfo "Install locations:"
einfo " Binaries:\t/usr/lib/${PN}"
einfo " Docs:\t/usr/share/doc/${PF}"
einfo " Tools:\t/usr/sbin/{flash-tool,colo-perm,copy-rom,"
einfo " \tputlcd,paneld,e2fsck-lcd,elf2rfx}"
einfo " Scripts:\t/usr/lib/${PN}/scripts"
echo -e ""
einfo "Please read the docs to fully understand the behavior of this bootloader, and"
einfo "edit the boot scripts to suit your needs."
echo -e ""
ewarn "Users installing ${PN} for the first time need to be aware that newer"
ewarn "versions of ${PN} disable the serial port by default. If the serial port"
ewarn "is needed, select it from the boot menu. Users using the example boot"
ewarn "scripts provided will have the serial port automatically enabled."
echo -e ""
ewarn "Note: It is HIGHLY recommended that you use the chain"
ewarn "bootloader (colo-chain.elf) first before attempting to"
ewarn "write the bootloader to the flash chip to verify that"
ewarn "it will work for you. It is also recommended that"
ewarn "you read the documentation in /usr/share/doc/${PF}"
ewarn "as it explains how to properly use this package."
echo -e ""
eerror "Warning: Make sure that IF you plan on flashing the"
eerror "bootloader into the flash chip that you are using a"
eerror "modern 2.4 Linux kernel (i.e., >2.4.18), otherwise"
eerror "you run a risk of destroying the contents of the"
eerror "flash chip and rendering the machine unusable."
echo -e ""
echo -e ""