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# ChangeLog for app-misc/xmind
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-misc/xmind/ChangeLog,v 1.6 2013/07/08 02:10:42 creffett Exp $
08 Jul 2013; Chris Reffett <>
Make several small fixes to ebuild, credit to hasufell for suggestions
30 Jun 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <>
Stable for x86, wrt bug #475034
30 Jun 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <>
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #475034
29 Jun 2013; Chris Reffett <>
Add libraries to QA_FLAGS_IGNORED to "fix" bug 475146
03 Apr 2013; Chris Reffett <> -files/xmind.16.png,
-files/xmind.32.png, -files/xmind.48.png, xmind-
Move binary icon files to a tarball in my devspace wrt bug 464296.
*xmind- (02 Mar 2013)
02 Mar 2013; Chris Reffett <> +files/x-xmind.xml,
+files/xmind-thumbnailer, +files/xmind.16.png, +files/xmind.32.png,
+files/xmind.48.png, +files/xmind.schemas, +metadata.xml,
New package wrt bugs 295242, 375249. Thanks to Mark Dumlao
<>, Vitovt <>, Heiu-mun Park
<>, Tarcisio Fedrizzi <>
for work in making the ebuild.