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# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/hprofile/hprofile-2.0_beta2.ebuild,v 1.3 2007/04/28 17:07:55 swegener Exp $
DESCRIPTION="Utility to manage hardware, network, power or other profiles"
KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
src_unpack() {
unpack ${A}
cd ${S}
for f in $(grep /usr/local * -rl) ; do
sed -i 's:/usr/local:/usr:g' ${f}
src_install() {
dosbin scripts/* || die "dosbin"
dodir /etc/hprofile
cp -r config/hprofile/* ${D}/etc/hprofile/ || die "cp"
doinitd extra/rc-scripts/gentoo/*
dodoc README
pkg_postinst() {
einfo "Example profiles have been installed into /etc/hprofile/example-profiles"
einfo "Initscripts have been been installed to /etc/init.d."
einfo "Scripts that should be run from the 'boot' runlevel:"
einfo " - hprofile (applies the 'boot' profile)"
einfo " - hprunlevel (switches to profile-specific runlevel)"
einfo "Scripts that should be run from your default runlevel:"
einfo " - net.profile (applies the current 'net' profile)"
einfo " - power-profile (applies the current 'power' profile)"
einfo "If you get an error message that 'hprunlevel' and 'local' have a"
einfo "circular dependency of type 'iafter', this is not a problem, since"
einfo "'hprunlevel' and 'local' are not started from the same runlevel"
einfo "Also note that the file /etc/runlevels/.critical has been created."
einfo "This file contains the 'critical' boot services; since hprofile"
einfo "should be started before modules (which is a critical service),"
einfo "it must be mentioned in this file."