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# ChangeLog for app-shells/autojump
# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-shells/autojump/ChangeLog,v 1.15 2014/11/21 09:56:46 radhermit Exp $
21 Nov 2014; Tim Harder <> autojump-21.3.0-r1.ebuild,
autojump-21.5.8-r1.ebuild, autojump-21.6.9.ebuild:
Rename zsh-completion to gentoo-zsh-completions.
05 Sep 2013; Michał Górny <> autojump-21.3.0-r1.ebuild,
autojump-21.5.8-r1.ebuild, autojump-21.6.9.ebuild:
Clean up PYTHON_COMPAT from old implementations.
*autojump-21.5.8-r1 (06 Aug 2013)
*autojump-21.6.9 (06 Aug 2013)
06 Aug 2013; Michael Weber <> +autojump-21.5.8-r1.ebuild,
+autojump-21.6.9.ebuild, -autojump-21.5.8.ebuild,
Fix EPREFIX handling (thanks Leho Kraav, bug 465226), version bump.
*autojump-21.5.8 (04 May 2013)
04 May 2013; Michael Weber <> +autojump-21.5.8.ebuild,
+files/autojump-21.5.8-eprefix.patch, autojump-21.3.0-r1.ebuild:
Version bump (thanks Oliver Freyermuth, bug 468056), fix python-r1 support.
*autojump-21.3.0-r1 (04 May 2013)
04 May 2013; Michael Weber <> +autojump-21.3.0-r1.ebuild,
+files/autojump-21.3.0-supported-shells.patch, -autojump-21.3.0.ebuild:
Drop old, fix infinity loop sourcing shell=sh (thanks Kamil Kuduk, bug
446312), prefix support (thanks Leho Kraav, bug 465226), fix security issue
(bug 467262).
04 May 2013; Michael Weber <> -autojump-20.9.ebuild,
-autojump-21.1.0.ebuild, -autojump-21.1.2.ebuild, -autojump-21.2.1.ebuild:
drop old version
*autojump-21.3.0 (09 Jan 2013)
09 Jan 2013; Michael Weber <> +autojump-21.3.0.ebuild:
Version bump
*autojump-21.2.1 (09 Jan 2013)
09 Jan 2013; Michael Weber <> +autojump-21.2.1.ebuild:
Version bump (thanks euscan)
*autojump-21.1.2 (09 Jan 2013)
09 Jan 2013; Michael Weber <> +autojump-21.1.2.ebuild:
Version bump (thanks euscan)
*autojump-21.1.0 (24 Nov 2012)
24 Nov 2012; Michael Weber <> +autojump-21.1.0.ebuild:
Version bump
27 Jun 2012; Kacper Kowalik <> autojump-20.9.ebuild:
Fix PYTHON invocation
12 Jun 2012; Michael Weber <> -autojump-14.ebuild,
vcs-snapshot.eclass, remove old.
*autojump-20.9 (11 Jun 2012)
11 Jun 2012; Michael Weber <> +autojump-20.9.ebuild,
-autojump-13.ebuild, metadata.xml:
Version bump (bug 420461 by haozida), EAPI-4, USE python, tests.
*autojump-14 (22 Dec 2010)
22 Dec 2010; Michael Weber <> +autojump-14.ebuild:
Version bump, python3 now supported.
*autojump-13 (26 Oct 2010)
26 Oct 2010; Michael Weber <> +autojump-13.ebuild,
Initial import fixes 335401, thanks to Olivier Mehani
<> for the initial ebuild.