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# ChangeLog for app-admin/tenshi
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/tenshi/ChangeLog,v 1.73 2012/08/04 09:07:53 maksbotan Exp $
04 Aug 2012; Maxim Koltsov <> metadata.xml:
Use proper herd name in metadata.xml
08 Jun 2012; Markos Chandras <> metadata.xml:
Add Brian De Wolf <> as maintainer
*tenshi-0.14 (07 Jun 2012)
07 Jun 2012; Michael Weber <> +tenshi-0.14.ebuild:
Version bump (bug 420003 by Brian De Wolf)
31 May 2012; Zac Medico <> tenshi-0.12.ebuild:
inherit user for enewgroup and enewuser
09 May 2012; Agostino Sarubbo <> -tenshi-0.10-r3.ebuild:
Remove old
24 Mar 2012; Pawel Hajdan jr <> tenshi-0.12.ebuild:
x86 stable wrt bug #396759
18 Mar 2012; Raúl Porcel <> tenshi-0.10-r3.ebuild,
Drop sparc keywords
04 Mar 2012; Pacho Ramos <>
+files/tenshi-openrc-init-r1.patch, tenshi-0.12.ebuild:
Fix init.d script, bug 398987 by Adam James.
05 Feb 2012; Brent Baude <> tenshi-0.12.ebuild:
Marking tenshi-0.12 ppc for bug 396759
02 Feb 2012; Agostino Sarubbo <> tenshi-0.12.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #396759
*tenshi-0.12 (16 Jun 2011)
16 Jun 2011; Jeroen Roovers <>
files/tenshi-0.10-warn-logfile.patch, +tenshi-0.12.ebuild,
files/tenshi-create-mandir.patch, files/tenshi-openrc-init.patch,
Version bump. Clean up patches.
15 Oct 2010; Michael Weber <>
remove unused patch (wrt bug 340089 by jalan)
02 Jun 2010; Torsten Veller <> metadata.xml:
Remove hncaldwell from metadata.xml (#230778)
26 Oct 2009; Heath Caldwell <>
-tenshi-0.9.1-r1.ebuild, -tenshi-0.10.ebuild, -tenshi-0.10-r1.ebuild,
-tenshi-0.10-r2.ebuild, tenshi-0.10-r3.ebuild:
Added die if emake fails. Removed old versions.
01 Feb 2009; nixnut <> tenshi-0.10-r3.ebuild:
ppc stable #256858
01 Feb 2009; Markus Meier <> tenshi-0.10-r3.ebuild:
amd64/x86 stable, bug #256858
30 Jan 2009; Ferris McCormick <> tenshi-0.10-r3.ebuild:
Sparc stable, Bug #256858.
30 Jan 2009; Heath Caldwell <> tenshi-0.10-r3.ebuild:
Added postinst warning about making sure that monitored files are readable
by tenshi.
17 Dec 2008; Heath Caldwell <>
files/tenshi-0.10-warn-logfile.patch, tenshi-0.10-r3.ebuild:
Fixed tenshi-0.10-warn-logfile.patch to not error if there are fifos set
(Fixes bug #250403). Documentation location fix (Fixes bug #241254).
*tenshi-0.10-r3 (02 Dec 2008)
02 Dec 2008; Heath Caldwell <>
+files/tenshi-0.10-warn-logfile.patch, metadata.xml,
Add tenshi-0.10-r3 with solo-queue-escalation and warn-logfile patches
(fixes bug #243082)
*tenshi-0.10-r2 (11 Jun 2008)
11 Jun 2008; Markus Ullmann <>
+files/tenshi-remove-timezone-cache.patch, +tenshi-0.10-r2.ebuild:
(Proxy commit) Add patch to fix bug #217000
*tenshi-0.10-r1 (21 Apr 2008)
21 Apr 2008; Markus Ullmann <>
+files/tenshi-openrc-init.patch, +tenshi-0.10-r1.ebuild:
(Proxy commit) add tenshi-0.10-r1 with fix for bug #218042
12 Apr 2008; Tobias Scherbaum <> tenshi-0.10.ebuild:
Added ~ppc, bug #213713
03 Apr 2008; <> -tenshi-0.6.ebuild, -tenshi-0.7.ebuild,
-tenshi-0.8.ebuild, -tenshi-0.8-r1.ebuild, -tenshi-0.9.1.ebuild:
Drop old
27 Mar 2008; Markus Ullmann <> tenshi-0.10.ebuild:
Keyword ~sparc
27 Mar 2008; Markus Ullmann <> tenshi-0.9.1-r1.ebuild:
Stable on sparc
27 Mar 2008; Markus Ullmann <> tenshi-0.9.1-r1.ebuild:
CL and KEYWORDS tweak
27 Mar 2008; <> +files/tenshi-create-mandir.patch,
tenshi-0.9.1-r1.ebuild, tenshi-0.10.ebuild:
Synced Files from dev overlay
26 Mar 2008; Adam James <> tenshi-0.9.1-r1.ebuild,
tenshi-0.10.ebuild, +files/tenshi-create-mandir.patch:
Add Makefile patch to correct a harmless install error.
23 Mar 2008; nixnut <> tenshi-0.9.1-r1.ebuild:
Stable on ppc wrt bug 213813
21 Mar 2008; Markus Meier <> tenshi-0.9.1-r1.ebuild:
amd64/x86 stable, bug #213813
17 Mar 2008; Markus Ullmann <> tenshi-0.10.ebuild:
Works on x86
*tenshi-0.10 (17 Mar 2008)
17 Mar 2008; Markus Ullmann <> +tenshi-0.10.ebuild:
Another version bump and CL tweakage
*tenshi-0.9.1-r1 (17 Mar 2008)
17 Mar 2008; Markus Ullmann <>
Version bump, thanks to Adam James
14 Mar 2008; Adam James <> +tenshi-0.10.ebuild:
Version bump.
