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# ChangeLog for perl-core/CPAN-Meta-YAML
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/perl-core/CPAN-Meta-YAML/ChangeLog,v 1.25 2012/06/24 15:39:04 tove Exp $
24 Jun 2012; Torsten Veller <> metadata.xml:
Update CPAN upstream info
15 May 2012; Mark Loeser <> CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.4.0.ebuild:
Stable for ppc64; bug #393397
28 Apr 2012; Alexis Ballier <>
keyword ~amd64-fbsd
*CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.8.0 (18 Mar 2012)
18 Mar 2012; Torsten Veller <> +CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.8.0.ebuild:
Version bump
01 Mar 2012; Torsten Veller <> metadata.xml:
Add cpan remote-id tags in metadata.xml (#406287)
*CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.7.0 (08 Feb 2012)
08 Feb 2012; Torsten Veller <> +CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.7.0.ebuild:
Version bump
*CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.6.0 (07 Feb 2012)
07 Feb 2012; Torsten Veller <> +CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.6.0.ebuild:
Version bump
02 Feb 2012; Brent Baude <> CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.4.0.ebuild:
Marking CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.4.0 ppc stable for bug 393397
*CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.5.0 (24 Jan 2012)
24 Jan 2012; Torsten Veller <> +CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.5.0.ebuild:
Version bump
15 Jan 2012; Raúl Porcel <> CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.4.0.ebuild:
alpha/ia64/s390/sh/sparc stable wrt #393397
22 Dec 2011; Markus Meier <> CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.4.0.ebuild:
x86 stable, bug #393397
20 Dec 2011; Agostino Sarubbo <> CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.4.0.ebuild:
Stable for AMD64, wrt bug #393397
14 Dec 2011; Markus Meier <> CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.4.0.ebuild:
arm stable, bug #393397
07 Dec 2011; Jeroen Roovers <> CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.4.0.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #393397).
*CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.4.0 (13 Sep 2011)
13 Sep 2011; Torsten Veller <> +CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.4.0.ebuild:
Version bump
07 Jul 2011; Alexis Ballier <>
keyword ~x86-fbsd
13 Jun 2011; Matt Turner <> CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.3.0.ebuild:
Added ~mips, bug 357599
*CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.3.0 (21 May 2011)
21 May 2011; Torsten Veller <> -CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.3.ebuild,
Change version scheme
02 May 2011; Fabian Groffen <> CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.3.ebuild:
Marked ~x64-freebsd
27 Feb 2011; Fabian Groffen <> CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.3.ebuild:
Add Prefix keywords, bug #353115
27 Feb 2011; Kacper Kowalik <>
Marked ~ppc64 wrt #353115
20 Feb 2011; Joseph Jezak <> CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.3.ebuild:
Marked ~ppc for bug #353020.
30 Jan 2011; Raúl Porcel <> CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.3.ebuild:
Add ~alpha/~arm/~ia64/~m68k/~s390/~sh/~sparc wrt #353115
29 Jan 2011; Jeroen Roovers <> CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.3.ebuild:
Marked ~hppa (bug #353115).
*CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.3 (28 Jan 2011)
28 Jan 2011; Torsten Veller <> +CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.3.ebuild,
Initial version