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# ChangeLog for games-fps/avp
# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/games-fps/avp/ChangeLog,v 1.15 2014/07/03 20:29:50 axs Exp $
03 Jul 2014; Ian Stakenvicius (_AxS_) <> avp-20070130-r2.ebuild:
fixed dependency versions
*avp-20070130-r2 (03 Jul 2014)
03 Jul 2014; Ian Stakenvicius (_AxS_) <>
bumped EAPI to 5; converted deps to gx86-multilib
03 May 2012; Jeff Horelick <> avp-20070130-r1.ebuild:
dev-util/pkgconfig -> virtual/pkgconfig
13 Jun 2009; Tristan Heaven <> avp-20070130-r1.ebuild,
Fix building with glibc-2.10, bug #273588
19 Jan 2008; Tristan Heaven <> avp-20070130-r1.ebuild:
Fix deps for amd64, bug #206380
10 Sep 2007; Tupone Alfredo <> avp-20070130-r1.ebuild:
Adding ~amd64 keyword. Bug #192005 by Dizzy
07 Sep 2007; <> +files/avp-20070130-gcc42.patch,
Fixing gcc-4.2 compilation problem. Bug #184423 by Tristan Heaven
*avp-20070130-r1 (07 Sep 2007)
07 Sep 2007; <> avp-20070130-r1.ebuild files/digest-avp-20070130-r1
*avp-20070130 (30 Jan 2007)
30 Jan 2007; Tristan Heaven <> +avp-20070130.ebuild:
New snapshot
13 Oct 2006; Chris Gianelloni <>
+files/avp-20031110-cleanup.patch, +files/avp-20031110-gentoo.patch:
Added patches from Tristan Heaven <> and Mike Frysinger
<> and closing bug #132389.
05 Oct 2006; Tristan Heaven <> avp-20031110.ebuild:
Remove nvidia-glx version check
09 Aug 2006; Chris Gianelloni <> avp-20031110.ebuild:
Added patch from Tristan Heaven <> and closing bug
08 Jun 2006; Chris Gianelloni <> avp-20031110.ebuild:
Changed to use normal unpack. Thanks to Tristan Heaven
<> for pointing this out.
06 Jun 2006; Chris Gianelloni <> avp-20031110.ebuild:
Commented inherit line to remove cvs and added a new inherit line without
cvs. This should keep QA off our back, even though we weren't actually using
the cvs portions currently.
*avp-20031110 (06 Jun 2006)
06 Jun 2006; Chris Gianelloni <>
+files/avp-20031110-gcc34.patch, +metadata.xml, +avp-20031110.ebuild:
Moved from games-fps/avp-cvs to games-fps/avp.
13 Apr 2006; Chris Gianelloni <>
Moved games_pkg_setup to the beginning of pkg_setup.
09 Mar 2006; <> +files/avp-cvs-20031110-gcc34.patch,
Modular X dependency fix
Fix gcc-3.4 bug (#99756), thanks Triffid Hunter for report.
21 Jul 2005; Michael Sterrett <>
use default src_compile; tidy
03 Apr 2004; Donnie Berkholz <>;
Change XFree86 references to X11.
30 Mar 2004; Michael Sterrett <>
use emake; don't RDEPEND on sed; virtual/x11
29 Dec 2003; Michael Sterrett <>
sed in unpack; make it easier to use live cvs; more error checking/messages
*avp-cvs-20031110 (10 Nov 2003)
10 Nov 2003; Mike Frysinger <> :
CVS snapshot so we dont keep overloading cvs server.
*avp-cvs-20030314 (11 Jul 2003)
03 Sep 2003; Michael Sterrett <> avp-cvs-20030314.ebuild:
use sed >= 4; tidy
11 Jul 2003; Mike Frysinger <> :
Initial import. Ebuild submitted by Dirk-Jan Heijs <> #17529.