13 Mar 2008; Adam James <>
Fix for bug #212213.
11 Mar 2008; Markus Ullmann <> metadata.xml:
Taking over as proxy maintainer
*tenshi-0.9.1 (04 Oct 2007)
04 Oct 2007; Andrea Barisani <> -tenshi-0.9.ebuild,
Version bump, cleaning buggy one.
22 Sep 2007; Wulf C. Krueger <> tenshi-0.7.ebuild:
Marked stable on amd64 as per bug 189576.
*tenshi-0.9 (19 Sep 2007)
19 Sep 2007; Andrea Barisani <> +tenshi-0.9.ebuild:
Version bump.
*tenshi-0.8-r1 (10 Sep 2007)
10 Sep 2007; Andrea Barisani <> -tenshi-0.3.3.ebuild,
-tenshi-0.3.4.ebuild, -tenshi-0.4.ebuild, -tenshi-0.5.ebuild,
-tenshi-0.5.1.ebuild, +tenshi-0.8-r1.ebuild:
Cleanup and fix for bug #190055.
24 Aug 2007; Tobias Scherbaum <> tenshi-0.7.ebuild:
ppc stable, bug #189576
21 Aug 2007; Gustavo Zacarias <> tenshi-0.7.ebuild:
Stable on sparc wrt #189576
21 Aug 2007; Markus Ullmann <> tenshi-0.7.ebuild:
Stable on x86 wrt bug #189576
*tenshi-0.8 (20 Aug 2007)
20 Aug 2007; Andrea Barisani <> +tenshi-0.8.ebuild:
Version bump.
13 May 2007; Thilo Bangert <> metadata.xml:
add herd
28 Apr 2007; Torsten Veller <> tenshi-0.3.3.ebuild,
tenshi-0.3.4.ebuild, tenshi-0.4.ebuild, tenshi-0.5.ebuild,
tenshi-0.5.1.ebuild, tenshi-0.6.ebuild, tenshi-0.7.ebuild:
Fix *initd, *confd and *envd calls (#17388, #174266)
10 Apr 2007; Christian Faulhammer <> tenshi-0.6.ebuild:
stable amd64, bug 171685
03 Apr 2007; Gustavo Zacarias <> tenshi-0.6.ebuild:
Stable on sparc wrt #171685
24 Mar 2007; nixnut <> tenshi-0.6.ebuild:
Stable on ppc wrt bug 171685
21 Mar 2007; Raúl Porcel <> tenshi-0.6.ebuild:
x86 stable wrt bug 171685
*tenshi-0.7 (14 Mar 2007)
14 Mar 2007; Andrea Barisani <> +tenshi-0.7.ebuild:
Version bump.
24 Jan 2007; Marius Mauch <> tenshi-0.3.3.ebuild:
Replacing einfo with elog
*tenshi-0.6 (29 Sep 2006)
29 Sep 2006; Andrea Barisani <> +tenshi-0.6.ebuild:
Version bump.
*tenshi-0.5.1 (19 Jun 2006)
19 Jun 2006; Andrea Barisani <> +tenshi-0.5.1.ebuild:
Version bump.
*tenshi-0.5 (16 Jun 2006)
16 Jun 2006; Andrea Barisani <> +tenshi-0.5.ebuild:
Version bump.
12 Jun 2006; Simon Stelling <> tenshi-0.4.ebuild:
stable on amd64
11 Jun 2006; Jason Wever <> tenshi-0.4.ebuild:
Stable on SPARC wrt bug #135451.
06 Jun 2006; Tobias Scherbaum <> tenshi-0.4.ebuild:
ppc stable, bug #135451
03 Jun 2006; Andrea Barisani <> tenshi-0.4.ebuild:
Stable on x86.
27 Feb 2006; Patrick McLean <> tenshi-0.3.4.ebuild:
Stable on amd64.
*tenshi-0.4 (04 Jan 2006)
04 Jan 2006; Andrea Barisani <> +tenshi-0.4.ebuild:
version bump.
23 Aug 2005; Rob Holland <> tenshi-0.3.3.ebuild,
Avoid hard coding shell for enewuser for compatability with !linux.
16 Jul 2005; Andrea Barisani <> tenshi-0.3.4.ebuild:
stable on x86
16 Jun 2005; Rob Holland <> tenshi-0.3.3.ebuild:
stable on x86
*tenshi-0.3.4 (16 Jun 2005)
16 Jun 2005; Rob Holland <> +tenshi-0.3.4.ebuild:
version bump.
15 May 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> tenshi-0.3.3.ebuild:
Added ~amd64 keyword wrt bug #71740.
*tenshi-0.3.3 (18 Mar 2005)
18 Mar 2005; Rob Holland <> -tenshi-0.3.1.ebuild,
-tenshi-0.3.2.ebuild, +tenshi-0.3.3.ebuild, -tenshi-0.3.ebuild:
version bump. tidied old versions.
25 Jan 2005; Rob Holland <> tenshi-0.3.2.ebuild:
fix binary packages. per #77137. thanks to
*tenshi-0.3.2 (09 Nov 2004)
09 Nov 2004; Rob Holland <> +tenshi-0.3.2.ebuild:
version bump.
*tenshi-0.3.1 (21 Jul 2004)
21 Jul 2004; Rob Holland <> :
version bump
*tenshi-0.3 (15 Jul 2004)
15 Jul 2004; Rob Holland <> +tenshi-0.3.ebuild:
Initial commit of tenshi