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# ChangeLog for media-sound/kradio
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/kradio/ChangeLog,v 1.34 2012/08/31 11:09:17 johu Exp $
*kradio-4.0.6 (31 Aug 2012)
31 Aug 2012; Johannes Huber <> +kradio-4.0.6.ebuild:
Version bump.
16 May 2012; Tomáš Chvátal <>
-files/kradio-4.0.2-libav.patch, -kradio-4.0.2.ebuild, -kradio-4.0.3.ebuild:
*kradio-4.0.4 (22 Feb 2012)
22 Feb 2012; Johannes Huber <> +kradio-4.0.4.ebuild:
Version bump.
*kradio-4.0.3 (15 Feb 2012)
15 Feb 2012; Johannes Huber <> +kradio-4.0.3.ebuild:
Version bump.
01 Dec 2011; Andreas K. Huettel <> kradio-4.0.2.ebuild,
Add recent libav fix from sabayon / upstream, bug 392369
28 Oct 2011; Jonathan Callen <> kradio-4.0.2.ebuild:
Bump to EAPI=4
01 Oct 2011; Samuli Suominen <> kradio-4.0.2.ebuild:
Rename USE="v4l2" to USE="v4l" wrt #385241
26 Mar 2011; Tomáš Chvátal <> kradio-4.0.2.ebuild:
Depend on virtual/ffmpeg instead of media-video/ffmpeg.
02 Feb 2011; Theo Chatzimichos <> kradio-4.0.2.ebuild:
*kradio-4.0.2 (09 Jan 2011)
09 Jan 2011; Tomáš Chvátal <> -kradio-4.0.1.ebuild,
Version bump. Drop old.
*kradio-4.0.1 (03 Oct 2010)
03 Oct 2010; Tomáš Chvátal <> -kradio-4.0.0.ebuild,
Version bump. Drop older.
16 Jun 2010; Samuli Suominen <> kradio-4.0.0.ebuild:
Fix building with FFmpeg >= 0.6 wrt #324279 by Alexis Ballier.
*kradio-4.0.0 (02 Jun 2009)
02 Jun 2009; Tomas Chvatal <>
-kradio-4.0.0_rc4.ebuild, +kradio-4.0.0.ebuild:
Version bump.
30 May 2009; Tomáš Chvátal <>
Adjust ffmpeg dep to allow correct versions.
*kradio-4.0.0_rc4 (30 May 2009)
30 May 2009; Tomáš Chvátal <>
+kradio-4.0.0_rc4.ebuild, -kradio-20061112-r2.ebuild,
Version bump. Per bug #259704. Remove old broken snapshot. Note this means
removal of kde3 version and adding kde4 one.
*kradio-20061112-r2 (13 Feb 2009)
13 Feb 2009; Carsten Lohrke <>
+files/kradio-20061112-desktop-file.diff, +kradio-20061112-r2.ebuild:
Get rid of invalid aRts dependency. Fix desktop file.
05 May 2008; Samuli Suominen <>
+files/kradio-20061112-gcc43.patch, kradio-20061112-r1.ebuild:
Fix building with GCC 4.3 wrt #219875 by Martin Väth.
*kradio-20061112-r1 (30 Apr 2008)
30 Apr 2008; Patrick Kursawe <>
Fixes according to bug #218527
30 Apr 2008; Patrick Kursawe <>
-files/1.0b_beta3-includehints.patch, -kradio-1.0b_beta3.ebuild:
Removing obsolete versions. Leaving 0.3 here because of keywords missing in
later versions.
*kradio-20061112 (11 Feb 2008)
11 Feb 2008; Patrick Kursawe <>
kradio-0.3.0_alpha20041207.ebuild, kradio-1.0b_beta3.ebuild,
Version bump to latest available snapshot, see bug #154288
03 Feb 2007; Diego Pettenò <> ChangeLog:
Regenerate digest in Manifest2 format.
24 Apr 2006; Patrick Kursawe <>
+files/1.0b_beta3-includehints.patch, kradio-1.0b_beta3.ebuild:
Added a patch for bug #129168 (Qt bug)
21 Nov 2005; Patrick Kursawe <>
-kradio-1.0_beta1.ebuild, -kradio-1.0_beta3.ebuild,
Hard-disabling lirc plugin when lirc not in USE (bug #111609)
Removing obsolete versions
*kradio-1.0b_beta3 (05 Sep 2005)
05 Sep 2005; Patrick Kursawe <>
Adding 1.0beta3b as 1.0b_beta3
*kradio-1.0_beta3 (26 Aug 2005)
26 Aug 2005; Patrick Kursawe <> +kradio-1.0_beta3.ebuild:
Version bump - does no longer need unsermake, depends on arts if arts in USE
27 May 2005; Patrick Kursawe <> kradio-1.0_beta1.ebuild:
Updating DEPEND/RDEPEND because of trouble with older unsermake versions
*kradio-1.0_beta1 (24 May 2005)
24 May 2005; Patrick Kursawe <>
-kradio-0.3.0_alpha2.ebuild, +kradio-1.0_beta1.ebuild:
Version bump (bug #93682) - uses unsermake now, supports USE flags
arts, encode, ogg, vorbis.
*kradio-0.3.0_alpha20041207 (07 Dec 2004)
07 Dec 2004; Patrick Kursawe <>
+files/0.3.0_alpha20041207-gcc.patch, +kradio-0.3.0_alpha20041207.ebuild:
Made CVS snapshot and a little patch to get it through gcc 3.4 (bug #73336)
22 Nov 2004; Jeremy Huddleston <>
Added to ~sparc.
29 Jun 2004; Carsten Lohrke <> kradio-0.3.0_alpha2.ebuild:
QA: inherit kde-base -> inherit kde, need-kde after R/DEPEND
07 Mar 2004; root <> kradio-0.3.0_alpha2.ebuild:
Added a dependency on libsndfile, see Bug #36595. Also make use of the
USE-Flag lirc and depend on it if needed.
*kradio-0.3.0_alpha2 (12 Dec 2003)
12 Dec 2003; Patrick Kursawe <>
kradio-0.3.0_alpha2.ebuild, metadata.xml:
Initial import.