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# ChangeLog for app-benchmarks/siege
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-benchmarks/siege/ChangeLog,v 1.73 2015/07/05 19:27:16 ago Exp $
*siege-3.1.0 (05 Jul 2015)
05 Jul 2015; Agostino Sarubbo <> +siege-3.1.0.ebuild:
EAPI 5, update HOMEPAGE and SRC_URI ( fix bug #524110 ), add slot operator for
openssl and replace make with emake (parallel build works for me).
30 Aug 2014; Michał Górny <> -files/siege-2.60-gentoo.diff,
-files/siege-2.70-gentoo.diff, -files/siege-2.72-gentoo.diff,
-siege-2.66.ebuild, -siege-2.67.ebuild, -siege-2.70.ebuild,
-siege-2.72.ebuild, -siege-3.0.0.ebuild, -siege-3.0.1.ebuild,
-siege-3.0.2.ebuild, -siege-3.0.3.ebuild, -siege-3.0.5.ebuild:
Clean old version up.
04 May 2014; Agostino Sarubbo <> siege-3.0.6.ebuild:
Stable for x86, wrt bug #502612
13 Apr 2014; Agostino Sarubbo <> siege-3.0.6.ebuild:
Stable for ppc, wrt bug #502612
12 Apr 2014; Chema Alonso <> siege-3.0.6.ebuild:
Stable for amd64 wrt bug #502612
02 Apr 2014; Jeroen Roovers <> siege-3.0.6.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #502612).
23 Feb 2014; Agostino Sarubbo <> siege-3.0.3.ebuild:
Stable for ppc, wrt bug #491904
22 Feb 2014; Agostino Sarubbo <> siege-3.0.3.ebuild:
Stable for x86, wrt bug #491904
15 Feb 2014; Chema Alonso <> siege-3.0.3.ebuild:
Stable for amd64 wrt bug #491904
11 Feb 2014; Jeroen Roovers <> siege-3.0.3.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #491904).
30 Jan 2014; Fabian Groffen <> siege-3.0.6.ebuild:
Fixed for Prefix, marked ~x64-macos
*siege-3.0.6 (14 Jan 2014)
14 Jan 2014; Patrick Lauer <> +siege-3.0.6.ebuild:
*siege-3.0.5 (27 Nov 2013)
27 Nov 2013; Patrick Lauer <> +siege-3.0.5.ebuild:
*siege-3.0.3 (13 Sep 2013)
13 Sep 2013; Patrick Lauer <> +siege-3.0.3.ebuild:
*siege-3.0.2 (25 Jul 2013)
25 Jul 2013; Patrick Lauer <> +siege-3.0.2.ebuild:
*siege-3.0.1 (23 May 2013)
23 May 2013; Patrick Lauer <> +siege-3.0.1.ebuild:
10 May 2013; Patrick Lauer <> siege-3.0.0.ebuild:
*siege-3.0.0 (10 May 2013)
10 May 2013; Patrick Lauer <> +siege-3.0.0.ebuild:
08 Aug 2012; Brent Baude <> siege-2.72.ebuild:
Marking siege-2.72 ppc for bug 418517
03 Aug 2012; Andreas Schuerch <> siege-2.72.ebuild:
x86 stable, see bug 418517
02 Aug 2012; Markos Chandras <> siege-2.72.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 wrt bug #418517
01 Aug 2012; Jeroen Roovers <> siege-2.72.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA (bug #418517).
*siege-2.72 (16 Mar 2012)
16 Mar 2012; Patrick Lauer <> +files/siege-2.72-gentoo.diff,
*siege-2.70 (23 Dec 2011)
23 Dec 2011; Patrick Lauer <> +files/siege-2.70-gentoo.diff,
Bump for #386895, should fix #337619 too, thanks to Michael Kensington
10 Nov 2010; Patrick Lauer <> siege-2.66.ebuild,
Make repoman happy
19 Nov 2009; Jeroen Roovers <> siege-2.67.ebuild:
Stable for HPPA too.
12 Jul 2009; Mark Loeser <> siege-2.66.ebuild,
Fix elog statement; bug #272891
*siege-2.67 (08 Mar 2009)
08 Mar 2009; Peter Alfredsen <> +siege-2.67.ebuild:
Bump per patrick's request on #gentoo-bugs. Fix libtool-2.2 breakage with
some sed foo and eautoreconf.
28 Dec 2008; Caleb Tennis <> siege-2.66.ebuild:
amd64 stable
05 Jul 2008; Peter Alfredsen <> -siege-2.60.ebuild,
-siege-2.61-r1.ebuild, -siege-2.64-r1.ebuild, -siege-2.65.ebuild,
Fixup autotools wrt bug #205018, remove old.
26 Oct 2007; nixnut <> siege-2.66.ebuild:
Stable on ppc wrt bug 196572
22 Oct 2007; Markus Meier <> siege-2.66.ebuild:
x86 stable, bug #196572
18 Sep 2007; Jeroen Roovers <> siege-2.66.ebuild:
Marked ~hppa too.
*siege-2.66 (12 Sep 2007)
12 Sep 2007; Steev Klimaszewski <> +siege-2.66.ebuild:
New upstream release, various bugfixes. Permission from robbat2 to bump
since we use it at work.
19 Mar 2007; Bryan Østergaard <> metadata.xml:
Remove ka0ttic from metadata.xml due to retirement.
