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# ChangeLog for sci-libs/gsl
# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/gsl/ChangeLog,v 1.86 2014/04/16 13:34:45 hasufell Exp $
*gsl-1.16 (16 Apr 2014)
16 Apr 2014; Julian Ospald <> +files/gsl-1.16-cblas.patch,
version bump wrt #507158
29 Mar 2013; Justin Lecher <> gsl-1.14-r1.ebuild,
Move compiler specific checks into src_prepare to macke the package binary
friendly, #463724
21 Feb 2013; Justin Lecher <> -gsl-1.13-r1.ebuild,
-gsl-1.13-r2.ebuild, gsl-1.14.ebuild, gsl-1.14-r1.ebuild, gsl-1.15.ebuild,
Use tc-getPKG_CONFIG from toolchain-funcs.eclass instead of plain pkg-config;
drop old
04 May 2012; Jeff Horelick <> gsl-1.13-r1.ebuild,
gsl-1.13-r2.ebuild, gsl-1.14.ebuild, gsl-1.14-r1.ebuild, gsl-1.15.ebuild:
dev-util/pkgconfig -> virtual/pkgconfig
28 Jul 2011; Sébastien Fabbro <>
Adapated cblas patch to respect upstream policy about pkg-config, fixing
tests (bug #370317)
12 Jun 2011; Tomáš Chvátal <> gsl-1.15.ebuild:
Move to eapi4. Punt .la files. Run eselect only if really required for
pretend phase.
*gsl-1.15 (21 May 2011)
21 May 2011; Christoph Junghans <> +gsl-1.15.ebuild,
Version bump (bug #368223)
19 Dec 2010; Kacper Kowalik <> gsl-1.14-r1.ebuild:
Use filter-mfpmath instead of filter-flags
19 Dec 2010; Sébastien Fabbro <> gsl-1.14-r1.ebuild:
Filtered flag -mfpmath=sse,387 for gcc 4.4.x bug #349005
09 Aug 2010; Kacper Kowalik <>
-files/gsl-1.6-deps.diff, -files/gsl-1.12-cblas.patch, gsl-1.13-r1.ebuild,
gsl-1.13-r2.ebuild, gsl-1.14.ebuild, gsl-1.14-r1.ebuild, metadata.xml:
Renamed cblas to cblas-external wrt bug 330251. Dropped ~ppc-macos due to
unsolved deps. Remove old patches.
18 Jul 2010; <> gsl-1.14.ebuild:
ppc stable #325179
18 Jul 2010; Raúl Porcel <> gsl-1.14.ebuild:
alpha/arm/ia64/s390/sh/sparc stable wrt #325179
10 Jul 2010; Christian Faulhammer <> gsl-1.14.ebuild:
stable x86, bug 325179
09 Jul 2010; Samuli Suominen <> gsl-1.14.ebuild:
ppc64 stable wrt #325179
01 Jul 2010; Jeroen Roovers <> gsl-1.14.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #325179).
25 Jun 2010; Sébastien Fabbro <> gsl-1.14-r1.ebuild:
Removed forced pic
*gsl-1.14-r1 (25 Jun 2010)
25 Jun 2010; Justin Lecher <> +gsl-1.14-r1.ebuild:
Include static lib support, force to pic
24 Jun 2010; Pacho Ramos <> gsl-1.14.ebuild:
stable amd64, bug 325179
09 Apr 2010; Markos Chandras <> gsl-1.13-r1.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 wrt bug #299826
*gsl-1.14 (09 Apr 2010)
09 Apr 2010; Sébastien Fabbro <> +gsl-1.14.ebuild,
Version bump
*gsl-1.13-r2 (07 Mar 2010)
