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# ChangeLog for app-backup/burp
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-backup/burp/ChangeLog,v 1.12 2015/06/09 09:01:46 jlec Exp $
09 Jun 2015; Justin Lecher <jlec@gentoo.org> metadata.xml:
Updating remote-id in metadata.xml
09 Apr 2015; Amadeusz Żołnowski <aidecoe@gentoo.org> burp-1.3.48.ebuild:
burp is working on x86 for me. Add ~x86 to KEYWORDS.
09 Apr 2015; Amadeusz Żołnowski <aidecoe@gentoo.org> burp-1.4.34.ebuild:
Restore ~amd64 keyword.
09 Apr 2015; Amadeusz Żołnowski <aidecoe@gentoo.org>
+files/1.4.34-bedup-conf-path.patch, +files/1.4.34-tinfo.patch:
Add missing files.
09 Apr 2015; Amadeusz Żołnowski <aidecoe@gentoo.org> burp-1.4.34.ebuild:
Remove ~amd64 keyword for a moment until ebuild is fixed. Sorry!
Correct workdir. Specifying S is no longer needed.
*burp-1.4.34 (09 Apr 2015)
09 Apr 2015; Amadeusz Żołnowski <aidecoe@gentoo.org> +burp-1.4.34.ebuild:
Version bump. Rels bug #545806.
Changes since 1.4.26:
* Fix bug where permissions would not be backed up correctly when only
permissions have changed.
* Support librsync-1.0.0.
* Allow syslog and stdout logging at the same time.
* Better SSL error logging.
* Replace c_rehash with a line of shell script.
* Add soft/hard quota feature.
09 Apr 2015; Amadeusz Żołnowski <aidecoe@gentoo.org> files/burp.initd:
Apply improvements to initd script by Marcin Mirosław. Fix bug #533150.
Clean up script. Don't check /etc/burp/CA path because it's created correctly
by burp at startup.
08 Apr 2015; Amadeusz Żołnowski <aidecoe@gentoo.org> burp-1.3.8.ebuild,
burp-1.3.48.ebuild, burp-1.4.26.ebuild:
Don't create /etc/burp/CA directory because burp omits generating CA
certificates if the directory already exists.
Fix repoman warning about slots for openssl being not specified.
*burp-1.4.26 (01 Dec 2014)
*burp-1.3.48 (01 Dec 2014)
*burp-1.3.8 (01 Dec 2014)
01 Dec 2014; Amadeusz Żołnowski <aidecoe@gentoo.org> +burp-1.3.8.ebuild,
+burp-1.3.48.ebuild, +burp-1.4.26.ebuild, +files/1.3.8-bedup-conf-path.patch,
+files/1.3.48-bedup-conf-path.patch, +files/1.3.48-tinfo.patch,
+files/1.4.26-bedup-conf-path.patch, +files/1.4.26-tinfo.patch,
+files/burp.initd, +metadata.xml:
Add initial version of the burp package. Import ebuilds from the aidecoe's
overlay [1]. Add various versions at once: 1.3.48 is the latest stable
version, 1.4.26 is the latest stable candidate and 1.3.8 is an old version
for people who use burp on Debian and want to have the same version.
Thanks for contribution to (in order by first name):
- Aurelien Reynaud <aurelien@wattapower.net>
- Jared B. <nitro@legroom.net>
- Jeroen Roovers <jer@gentoo.org>
- Marcin Mirosław <bug@mejor.pl>
Thanks to perfinion for review.
[1] https://github.com/aidecoe/aidecoe-overlay