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# ChangeLog for net-p2p/nicotine+
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-p2p/nicotine+/ChangeLog,v 1.58 2015/03/26 23:58:39 idella4 Exp $
*nicotine+-1.2.16-r1 (26 Mar 2015)
26 Mar 2015; Ian Delaney <> +nicotine+-1.2.16-r1.ebuild:
revbump; conversion -> distutils-r1, endorsed by maintainer in bug #543002
18 Feb 2015; Ryan Hill <> nicotine+-1.2.16.ebuild:
Add dependency on librsvg (bug #523292).
09 Mar 2014; Ryan Hill <> metadata.xml:
Change my email.
20 Apr 2013; Ryan Hill <> nicotine+-1.2.16.ebuild:
Fix menu icon.
31 Aug 2011; Ryan Hill <> nicotine+-1.2.16.ebuild:
Drop recommendation of dev-python/sexy-python for bug #381213.
27 Mar 2011; Brent Baude <> nicotine+-1.2.16.ebuild:
stable ppc, bug 352475
31 Jan 2011; Pawel Hajdan jr <>
x86 stable wrt bug #352475
23 Jan 2011; Markos Chandras <> nicotine+-1.2.16.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 wrt bug #352475
*nicotine+-1.2.16 (21 Dec 2010)
21 Dec 2010; Ryan Hill <> -nicotine+-1.2.14.ebuild,
Version bump. Remove optional packages from USE and RDEPEND as suggested by
mgorny in bug #289904. Remove old.
15 Oct 2010; Brent Baude <> nicotine+-1.2.15.ebuild:
stable ppc, bug 326495
10 Jul 2010; Christian Faulhammer <>
stable x86, bug 326495
04 Jul 2010; Markos Chandras <>
Stable on amd64 wrt bug #326495
01 Jun 2010; Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <>
nicotine+-1.2.14.ebuild, nicotine+-1.2.15.ebuild:
Set PYTHON_MODNAME. Delete call to deprecated distutils_python_version().
08 Mar 2010; Ryan Hill <> nicotine+-1.2.15.ebuild:
More python fixedness.
08 Mar 2010; Jonathan Callen <> nicotine+-1.2.15.ebuild:
Move PYTHON_DEPEND before inherit(), so that the dep is actually added
*nicotine+-1.2.15 (03 Mar 2010)
03 Mar 2010; Ryan Hill <> -nicotine+-1.2.12.ebuild,
-nicotine+-1.2.13.ebuild, +nicotine+-1.2.15.ebuild:
Version bump. Use python.eclass.
21 Nov 2009; nixnut <> nicotine+-1.2.14.ebuild:
ppc stable #292338
16 Nov 2009; Markus Meier <> nicotine+-1.2.14.ebuild:
amd64/x86 stable, bug #292338
08 Nov 2009; Ryan Hill <> -nicotine+-1.2.10.ebuild:
Remove old.
07 Oct 2009; nixnut <> nicotine+-1.2.12.ebuild:
ppc stable #286606
*nicotine+-1.2.14 (07 Oct 2009)
07 Oct 2009; Ryan Hill <> -nicotine+-1.2.8.ebuild,
Version bump, bug #287847.
27 Sep 2009; Markus Meier <> nicotine+-1.2.12.ebuild:
amd64/x86 stable, bug #286606
*nicotine+-1.2.13 (27 Sep 2009)
27 Sep 2009; Ryan Hill <> +nicotine+-1.2.13.ebuild:
Version bump.
- This version contains a backwards-incompatible change in the way the
download queue is stored. If you downgrade to an earlier version you
will lose access to any queued downloads.
19 Jul 2009; Jeremy Olexa <> nicotine+-1.2.10.ebuild:
amd64 stable, bug 276113
19 Jul 2009; nixnut <> nicotine+-1.2.10.ebuild:
ppc stable #276113
02 Jul 2009; Christian Faulhammer <>
stable x86, bug 276113
*nicotine+-1.2.12 (01 Jul 2009)
01 Jul 2009; Ryan Hill <>
-nicotine+-1.2.10_pre705.ebuild, +nicotine+-1.2.12.ebuild:
Version bump.
*nicotine+-1.2.10 (21 Feb 2009)
21 Feb 2009; Ryan Hill <> -nicotine+-1.2.9.ebuild,
-nicotine+-1.2.9-r1.ebuild, +nicotine+-1.2.10.ebuild:
Version bump. Stop installing trayicon module; use GTK's instead.