07 Mar 2010; Justin Lecher (jlec) <> +gsl-1.13-r2.ebuild:
Moved to EAPI=3 for PREFIX support, imported prefix patches from overlay,
keyworded as in overlay
30 Jan 2010; Raúl Porcel <> gsl-1.13-r1.ebuild:
alpha/arm/ia64/s390/sh/sparc stable wrt #299826
22 Jan 2010; Jeroen Roovers <> gsl-1.13-r1.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #299826).
12 Jan 2010; nixnut <> gsl-1.13-r1.ebuild:
ppc stable #299826
11 Jan 2010; Brent Baude <> gsl-1.13-r1.ebuild:
stable ppc64, bug 299826
07 Jan 2010; Christian Faulhammer <> gsl-1.13-r1.ebuild:
stable x86, bug 299826
20 Sep 2009; Alexey Shvetsov <>
Fix patch. Thanks to Livid
*gsl-1.13-r1 (20 Sep 2009)
20 Sep 2009; Alexey Shvetsov <> +gsl-1.13-r1.ebuild,
Fix bug #285468. Thanks to Livid
*gsl-1.13 (17 Sep 2009)
17 Sep 2009; Sébastien Fabbro <> -gsl-1.9.ebuild,
-gsl-1.11.ebuild, +gsl-1.13.ebuild, +files/gsl-1.13-cblas.patch,
Version bump, removed old. Note gsl-1.9-r1 is kept for GPL-2 compat until
we close bug #199451
23 Apr 2009; Raúl Porcel <> gsl-1.12.ebuild:
arm/ia64/s390/sh/sparc stable wrt #265339
18 Apr 2009; Markus Meier <> gsl-1.12:
amd64/x86 stable, bug #265339
15 Apr 2009; Brent Baude <> gsl-1.12.ebuild:
Marking gsl-1.12 ppc64 for bug 265339
12 Apr 2009; Tobias Klausmann <> gsl-1.12.ebuild:
Stable on alpha, bug #265339
11 Apr 2009; nixnut <> gsl-1.12.ebuild:
ppc stable #265339
08 Apr 2009; Jeroen Roovers <> gsl-1.12.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #265339).
20 Mar 2009; Peter Volkov <> gsl-1.12.ebuild:
~mips back, bug #204072
*gsl-1.12 (19 Jan 2009)
19 Jan 2009; Sébastien Fabbro <>
+files/gsl-1.12-cblas.patch, -gsl-1.10.ebuild, +gsl-1.12.ebuild:
Version bump. cblas patch adapted and added a check on the external
cblas lib not to be gsl itself.
09 Nov 2008; Raúl Porcel <> gsl-1.11.ebuild:
alpha/ia64 stable wrt #245838
08 Nov 2008; Markus Meier <> gsl-1.11.ebuild:
amd64/x86 stable, bug #245838
08 Nov 2008; nixnut <> gsl-1.11.ebuild:
Stable on ppc wrt bug 245838
07 Nov 2008; Jeroen Roovers <> gsl-1.11.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #245838).
06 Nov 2008; Ferris McCormick <> gsl-1.11.ebuild:
Sparc stable --- Bug #245838 --- in use about 7 months w/o problems.
07 Aug 2008; Ulrich Mueller <> metadata.xml:
Add USE flag description to metadata wrt GLEP 56.
*gsl-1.11 (31 Mar 2008)
31 Mar 2008; Sébastien Fabbro <> -gsl-1.8.ebuild,
Version bump. Removed icc test since it now compiles and tests are fine
09 Jan 2008; Jeroen Roovers <> gsl-1.9-r1.ebuild,
Marked ~hppa (bug #204072).
02 Jan 2008; Raúl Porcel <> gsl-1.10.ebuild:
Re-add ~ia64
11 Oct 2007; Sébastien Fabbro <> gsl-1.9-r1.ebuild,
fixed lib->get_libdir for eselect bug workaround
*gsl-1.10 (10 Oct 2007)
10 Oct 2007; Sébastien Fabbro <>
+files/gsl-cblas.patch, -gsl-1.4.ebuild, -gsl-1.6.ebuild, -gsl-1.7.ebuild,
gsl-1.9-r1.ebuild, +gsl-1.10.ebuild:
Version bump, removed old versions, added work around eselect bug #189942.
