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# ChangeLog for dev-libs/libcss
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/libcss/ChangeLog,v 1.15 2015/06/09 22:02:57 xmw Exp $
*libcss-0.5.0-r1 (09 Jun 2015)
09 Jun 2015; Michael Weber <> +libcss-0.5.0-r1.ebuild,
Revbump for multilib fix.
*libcss-0.5.0 (21 Mar 2015)
21 Mar 2015; Michael Weber <>
+files/libcss-0.5.0-glibc2.20.patch, +libcss-0.5.0.ebuild,
-files/libcss-0.1.2-enum-compare.patch, -libcss-0.1.2.ebuild,
Version bump (bug 543846).
15 Nov 2014; Michael Weber <> libcss-0.4.0.ebuild:
tighten dependencies
*libcss-0.4.0 (15 Nov 2014)
15 Nov 2014; Michael Weber <>
+files/libcss-0.4.0-glibc2.20.patch, +libcss-0.4.0.ebuild:
Version bump, new buildsystem, glibc-2.20 patch (bug 528938)
05 Jan 2014; Fabian Groffen <> libcss-0.2.0.ebuild:
Marked ~m68k-mint, bug #494512
23 Jun 2013; Michael Weber <> libcss-0.2.0.ebuild:
Migrate to netsurf.eclass
*libcss-0.2.0 (17 Jun 2013)
17 Jun 2013; Michael Weber <> +libcss-0.2.0.ebuild,
Version bump (bug 470720), multilib build, preparations for netsurf eclass.
27 Feb 2013; Michael Weber <> libcss-0.1.2.ebuild:
Add DEPEND virtual/pkgconfig.
27 Feb 2013; Michael Weber <> libcss-0.1.2.ebuild,
netsurf eclass preparation. Fix enum comparison.
11 Nov 2012; Michael Weber <> libcss-0.1.2.ebuild:
Cross compile fix (bug 431884, James Le Cuirot)
23 Jul 2012; Michael Weber <> libcss-0.1.2.ebuild:
18 Jul 2012; Michael Weber <> libcss-0.1.2.ebuild:
Fix dependencies
18 Jul 2012; Michael Sterrett <> libcss-0.1.2.ebuild:
add missing test to IUSE
18 Jul 2012; Michael Weber <> libcss-0.1.2.ebuild:
fix inherit, test depends on dev-lang/perl.
*libcss-0.1.2 (17 Jul 2012)
17 Jul 2012; Michael Weber <> +libcss-0.1.2.ebuild,
Initial import