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# ChangeLog for dev-java/commons-jelly
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/commons-jelly/ChangeLog,v 1.20 2015/06/08 13:09:39 monsieurp Exp $
*commons-jelly-1.0-r6 (08 Jun 2015)
08 Jun 2015; Patrice Clement <>
+commons-jelly-1.0-r6.ebuild, -commons-jelly-1.0-r4.ebuild:
Update jakarta-jstl dependency. Remove old. Fix bug 551032.
16 Aug 2014; Johannes Huber <> commons-jelly-1.0-r5.ebuild:
amd64 stable, bug #518928
14 Aug 2014; Pawel Hajdan jr <>
x86 stable wrt bug #518928
*commons-jelly-1.0-r5 (13 Jul 2012)
13 Jul 2012; Ralph Sennhauser <> +commons-jelly-1.0-r5.ebuild:
Fix running tests. #426426
Bump EAPI and make better use of eclasses, fix QA issues.
Drop unneeded deps xerces and forehead.
Bump servlet-api dep to 2.5.
24 May 2010; Vlastimil Babka <>
Remove old.
22 May 2010; Kenneth Prugh <>
amd64 stable, bug #316305
11 May 2010; Pawel Hajdan jr <>
x86 stable wrt bug #316305
*commons-jelly-1.0-r4 (20 Mar 2010)
20 Mar 2010; Petteri Räty <>
Upgrade the slot of commons-beanutils used.
20 Mar 2010; Petteri Räty <>
Update HOMEPAGE for bug #202445.
16 Nov 2008; Vlastimil Babka <>
Use EAPI=1 and slot dependencies, fixing commmons-lang dep to the right
11 Jan 2008; William L. Thomson Jr. <>
Forgot --virtual
*commons-jelly-1.0-r3 (11 Jan 2008)
11 Jan 2008; William L. Thomson Jr. <>
-commons-jelly-1.0-r2.ebuild, +commons-jelly-1.0-r3.ebuild:
Switched to java-virtual/servlet-api, added ~amd64 keyword
10 Jan 2008; Vlastimil Babka <>
Restrict junit dependency.
*commons-jelly-1.0-r2 (01 Mar 2007)
01 Mar 2007; Petteri Räty <>
-commons-jelly-1.0-r1.ebuild, +commons-jelly-1.0-r2.ebuild:
Revision bump because java-utils-2.eclass was not handling java-pkg_jar-from
calls with commas in the correctly.
10 Feb 2007; Petteri Räty <>
Use split ant for test depends.
26 Dec 2006; Petteri Räty <>
Always needs junit and commons-logging to compile. Relaxed commons-jexl
dependency for upcoming version bump and cleaned the ebuild.
30 Nov 2006; Vlastimil Babka <>
-commons-jelly-1.0.ebuild, commons-jelly-1.0-r1.ebuild:
Update xerces dep for upcoming 2.6 slotmove.
*commons-jelly-1.0-r1 (22 Jul 2006)
22 Jul 2006; Krzysiek Pawlik <>
Migrated to Generation 2.
07 Jun 2006; Joshua Nichols <>
Fixed USE flags (bug #135959)
*commons-jelly-1.0 (24 Dec 2005)
24 Dec 2005; Joshua Nichols <>
+files/commons-jelly-1.0-gentoo.patch, +metadata.xml,
Initial commit (bug #70847).