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# ChangeLog for sci-biology/mammoth
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-biology/mammoth/ChangeLog,v 1.6 2012/10/19 10:46:56 jlec Exp $
19 Oct 2012; Justin Lecher <> mammoth-1.0.ebuild,
Remove virtual/fortran and always call fortran-2_pkg_setup as intend by the
updated fortran-2.eclass
21 Jun 2011; Justin Lecher <> mammoth-1.0.ebuild:
Add dependency on virtual/fortran
21 Jun 2011; Justin Lecher <> mammoth-1.0.ebuild:
Added fortran-2.eclass support
16 Dec 2010; Justin Lecher <> mammoth-1.0.ebuild:
Removal of fortran.eclass, #348851
13 Sep 2010; Markos Chandras <> mammoth-1.0.ebuild:
Keyworded for amd64. Bug #335605
*mammoth-1.0 (10 Dec 2007)
10 Dec 2007; Donnie Berkholz <>;
+files/1.0-consistent-system-intrinsic.patch, +metadata.xml,
Add mammoth, a nice structural alignment program. It contains the MaxSub
algorithm, which is used by lots of people.