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# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
inherit vim-plugin
DESCRIPTION="vim plugin: dynamic filesystem and buffer explorer"
KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
RDEPEND="|| ( app-editors/vim[ruby] app-editors/gvim[ruby] )"
src_prepare() {
# There's good documentation included with the script, but it's not
# in a helpfile. Since there's rather too much information to include
# in a VIM_PLUGIN_HELPTEXT, we'll sed ourselves a help doc.
mkdir "${S}"/doc
sed -e '0,/"$/d' -e '/" GetLatest.\+$/,9999d' -e 's/^" \?//' \
-e "s/\(Name Of File: \)\([^.]\+\)\.vim/\1*\2.txt*/" \
plugin/lusty-explorer.vim > doc/lusty-explorer.txt