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# ChangeLog for perl-core/libnet
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/perl-core/libnet/ChangeLog,v 1.36 2012/06/24 15:38:59 tove Exp $
24 Jun 2012; Torsten Veller <> metadata.xml:
Update CPAN upstream info
05 May 2012; Alexis Ballier <> libnet-1.220.0.ebuild:
keyword ~amd64-fbsd
30 Jul 2011; Torsten Veller <> libnet-1.220.0.ebuild:
Drop ~sparc-fbsd KEYWORD
*libnet-1.220.0 (22 May 2011)
22 May 2011; Torsten Veller <> -libnet-1.22.ebuild,
Change version scheme
02 May 2011; Fabian Groffen <> libnet-1.22.ebuild:
Marked ~x64-freebsd
03 Feb 2010; Hanno Boeck <> libnet-1.22.ebuild:
Remove wrong LICENSE so it takes the one from perl-module.eclass.
17 Jan 2010; Torsten Veller <> -libnet-1.21.ebuild:
16 Dec 2009; Jonathan Callen <> libnet-1.21.ebuild,
QA: Transfer prefix keywords
10 Dec 2009; Brent Baude <> libnet-1.22.ebuild:
Marking libnet-1.22 ppc64 stable for bug 288026
19 Sep 2009; nixnut <> libnet-1.22.ebuild:
ppc stable #284390
18 Sep 2009; Torsten Veller <> libnet-1.22.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 (#284390)
07 Jul 2009; Jeroen Roovers <> libnet-1.22.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA too.
09 Jun 2009; Torsten Veller <> +files/1.22-hostname.patch,
libnet-1.22.ebuild, -files/Net-CMD-UTF8.patch:
Add hostname.t patch. Cleanup
26 Mar 2009; Raúl Porcel <> libnet-1.21.ebuild,
m68k love, thanks to kolla for testing
13 Mar 2009; Torsten Veller <> -libnet-1.19.ebuild,
15 Jul 2008; Raúl Porcel <> libnet-1.22.ebuild:
alpha/ia64/sparc/x86 stable
*libnet-1.22 (23 Apr 2008)
23 Apr 2008; Torsten Veller <> libnet-1.19.ebuild,
libnet-1.20-r1.ebuild, libnet-1.21.ebuild, +libnet-1.22.ebuild:
Version bump (#213584). Fix path to libnet.cfg (#213273).
06 Apr 2008; Alexis Ballier <> libnet-1.21.ebuild:
keyword ~x86-fbsd
28 Mar 2008; Jeroen Roovers <> libnet-1.21.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA too.
27 Mar 2008; Raúl Porcel <> libnet-1.21.ebuild:
Add ~sparc-fbsd wrt #215094
19 Nov 2007; Joshua Kinard <> libnet-1.21.ebuild:
Stable on mips.
10 Nov 2007; Samuli Suominen <> libnet-1.21.ebuild:
amd64 stable
12 Aug 2007; Tom Gall <> libnet-1.21.ebuild:
stable on ppc64
09 Aug 2007; Tobias Scherbaum <> libnet-1.21.ebuild:
Stable on ppc.
27 Jul 2007; Raúl Porcel <> libnet-1.21.ebuild:
alpha/ia64/x86 stable
16 Jul 2007; Michael Cummings <> libnet-1.21.ebuild:
sparc stable
10 Jul 2007; Michael Cummings <>
sparc stable
04 Jul 2007; Raúl Porcel <> libnet-1.20-r1.ebuild:
alpha/ia64/x86 stable
*libnet-1.21 (13 Jun 2007)
13 Jun 2007; Michael Cummings <> +libnet-1.21.ebuild:
Version bump
*libnet-1.20-r1 (25 Mar 2007)
25 Mar 2007; Michael Cummings <>
+files/Net-CMD-UTF8.patch, -libnet-1.20.ebuild, +libnet-1.20-r1.ebuild:
RT 24835, bug 165784; new libnet forces utf8 on folks where it shouldnt.
Thanks for bringing it to our attention barthek.
*libnet-1.20 (05 Feb 2007)
05 Feb 2007; Michael Cummings <> +libnet-1.20.ebuild:
Version bump
19 Jan 2007; Michael Cummings <> libnet-1.19.ebuild:
Ebuild maintenance
04 Aug 2006; Michael Cummings <> libnet-1.19.ebuild:
Adding perl dep
05 Jul 2006; Christian Hartmann <> libnet-1.19.ebuild:
Fixed RDEPEND wrt bug #134781
*libnet-1.19 (30 Dec 2005)
30 Dec 2005; <> +metadata.xml, +files/libnet.cfg,
Migrating to perl-core
30 Dec 2005; <> -libnet-1.16.ebuild, -libnet-1.17.ebuild:
Removing stale ebuilds
19 Nov 2005; <> libnet-1.16.ebuild, libnet-1.17.ebuild,
bug 112883 - optional dep for authen::sasl
17 Jun 2005; Michael Hanselmann <> libnet-1.19.ebuild:
Stable on ppc.
