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# ChangeLog for dev-libs/libcgroup
# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/libcgroup/ChangeLog,v 1.2 2011/05/14 18:11:14 nerdboy Exp $
*libcgroup-0.37-r2 (14 May 2011)
14 May 2011; Steve Arnold <nerdboy@gentoo.org> -libcgroup-0.37-r1.ebuild,
Fixed bogus USE flag handling for static-libs (closes bug #366727).
*libcgroup-0.37-r1 (05 Mar 2011)
05 Mar 2011; Steve Arnold <nerdboy@gentoo.org> +libcgroup-0.37-r1.ebuild,
+files/libcgroup-0.37-wildcard-substitutions.patch, +files/cgconfig.confd,
+files/cgconfig.initd, +files/cgred.confd, +files/cgred.initd,
New ebuild for managing kernel control groups. Based on several ebuilds
from the overlay, bugzilla, and hparker. Works for me...