23 Jan 2007; Marius Mauch <> siege-2.60.ebuild,
siege-2.61-r1.ebuild, siege-2.64-r1.ebuild, siege-2.65.ebuild:
Replacing einfo with elog
*siege-2.65 (07 Jan 2007)
07 Jan 2007; Robin H. Johnson <> +siege-2.65.ebuild:
Version bump, fixes some segfaults on 64-bit.
13 Dec 2006; Charlie Shepherd <>
siege-2.60.ebuild, siege-2.61-r1.ebuild, siege-2.64-r1.ebuild:
Fix homepage; bug 154639; thanks to Sam Jacobson
23 Sep 2006; Daniel Black <> siege-2.61-r1.ebuild:
fixed automake dependency as per bug #148797 thanks Patrick Lauer
*siege-2.64-r1 (03 Nov 2005)
*siege-2.61-r1 (03 Nov 2005)
03 Nov 2005; Aaron Walker <> -siege-2.61.ebuild,
+siege-2.61-r1.ebuild, -siege-2.64.ebuild, +siege-2.64-r1.ebuild:
err forgot to bump revisions.
03 Nov 2005; Aaron Walker <> siege-2.60.ebuild,
siege-2.61.ebuild, siege-2.64.ebuild:
Add some sedfu to escape certain things in the siege.config script that get
interpreted by bash causing what should go in ${HOME}/.siegrc to go to
stderr instead, bug 111057.
*siege-2.64 (14 Oct 2005)
14 Oct 2005; Aaron Walker <> -siege-2.64_beta1.ebuild,
Version bump; tidy 2.64_beta1.
*siege-2.64_beta1 (08 Sep 2005)
08 Sep 2005; Aaron Walker <> siege-2.61.ebuild,
-siege-2.63_beta3.ebuild, +siege-2.64_beta1.ebuild:
Version bump; 2.61 stable on mips.
11 Aug 2005; Aaron Walker <> siege-2.61.ebuild,
Added ~mips.
*siege-2.63_beta3 (26 May 2005)
26 May 2005; Aaron Walker <> -siege-2.63_beta2.ebuild,
Version bump.
*siege-2.63_beta2 (01 May 2005)
01 May 2005; Aaron Walker <> -siege-2.63_beta1.ebuild,
Version bump.
*siege-2.63_beta1 (23 Apr 2005)
23 Apr 2005; Aaron Walker <> -siege-2.62_beta5.ebuild,
Version bump.
*siege-2.62_beta5 (09 Apr 2005)
09 Apr 2005; Aaron Walker <> +siege-2.62_beta5.ebuild:
Version bump.
27 Mar 2005; Michael Hanselmann <> siege-2.61.ebuild:
Stable on ppc.
26 Feb 2004; Konstantin Arkhipov <> siege-2.60.ebuild,
Added ~amd64 keyword.
28 Dec 2004; Ciaran McCreesh <> :
Change encoding to UTF-8 for GLEP 31 compliance
18 Dec 2004; Aaron Walker <> siege-2.61.ebuild:
Marked stable on x86.
21 Nov 2004; Aaron Walker <>
+files/siege.bash-completion, siege-2.60.ebuild, siege-2.61.ebuild:
Added command-line completion for siege.
*siege-2.61 (20 Nov 2004)
20 Nov 2004; Aaron Walker <> siege-2.60.ebuild,
+siege-2.61.ebuild, -siege-2.61_beta1.ebuild:
Version bump.
18 Nov 2004; Aaron Walker <>
+files/siege-2.60-gentoo.diff, -siege-2.59.ebuild, siege-2.60.ebuild,
Added patch to fix siegerc and urls.txt access violations instead of
einstall for bug 71558; removed 2.59 ebuild.
08 Oct 2004; Aaron Walker <> siege-2.60.ebuild:
Fix access violation (bug #66758)
*siege-2.61_beta1 (24 Sep 2004)
24 Sep 2004; Aaron Walker <> +siege-2.61_beta1.ebuild:
Version bump.
20 Sep 2004; Aaron Walker <>
-files/siege-gentoo_openssl.patch, -siege-2.55.ebuild, -siege-2.58.ebuild,
Cleaned up 2.60; removed old ebuilds/patch
18 Sep 2004; Aaron Walker <> siege-2.60.ebuild:
Versions <2.60 are pretty buggy (segfault often), so marking 2.60 stable on x86
17 Sep 2004; Aaron Walker <> +metadata.xml:
Added metadata.xml
18 Sep 2004; <> siege-2.60.ebuild:
marked stable ppc for KaOTTiC
*siege-2.60 (21 Aug 2004)
21 Aug 2004; Bryan Østergaard <> +siege-2.60.ebuild:
Version bump, requested by Ka0ttic.
25 Apr 2004; Aron Griffis <> siege-2.55.ebuild,
siege-2.58.ebuild, siege-2.59.ebuild:
Add die following econf for bug 48950
*siege-2.59 (22 Feb 2004)
22 Feb 2004; Markus Nigbur <> siege-2.58.ebuild,
Marked .58 stable on x86 and version bumped to .59
*siege-2.58-r1 22 Feb 2004
22 Feb 2004; <>
*siege-2.58 (23 Dec 2003)
*siege-2.55 (20 Jul 2002)