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DEFINED_PHASES=compile configure install
DEPEND=dev-lang/tcl:0= dev-lang/tk:0= x11-libs/libXi x11-libs/libXmu virtual/opengl virtual/glu ode? ( dev-games/ode ) osg? ( dev-games/openscenegraph ) truetype? ( media-libs/ftgl ) sdl? ( media-libs/libsdl ) >=dev-lang/swig-1.3.38:0= app-arch/unzip
DESCRIPTION=Tcl bindings to OpenGL and other 3D libraries
IUSE=debug ode osg sdl truetype
KEYWORDS=amd64 x86
RDEPEND=dev-lang/tcl:0= dev-lang/tk:0= x11-libs/libXi x11-libs/libXmu virtual/opengl virtual/glu ode? ( dev-games/ode ) osg? ( dev-games/openscenegraph ) truetype? ( media-libs/ftgl ) sdl? ( media-libs/libsdl )
_eclasses_=desktop c0d27bf73aa08ca05b663dbd31fbef28 edos2unix 33e347e171066657f91f8b0c72ec8773 epatch 9f813bb3c47cf2e60619a663b87c5f4e estack 055c42df72f76a4f45ec92b35e83cd56 eutils 2d5b3f4b315094768576b6799e4f926e flag-o-matic c0964e43ba712cb933da5f65b958fa88 l10n 8cdd85e169b835d518bc2fd59f780d8e ltprune 4f3f2db5ce3ccbeeacdf3f94954043aa multilib d410501a125f99ffb560b0c523cd3d1e preserve-libs ef207dc62baddfddfd39a164d9797648 toolchain-funcs 24921b57d6561d87cbef4916a296ada4 vcs-clean 2a0f74a496fa2b1552c4f3398258b7bf wrapper 4251d4c84c25f59094fd557e0063a974