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# ChangeLog for sci-chemistry/azara
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-chemistry/azara/ChangeLog,v 1.11 2012/02/25 03:04:59 patrick Exp $
25 Feb 2012; Patrick Lauer <> azara-2.8-r4.ebuild:
Restricting pypy and jython
27 Jun 2011; Justin Lecher <> azara-2.8-r4.ebuild:
added X USE back
26 Jun 2011; Justin Lecher <> azara-2.8-r4.ebuild,
Drop X USE as libX11 is always required, #371179
*azara-2.8-r4 (13 Dec 2010)
13 Dec 2010; Justin Lecher <> -azara-2.8-r3.ebuild,
+azara-2.8-r4.ebuild, files/2.8-64bit.patch:
You should not use with helpers; More fixes for 64bit
*azara-2.8-r3 (12 Dec 2010)
12 Dec 2010; Justin Lecher <> +files/2.8-python.patch,
-files/2.7-impl-dec.patch, -azara-2.8-r1.ebuild, -azara-2.8-r2.ebuild,
-files/2.7-prll.patch, -files/2.8-impl-decng.patch, +azara-2.8-r3.ebuild,
+files/2.8-64bit.patch, -files/2.8-prllng.patch, files/2.8-impl-dec.patch,
-azara-2.7-r1.ebuild, files/2.8-prll.patch:
Fixes for parallel compilation, python, 64bit
*azara-2.8-r2 (31 Oct 2010)
31 Oct 2010; Justin Lecher <> +files/2.8-impl-decng.patch,
+azara-2.8-r2.ebuild, +files/2.8-prllng.patch:
More parallel fixes and impl dec QA
*azara-2.8-r1 (06 Aug 2010)
*azara-2.7-r1 (06 Aug 2010)
06 Aug 2010; Justin Lecher <> -azara-2.7.ebuild,
+azara-2.7-r1.ebuild, -azara-2.8.ebuild, +azara-2.8-r1.ebuild:
Renamed all bin to azara-*, 331389
*azara-2.8 (04 Aug 2010)
04 Aug 2010; Justin Lecher <> +files/2.7-impl-dec.patch,
azara-2.7.ebuild, +files/2.7-prll.patch, +azara-2.8.ebuild,
+files/2.8-impl-dec.patch, +files/2.8-prll.patch,
Version bump and prll make fixes
11 Apr 2010; Justin Lecher <> azara-2.7.ebuild:
Do not try to install not builded bins, fixed 314491
18 Feb 2010; Justin Lecher (jlec) <> azara-2.7.ebuild:
keyworded for ~amd64-linux
*azara-2.7 (07 Feb 2010)
07 Feb 2010; Justin Lecher (jlec) <> +azara-2.7.ebuild,
+files/help-makefile.patch, +metadata.xml:
New Ebuild