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# ChangeLog for www-client/w3mir
# Copyright 2000-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-client/w3mir/ChangeLog,v 1.18 2014/07/25 00:27:42 zlogene Exp $
25 Jul 2014; Mikle Kolyada <> -w3mir-1.0.10-r1.ebuild,
Mark stable; Drop old.
*w3mir-1.0.10-r2 (15 Jul 2014)
15 Jul 2014; Mikle Kolyada <> +w3mir-1.0.10-r2.ebuild:
Revision bump: EAPI=5
23 Feb 2013; Zac Medico <> w3mir-1.0.10-r1.ebuild:
Add ~arm-linux and ~x86-linux keywords.
21 Apr 2008; Christian Heim <> metadata.xml:
Fix up metadata.xml. If there's no maintainer for the package, the metadata
also needs to contain m-needed@g.o.
17 Jan 2008; Raúl Porcel <> -w3mir-1.0.10.ebuild:
11 May 2007; Thilo Bangert <> +metadata.xml:
add metadata.xml
22 Feb 2007; Markus Ullmann <> ChangeLog:
Redigest for Manifest2
04 Feb 2007; Diego Pettenò <> ChangeLog:
Regenerate digest in Manifest2 format.
25 Mar 2006; Joseph Jezak <> w3mir-1.0.10-r1.ebuild:
Marked ppc stable for bug #115183.
24 Mar 2006; Chris Gianelloni <> w3mir-1.0.10-r1.ebuild:
Stable on x86 wrt bug #115183.
24 Mar 2006; Fernando J. Pereda <> w3mir-1.0.10-r1.ebuild:
Stable on alpha wrt bug #115183. Tested by Thomas Cort <>
*w3mir-1.0.10-r1 (24 Mar 2006)
24 Mar 2006; Diego Pettenò <>
+files/w3mir-1.0.10-cwd.diff, +w3mir-1.0.10-r1.ebuild:
Add patch to fix mirroring to /, thanks to Patric Mueller for the patch (bug
#115183). Add ~amd64.
13 Feb 2006; Michael Cummings <> w3mir-1.0.10.ebuild:
Virtuals for perl-core
28 Nov 2005; <> w3mir-1.0.10.ebuild:
Switched from perl-module to perl-app eclass
25 May 2005; Michael Cummings <> w3mir-1.0.10.ebuild:
dev-perl/MIME-Base64 => perl-core/MIME-Base64 migration
*w3mir-1.0.10 (18 Mar 2005)
18 Mar 2005; Seemant Kulleen <> +w3mir-1.0.10.ebuild:
Moved from net-www/w3mir to www-client/w3mir.
29 Dec 2004; Ciaran McCreesh <> :
Change encoding to UTF-8 for GLEP 31 compliance
04 Sep 2004; Pieter Van den Abeele <>
Masked w3mir-1.0.10.ebuild stable for ppc
11 Jun 2004; Bryan Østergaard <> w3mir-1.0.10.ebuild:
Stable on alpha.
*w3mir-1.0.10 (07 May 2003)
07 May 2003; <> w3mir-1.0.10.ebuild:
Initial import. Ebuild submitted by Mol <> in bug #13164.