04 Jun 2005; Michael Cummings <> libnet-1.19.ebuild:
Tested on raq2, bumping for mips
01 May 2005; Tom Martin <> libnet-1.19.ebuild:
Stable on amd64.
01 May 2005; Guy Martin <> libnet-1.19.ebuild:
Stable on hppa.
30 Apr 2005; Bryan Østergaard <> libnet-1.19.ebuild:
Stable on alpha.
27 Apr 2005; Michael Cummings <> metadata.xml,
-libnet-1.11-r1.ebuild, -libnet-1.11.ebuild, -libnet-1.13.ebuild,
libnet-1.16.ebuild, libnet-1.17.ebuild, -libnet-1.18.ebuild,
Cleaning up
01 Apr 2005; Aron Griffis <> libnet-1.19.ebuild:
stable on ia64
06 Feb 2005; Markus Rothe <> libnet-1.19.ebuild:
Stable on ppc64
29 Dec 2004; Markus Rothe <> libnet-1.19.ebuild:
Added ~ppc64 to KEYWORDS
23 Nov 2004; Sven Wegener <> :
Fixed digest.
19 Oct 2004; Dylan Carlson <> libnet-1.16.ebuild:
Stable on amd64.
31 Aug 2004; Michael Cummings <> libnet-1.11-r1.ebuild,
libnet-1.11.ebuild, libnet-1.13.ebuild, libnet-1.16.ebuild,
libnet-1.17.ebuild, libnet-1.18.ebuild, libnet-1.19.ebuild:
Reset the SRC and HOMEPAGES to point to search.cpan. 2 reasons. 1. Let the
multiplexer at cpan do its job. 2. The references to valueclick weren't
working for a lot of users.
*libnet-1.19 (30 Jul 2004)
30 Jul 2004; Michael Cummings <> +libnet-1.19.ebuild:
New version on CPAN
*libnet-1.18 (10 Jun 2004)
10 Jun 2004; Michael Cummings <> libnet-1.18.ebuild:
new version on cpan
15 Apr 2004; Michael McCabe <> libnet-1.17.ebuild:
adding s390 keywords
30 Mar 2004; Lars Weiler <> libnet-1.17.ebuild:
stable on ppc
24 Feb 2004; <> libnet-1.17.ebuild:
stable on alpha and ia64
20 Jan 2004; <> libnet-1.16.ebuild:
stable on sparc
18 Jan 2004; <> libnet-1.16.ebuild:
Added ~mips to KEYWORDS.
*libnet-1.17 (08 Jan 2004)
08 Jan 2004; Martin Holzer <> libnet-1.17.ebuild:
Version bumped.
*libnet-1.16 (20 Jul 2003)
04 Aug 2003; Guy Martin <> libnet-1.16.ebuild :
Marked stable on hppa.
20 Jul 2003; Michael Cummings <> libnet-1.16.ebuild:
cpan update caught by eric sammer <>, bug 23222
24 Jun 2003; Aron Griffis <> libnet-1.13.ebuild:
Mark stable on alpha
*libnet-1.13 (31 May 2003)
02 Jul 2003; Guy Martin <> libnet-1.13.ebuild :
Marked stable on hppa.
31 May 2003; Michael Cummings <> libnet-1.13.ebuild:
New version from CPAN
*libnet-1.11-r1 (03 Apr 2003)
03 Apr 2003; Zach Welch <> libnet-1.11-r1.ebuild:
add arm keyword
28 Feb 2003; Guy Martin <> libnet-1.11-1.ebuild :
Added hppa to keywords.
06 Dec 2002; Rodney Rees <> : changed sparc ~sparc keywords
29 Oct 2002; Seemant Kulleen <> ChangeLog :
forced version bump to install into correct locations
*libnet-1.11 (6 May 2002)
1 Aug 2002; Calum Selkirk <> libnet-1.11.ebuild :
Added ppc to KEYWORDS.
6 May 2002; Seemant Kulleen <> libnet-1.11.ebuild :
version bump
*libnet-1.0703-r1 (1 Feb 2002)
1 Feb 2002; G.Bevin <> ChangeLog :
Added initial ChangeLog which should be updated whenever the package is
updated in any way. This changelog is targetted to users. This means that the
comments should well explained and written in clean English. The details about
writing correct changelogs are explained in the skel.ChangeLog file which you
can find in the root directory of the portage repository.