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# ChangeLog for dev-java/jnr-constants
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/jnr-constants/ChangeLog,v 1.16 2015/06/17 09:21:56 monsieurp Exp $
17 Jun 2015; Patrice Clement <>
-jnr-constants-0.8.2-r1.ebuild, -jnr-constants-0.8.2.ebuild,
-jnr-constants-0.8.3.ebuild, -jnr-constants-0.8.4.ebuild,
Remove old.
17 Jun 2015; Patrice Clement <>
Stable for x86+amd64 through ALLARCHES. Fix bug 552362.
06 Jun 2015; Justin Lecher <> metadata.xml:
Add github to remote-id in metadata.xml
21 Mar 2015; Patrice Clement <>
Set required virtual JRE/JDK to 1.6.
*jnr-constants-0.8.6 (21 Mar 2015)
21 Mar 2015; Patrice Clement <>
+jnr-constants-0.8.6.ebuild, jnr-constants-0.8.5.ebuild:
Version bump courtesy of Arfrever <>.
03 Mar 2014; Pacho Ramos <> jnr-constants-0.8.5.ebuild:
amd64 stable, bug #495396
24 Feb 2014; Pawel Hajdan jr <>
x86 stable wrt bug #495396
*jnr-constants-0.8.5 (27 Sep 2013)
27 Sep 2013; Tom Wijsman <> +jnr-constants-0.8.5.ebuild:
Version bump to 0.8.5; fixes bug #486030, reported by Arfrever.
*jnr-constants-0.8.2-r1 (17 Aug 2013)
*jnr-constants-0.8.3-r1 (17 Aug 2013)
17 Aug 2013; Tom Wijsman <> +jnr-constants-0.8.2-r1.ebuild,
Revision bump. Slotted 0.8.2 and 0.8.3 into SLOT="0.8.2" for at least dev-java
*jnr-constants-0.8.4 (11 Jul 2013)
11 Jul 2013; Tom Wijsman <> +jnr-constants-0.8.4.ebuild:
Version bump to 0.8.4.
09 Aug 2012; Johannes Huber <> jnr-constants-0.8.3.ebuild:
Stable for x86, wrt bug #428942
03 Aug 2012; Agostino Sarubbo <> jnr-constants-0.8.3.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #428942
*jnr-constants-0.8.3 (28 May 2012)
28 May 2012; Ralph Sennhauser <> +jnr-constants-0.8.3.ebuild:
Version bump. #417889
09 May 2012; Pawel Hajdan jr <>
x86 stable wrt bug #396305
30 Apr 2012; Agostino Sarubbo <> jnr-constants-0.8.2.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #396305
*jnr-constants-0.8.2 (12 Jan 2012)
12 Jan 2012; Ralph Sennhauser <> +jnr-constants-0.8.2.ebuild,
+files/jnr-constants_maven-build.xml, +metadata.xml:
New package, replacement for dev-java/constantine.