Added new cblas use flag to allow use of external cblas library.
16 Sep 2007; Sébastien Fabbro <>
files/eselect.cblas.gsl, metadata.xml:
fixed link for cblas.h, closing bug #192718, added longdescription.
*gsl-1.9-r1 (21 Aug 2007)
21 Aug 2007; Sébastien Fabbro <> +files/,
+files/eselect.cblas.gsl, +gsl-1.9-r1.ebuild:
Added eselect and cblas pkg-config files to be a possible implementation of
virtual/cblas. General cleanup continued.
12 Jun 2007; Christoph Mende <> gsl-1.9.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 wrt bug 180916
09 Jun 2007; nixnut <> gsl-1.9.ebuild:
Stable on ppc wrt bug 180916
07 Jun 2007; Markus Rothe <> gsl-1.9.ebuild:
Stable on ppc64; bug #180916
06 Jun 2007; Raúl Porcel <> gsl-1.9.ebuild:
alpha/ia64/x86 stable wrt #180916
05 Jun 2007; Jeroen Roovers <> gsl-1.9.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #180916).
05 Jun 2007; Gustavo Zacarias <> gsl-1.9.ebuild:
Stable on sparc wrt #180916
28 Mar 2007; Fabian Groffen <> gsl-1.7.ebuild,
gsl-1.8.ebuild, gsl-1.9.ebuild:
Dropped ppc-macos keyword, see you in prefix
28 Mar 2007; Raúl Porcel <> gsl-1.8.ebuild:
ia64 stable wrt bug 167860
27 Mar 2007; Michael Cummings <> gsl-1.9.ebuild:
Tested on swarm for USE-flag changes in dev-perl/PDL
15 Mar 2007; Markus Dittrich <> gsl-1.9.ebuild:
Some general clean-ups thanks to Santiago M. Mola Velasco
<> (see bug #170919).
06 Mar 2007; Simon Stelling <> gsl-1.8.ebuild:
stable on amd64; bug 169212
28 Feb 2007; Roy Marples <> gsl-1.9.ebuild:
Add ~x86-fbsd keyword.
24 Feb 2007; nixnut <> gsl-1.8.ebuild:
Stable on ppc wrt bug 167860
24 Feb 2007; Markus Rothe <> gsl-1.8.ebuild:
Stable on ppc64; bug #167860
22 Feb 2007; Christian Faulhammer <> gsl-1.8.ebuild:
stable x86; bug 167860
22 Feb 2007; Jeroen Roovers <> gsl-1.8.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #167860).
*gsl-1.9 (21 Feb 2007)
21 Feb 2007; Markus Dittrich <> +gsl-1.9.ebuild:
Version bump.
21 Feb 2007; Markus Dittrich <> gsl-1.8.ebuild:
Removed filtering of -mfpmath=sse since otherwise tests fail
on a -mfpmath=sse built toolchain.
06 Feb 2007; Gustavo Zacarias <> gsl-1.8.ebuild:
Stable on sparc
18 Jan 2007; Ferris McCormick <> gsl-1.7.ebuild:
Stable on sparc (no problems reported for 15 months).
01 Nov 2006; Donnie Berkholz <>; ChangeLog:
Update for my nick change spyderous -> dberkholz.
17 Jun 2006; Donnie Berkholz <>;
+files/gsl-1.6-deps.diff, gsl-1.8.ebuild:
(#134063) Fix for --as-needed.
16 Jun 2006; Markus Rothe <> gsl-1.7.ebuild:
Stable on ppc64
23 May 2006; Markus Rothe <> gsl-1.4.ebuild:
Stable on ppc64
*gsl-1.8 (11 Apr 2006)
11 Apr 2006; George Shapovalov <> +gsl-1.8.ebuild:
new version
10 Mar 2006; Aron Griffis <> gsl-1.7.ebuild:
Mark 1.7 stable on ia64
22 Feb 2006; Emanuele Giaquinta <> gsl-1.7.ebuild:
Stable on ppc.