12 Feb 2009; Ryan Hill <> metadata.xml:
Add myself to maintainers.
*nicotine+-1.2.10_pre705 (28 Jun 2008)
28 Jun 2008; Santiago M. Mola <>
Bump to subversion snapshot, r705.
*nicotine+-1.2.9-r1 (31 Mar 2008)
31 Mar 2008; Santiago M. Mola <>
+files/nicotine+-1.2.9-locale-handling.patch, +nicotine+-1.2.9-r1.ebuild:
Locale handling fixed, bug #197835
18 Nov 2007; Raúl Porcel <> nicotine+-1.2.9.ebuild:
Revert to ~arch, has open bugs
17 Nov 2007; Raúl Porcel <> nicotine+-1.2.9.ebuild:
x86 stable
05 Nov 2007; Santiago M. Mola <>
Update LICENSE to GPL-3 and LGPL-3.
*nicotine+-1.2.9 (14 Oct 2007)
14 Oct 2007; Raúl Porcel <> +nicotine+-1.2.9.ebuild:
Version bump and spell USE-flag
11 Sep 2007; Santiago M. Mola <>
Latest changes reverted. Nicotine+ doesn't use svg.
11 Sep 2007; Raúl Porcel <> nicotine+-1.2.8.ebuild:
Check for svg USE-flag on x11-libs/cairo, bug #190901
08 Jul 2007; Raúl Porcel <> -nicotine+-
08 Jul 2007; Joseph Jezak <> nicotine+-1.2.8.ebuild:
Marked ppc stable for bug #184620.
08 Jul 2007; Raúl Porcel <> nicotine+-1.2.8.ebuild:
x86 stable wrt #184620
10 Jun 2007; Raúl Porcel <> -files/nicotine+.desktop,
-files/nicotine-n.png, nicotine+-, nicotine+-1.2.8.ebuild:
Install own desktop entry and icon
08 Jun 2007; Raúl Porcel <> nicotine+-,
Change HOMEPAGE, bug 181307
*nicotine+-1.2.8 (08 Jun 2007)
08 Jun 2007; Raúl Porcel <> +nicotine+-1.2.8.ebuild:
Version bump, thanks to Andri <andri at dot dot ee> in bug 181122
24 Apr 2007; Raúl Porcel <> -nicotine+-1.2.6.ebuild,
15 Apr 2007; nixnut <> nicotine+-
Stable on ppc wrt bug 174052
10 Apr 2007; Raúl Porcel <> nicotine+-
x86 stable wt bug 174052
15 Mar 2007; Raúl Porcel <> nicotine+-1.2.6.ebuild,
nicotine+-1.2.7.ebuild, nicotine+-
Fix double installation of .desktop files, bug 170816
*nicotine+- (07 Mar 2007)
07 Mar 2007; Raúl Porcel <> +nicotine+-
Version bump wrt bug 169821
*nicotine+-1.2.7 (26 Feb 2007)
26 Feb 2007; Raúl Porcel <> +nicotine+-1.2.7.ebuild:
Version bump, bug 168467
19 Feb 2007; Raúl Porcel <> -nicotine+-1.2.3.ebuild:
Drop old
18 Feb 2007; nixnut <> nicotine+-1.2.6.ebuild:
Stable on ppc wrt bug 166495
12 Feb 2007; Raúl Porcel <> nicotine+-1.2.6.ebuild:
x86 stable
*nicotine+-1.2.6 (08 Jan 2007)
08 Jan 2007; Raúl Porcel (armin76) <>
Version bump, bug 144454
17 Dec 2006; Tobias Scherbaum <>
Stable on ppc wrt bug #156969.
30 Oct 2006; Javier Villavicencio <>
Keyworded ~x86-fbsd.
16 Jul 2006; Tobias Scherbaum <>
Added ~ppc, bug #139722
08 Jul 2006; Jon Hood <> nicotine+-1.2.3.ebuild:
Change make install to emake install thanks to Stefan (genstef) by email.
*nicotine+-1.2.3 (08 Jul 2006)
08 Jul 2006; Jon Hood <> +files/nicotine+.desktop,
+files/nicotine-n.png, +metadata.xml, +nicotine+-1.2.3.ebuild:
Initial import, fork of nicotine project, bug #139377. Ebuild by Josu Lopez
Fernandez <>.