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# ChangeLog for x11-plugins/matchbox-applet-volume
# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-plugins/matchbox-applet-volume/ChangeLog,v 1.15 2014/08/10 20:02:21 slyfox Exp $
10 Aug 2014; Sergei Trofimovich <>
QA: drop trailing '.' from DESCRIPTION
07 Apr 2014; Samuli Suominen <>
Use EAPI5 instead of EAPI1.
04 Jun 2012; Michael Weber <> matchbox-applet-volume-0.1.ebuild:
ppc stable (bug 309407)
05 Mar 2012; Thomas Kahle <>
marked x86 per bug 309407
04 Mar 2012; Pacho Ramos <> metadata.xml:
Drop maintainer due retirement, bug #112268
21 Feb 2012; Agostino Sarubbo <>
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #309407
05 Mar 2011; Angelo Arrifano <>
Added DEPEND on slotted gtk+-2, to work with upcoming gtk-3.
14 Dec 2009; Yuri Vasilevski <>
Fixed dodoc QA notice, fixes bug #296840. Thanks flameeyes.
14 Mar 2009; <> matchbox-applet-volume-0.1.ebuild:
keyword ~amd64
13 Jul 2008; Joseph Jezak <>
Marked ~ppc for bug #211803.
27 Feb 2008; Yuri Vasilevski <>
Updated HOMEPAGE and SRC_URI to it's new location (Bug #211244).
26 Sep 2007; Jeroen Roovers <>
Marked ~hppa too.
07 Aug 2006; <> matchbox-applet-volume-0.1.ebuild:
Added ~arm keyword.
27 Apr 2006; Alec Warner <> Manifest:
Fixing duff SHA256 digests: Bug # 131293
*matchbox-applet-volume-0.1 (13 Mar 2006)
13 Mar 2006; <> +metadata.xml,
- Initial import. Original ebuild by Priit Laes, modifications by Björn
Ruberg and Yuri Vasilevski.