08 Feb 2006; Aron Griffis <> gsl-1.7.ebuild:
Mark 1.7 stable on alpha
18 Jan 2006; Marcus D. Hanwell <> gsl-1.7.ebuild:
Stable on amd64.
10 Nov 2005; Fabian Groffen <> gsl-1.7.ebuild:
Marked ~ppc-macos (bug #111578)
*gsl-1.7 (14 Oct 2005)
14 Oct 2005; Marcus D. Hanwell <> +gsl-1.7.ebuild:
Version bump, closes bug 106895.
26 Jun 2005; Olivier Fisette <> -files/k6-undef.diff,
Removed obsolete version and unused patch.
*gsl-1.6 (16 Jan 2005)
16 Jan 2005; Olivier Fisette <> gsl-1.3.ebuild,
gsl-1.4.ebuild, +gsl-1.6.ebuild:
New version. Fixed HOMEPAGE and SRC_URI (use the GNU mirrors).
29 Dec 2004; Ciaran McCreesh <> :
Change encoding to UTF-8 for GLEP 31 compliance
*gsl-1.4 (28 Dec 2004)
28 Dec 2004; Olivier Fisette <> +metadata.xml,
+files/k6-undef.diff, +gsl-1.3.ebuild, +gsl-1.4.ebuild:
Moved from dev-libs/gsl to sci-libs/gsl.
23 Dec 2004; Markus Rothe <> gsl-1.4.ebuild:
Added ~ppc64 to KEYWORDS; bug #74046
01 Jul 2004; Jeremy Huddleston <> gsl-1.3.ebuild,
virtual/glibc -> virtual/libc
23 May 2004; Bryan Østergaard <> gsl-1.4.ebuild:
Stable on alpha.
02 May 2004; David Holm <> gsl-1.4.ebuild:
Added to ~ppc.
14 Apr 2004; <> gsl-1.4.ebuild:
Keyworded ~alpha.
10 Mar 2004; Patrick Kursawe <> gsl-1.0.ebuild,
gsl-1.1.1.ebuild, gsl-1.2.ebuild, gsl-1.3.ebuild, gsl-1.4.ebuild:
Cleanup, bump to stable
21 Nov 2003; George Shapovalov <> gsl-1.3.ebuild, gsl-1.4.ebuild :
added "filter-mpmath sse", fixes #33059
*gsl-1.4 (18 Nov 2003)
18 Nov 2003; Stephen Diener <> gsl-1.4.ebuild:
Version bump.
13 Jun 2003; George Shapovalov <> gsl-1.3.ebuild :
added filter-flags -ffast-math (#22696), some cleanups.
*gsl-1.1.1 (12 Jun 2003)
12 Jun 2003; <> gsl-1.1.1.ebuild:
fix Header
*gsl-1.3 (14 Feb 2003)
14 Feb 2003; Martin Holzer <> gsl-1.3.ebuild,
files/digest-gsl-1.3 ChangeLog :
Version bump. Closes #15665.
*gsl-1.2 (06 Aug 2002)
18 Oct 2002; George Shapovalov <> gsl-1.2.ebuild,
files/k6-undef.diff :
fix building on k6 systems. Thanks to Charles G. Waldman <>, #9011
06 Aug 2002; George Shapovalov <> gsl-1.2.ebuild,
files/digest-gsl-1.2 :
new version, renaiming old ebuild sufficed
*gsl-1.0 (1 Feb 2002)
1 Feb 2002; G.Bevin <> ChangeLog :
Added initial ChangeLog which should be updated whenever the package is
updated in any way. This changelog is targetted to users. This means that the
comments should well explained and written in clean English. The details about
writing correct changelogs are explained in the skel.ChangeLog file which you
can find in the root directory of the portage repository.